Monday 4 June 2012

Financial Literacy

Students often have problems in their lives that complicate things, whether that be daycare, work, family, or just not being able to afford the bills. Sometimes these problems aren't as complicated as one might think. Once in awhile, it's just a lifestyle choice. One way to know if your troubles are really what you think they are is to research through financial literacy.

Financial literacy is a broad term for many subjects that concern both students and parents of students. Some of the subjects are just basic financial aid awareness, life choices, FA resources, money management, and other topics. I have seen students (and friends even) who complain they have no money and cry, saying they are about to have the electricity shut off or the water turned off or the gas turned off, but then they pull out the newest iphone. It's choices like that which will impact your future for years to come, and it's best to recognize and understand them as early as possible.

One of the best sites for financial literacy that I've seen is located at . This is a website created by PHEAA, one of the servicer's currently handling federal Direct Loans. There is a section for borrowers and a section for parents. There is good information about financial aid in general to help you understand the terminology as well as the process itself. There is also information about repayment options, exit counseling, and money management.

I highly recommend you check it out!


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