If you are having trouble making payments right when you graduated from school then you should think about requesting a deferment or forbearance from your lender. Both of these can push back when you have to start making payments on your loans by typically six-month increments, and during this time period you are not required to make any payments at all. It is usually smarter to exhaust your deferment options before you request a forbearance because with a deferment the interest that accrues while you don't have to make any payments is not capitalized onto the principal of the loan like it is with a forbearance.
Once you have utilized all of your available forbearance and deferment time you should then not hesitate to consolidate all of your student loan debt with a refinance loan. This can make paying back your student loans much simpler and more convenient because you will only have to make a single payment each month instead of having to make multiple payments. If you don't want to take advantage of a consolidation loan then you may want to try and exercise any other payment options that your lender may make available. These include interest-only payments, income sensitive payments, and reduced payments. To get the student loan relief you need then you should take advantage of at least one of the aforementioned options if you want to make paying back your student loans a much less strenuous process.
By Christian Emerson
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