Saturday, 6 September 2014

Student loan | Should Grandparents Co-Sign A 2nd Student Loan? Um, No ...

Student loan | Should Grandparents Co-Sign A 2nd <b>Student Loan</b>? Um, No <b>...</b>

Should Grandparents Co-Sign A 2nd <b>Student Loan</b>? Um, No <b>...</b>

Posted: 02 Sep 2014 05:00 PM PDT

/gi, s = /^(?:select|textarea)/i, h = /\s+/, br = /([?&])_=[^&]*/, M = /^([\w\+\.\-]+:)(?:\/\/([^\/?#:]*)(?::(\d+))?)?/, D = b.fn.load, Z = {}, t = {}, aC, u, aR = ["*/"] + ["*"]; try { aC = bk.href; } catch (au) { aC = at.createElement("a"); aC.href = ""; aC = aC.href; } u = M.exec(aC.toLowerCase()) || []; function f(e) { return function (bx, bz) { if (typeof bx !== "string") { bz = bx; bx = "*"; } if (b.isFunction(bz)) { var bw = bx.toLowerCase().split(h), bv = 0, by = bw.length, bu, bA, bB; for (; bv = 0) { var e = bv.slice(bx, bv.length); bv = bv.slice(0, bx); } var bw = "GET"; if (by) { if (b.isFunction(by)) { bz = by; by = N; } else { if (typeof by === "object") { by = b.param(by, b.ajaxSettings.traditional); bw = "POST"; } } } var bu = this; b.ajax({ url: bv, type: bw, dataType: "html", data: by, complete: function (bB, bA, bC) { bC = bB.responseText; if (bB.isResolved()) { bB.done(function (bD) { bC = bD; }); bu.html(e ? b("

").append(bC.replace(a5, "")).find(e) : bC); } if (bz) { bu.each(bz, [bC, bA, bB]); } } }); return this; }, serialize: function () { return b.param(this.serializeArray()); }, serializeArray: function () { return () { return this.elements ? b.makeArray(this.elements) : this; }).filter(function () { return && !this.disabled && (this.checked || s.test(this.nodeName) || aY.test(this.type)); }).map(function (e, bu) { var bv = b(this).val(); return bv == null ? null : b.isArray(bv) ?, function (bx, bw) { return { name:, value: bx.replace(bs, "\r\n") }; }) : { name:, value: bv.replace(bs, "\r\n") }; }).get(); } }); b.each("ajaxStart ajaxStop ajaxComplete ajaxError ajaxSuccess ajaxSend".split(" "), function (e, bu) { b.fn[bu] = function (bv) { return this.bind(bu, bv); }; }); b.each(["get", "post"], function (e, bu) { b[bu] = function (bv, bx, by, bw) { if (b.isFunction(bx)) { bw = bw || by; by = bx; bx = N; } return b.ajax({ type: bu, url: bv, data: bx, success: by, dataType: bw }); }; }); b.extend({ getScript: function (e, bu) { return b.get(e, N, bu, "script"); }, getJSON: function (e, bu, bv) { return b.get(e, bu, bv, "json"); }, ajaxSetup: function (bu, e) { if (e) { ak(bu, b.ajaxSettings); } else { e = bu; bu = b.ajaxSettings; } ak(bu, e); return bu; }, ajaxSettings: { url: aC, isLocal: aK.test(u[1]), global: true, type: "GET", contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", processData: true, async: true, accepts: { xml: "application/xml, text/xml", html: "text/html", text: "text/plain", json: "application/json, text/javascript", "*": aR }, contents: { xml: /xml/, html: /html/, json: /json/ }, responseFields: { xml: "responseXML", text: "responseText" }, converters: { "* text": ba.String, "text html": true, "text json": b.parseJSON, "text xml": b.parseXML }, flatOptions: { context: true, url: true} }, ajaxPrefilter: f(Z), ajaxTransport: f(t), ajax: function (by, bw) { if (typeof by === "object") { bw = by; by = N; } bw = bw || {}; var bC = b.ajaxSetup({}, bw), bR = bC.context || bC, bF = bR !== bC && (bR.nodeType || bR instanceof b) ? b(bR) : b.event, bQ = b.Deferred(), bM = b._Deferred(), bA = bC.statusCode || {}, bB, bG = {}, bN = {}, bP, bx, bK, bD, bH, bz = 0, bv, bJ, bI = { readyState: 0, setRequestHeader: function (bS, bT) { if (!bz) { var e = bS.toLowerCase(); bS = bN[e] = bN[e] || bS; bG[bS] = bT; } return this; }, getAllResponseHeaders: function () { return bz === 2 ? bP : null; }, getResponseHeader: function (bS) { var e; if (bz === 2) { if (!bx) { bx = {}; while ((e = aB.exec(bP))) { bx[e[1].toLowerCase()] = e[2]; } } e = bx[bS.toLowerCase()]; } return e === N ? null : e; }, overrideMimeType: function (e) { if (!bz) { bC.mimeType = e; } return this; }, abort: function (e) { e = e || "abort"; if (bK) { bK.abort(e); } bE(0, e); return this; } }; function bE(bY, bT, bZ, bV) { if (bz === 2) { return; } bz = 2; if (bD) { clearTimeout(bD); } bK = N; bP = bV || ""; bI.readyState = bY > 0 ? 4 : 0; var bS, b3, b2, bW = bT, bX = bZ ? bi(bC, bI, bZ) : N, bU, b1; if (bY >= 200 && bY 0) { bD = setTimeout(function () { bI.abort("timeout"); }, bC.timeout); } try { bz = 1; bK.send(bG, bE); } catch (bL) { if (bz = bu.duration + this.startTime) { = this.end; this.pos = this.state = 1; this.update(); bu.animatedProperties[this.prop] = true; for (bv in bu.animatedProperties) { if (bu.animatedProperties[bv] !== true) { e = false; } } if (e) { if (bu.overflow != null && ! { b.each(["", "X", "Y"], function (bB, bC) {["overflow" + bC] = bu.overflow[bB]; }); } if (bu.hide) { b(by).hide(); } if (bu.hide || { for (var bz in bu.animatedProperties) {, bz, bu.orig[bz]); } }; } return false; } else { if (bu.duration == Infinity) { = bw; } else { bA = bw - this.startTime; this.state = bA / bu.duration; this.pos = b.easing[bu.animatedProperties[this.prop]](this.state, bA, 0, 1, bu.duration); = this.start + ((this.end - this.start) * this.pos); } this.update(); } return true; } }; b.extend(b.fx, { tick: function () { for (var bu = b.timers, e = 0; e ").appendTo(e), bv = bu.css("display"); bu.remove(); if (bv === "none" || bv === "") { if (!a7) { a7 = at.createElement("iframe"); a7.frameBorder = a7.width = a7.height = 0; } e.appendChild(a7); if (!n || !a7.createElement) { n = (a7.contentWindow || a7.contentDocument).document; n.write((at.compatMode === "CSS1Compat" ? "" : "") + ""); n.close(); } bu = n.createElement(bw); n.body.appendChild(bu); bv = b.css(bu, "display"); e.removeChild(a7); } T[bw] = bv; } return T[bw]; } var W = /^t(?:able|d|h)$/i, ac = /^(?:body|html)$/i; if ("getBoundingClientRect" in at.documentElement) { b.fn.offset = function (bH) { var bx = this[0], bA; if (bH) { return this.each(function (e) { b.offset.setOffset(this, bH, e); }); } if (!bx || !bx.ownerDocument) { return null; } if (bx === bx.ownerDocument.body) { return b.offset.bodyOffset(bx); } try { bA = bx.getBoundingClientRect(); } catch (bE) { } var bG = bx.ownerDocument, bv = bG.documentElement; if (!bA || !b.contains(bv, bx)) { return bA ? { top:, left: bA.left} : { top: 0, left: 0 }; } var bB = bG.body, bC = aI(bG), bz = bv.clientTop || bB.clientTop || 0, bD = bv.clientLeft || bB.clientLeft || 0, bu = bC.pageYOffset || && bv.scrollTop || bB.scrollTop, by = bC.pageXOffset || && bv.scrollLeft || bB.scrollLeft, bF = + bu - bz, bw = bA.left + by - bD; return { top: bF, left: bw }; }; } else { b.fn.offset = function (bE) { var by = this[0]; if (bE) { return this.each(function (bF) { b.offset.setOffset(this, bE, bF); }); } if (!by || !by.ownerDocument) { return null; } if (by === by.ownerDocument.body) { return b.offset.bodyOffset(by); } b.offset.initialize(); var bB, bv = by.offsetParent, bu = by, bD = by.ownerDocument, bw = bD.documentElement, bz = bD.body, bA = bD.defaultView, e = bA ? bA.getComputedStyle(by, null) : by.currentStyle, bC = by.offsetTop, bx = by.offsetLeft; while ((by = by.parentNode) && by !== bz && by !== bw) { if (b.offset.supportsFixedPosition && e.position === "fixed") { break; } bB = bA ? bA.getComputedStyle(by, null) : by.currentStyle; bC -= by.scrollTop; bx -= by.scrollLeft; if (by === bv) { bC += by.offsetTop; bx += by.offsetLeft; if (b.offset.doesNotAddBorder && !(b.offset.doesAddBorderForTableAndCells && W.test(by.nodeName))) { bC += parseFloat(bB.borderTopWidth) || 0; bx += parseFloat(bB.borderLeftWidth) || 0; } bu = bv; bv = by.offsetParent; } if (b.offset.subtractsBorderForOverflowNotVisible && bB.overflow !== "visible") { bC += parseFloat(bB.borderTopWidth) || 0; bx += parseFloat(bB.borderLeftWidth) || 0; } e = bB; } if (e.position === "relative" || e.position === "static") { bC += bz.offsetTop; bx += bz.offsetLeft; } if (b.offset.supportsFixedPosition && e.position === "fixed") { bC += Math.max(bw.scrollTop, bz.scrollTop); bx += Math.max(bw.scrollLeft, bz.scrollLeft); } return { top: bC, left: bx }; }; } b.offset = { initialize: function () { var e = at.body, bu = at.createElement("div"), bx, bz, by, bA, bv = parseFloat(b.css(e, "marginTop")) || 0, bw = " "; b.extend(, { position: "absolute", top: 0, left: 0, margin: 0, border: 0, width: "1px", height: "1px", visibility: "hidden" }); bu.innerHTML = bw; e.insertBefore(bu, e.firstChild); bx = bu.firstChild; bz = bx.firstChild; bA = bx.nextSibling.firstChild.firstChild; this.doesNotAddBorder = (bz.offsetTop !== 5); this.doesAddBorderForTableAndCells = (bA.offsetTop === 5); = "fixed"; = "20px"; this.supportsFixedPosition = (bz.offsetTop === 20 || bz.offsetTop === 15); = = ""; = "hidden"; = "relative"; this.subtractsBorderForOverflowNotVisible = (bz.offsetTop === -5); this.doesNotIncludeMarginInBodyOffset = (e.offsetTop !== bv); e.removeChild(bu); b.offset.initialize = b.noop; }, bodyOffset: function (e) { var bv = e.offsetTop, bu = e.offsetLeft; b.offset.initialize(); if (b.offset.doesNotIncludeMarginInBodyOffset) { bv += parseFloat(b.css(e, "marginTop")) || 0; bu += parseFloat(b.css(e, "marginLeft")) || 0; } return { top: bv, left: bu }; }, setOffset: function (bw, bF, bz) { var bA = b.css(bw, "position"); if (bA === "static") { = "relative"; } var by = b(bw), bu = by.offset(), e = b.css(bw, "top"), bD = b.css(bw, "left"), bE = (bA === "absolute" || bA === "fixed") && b.inArray("auto", [e, bD]) > -1, bC = {}, bB = {}, bv, bx; if (bE) { bB = by.position(); bv =; bx = bB.left; } else { bv = parseFloat(e) || 0; bx = parseFloat(bD) || 0; } if (b.isFunction(bF)) { bF =, bz, bu); } if ( != null) { = ( - + bv; } if (bF.left != null) { bC.left = (bF.left - bu.left) + bx; } if ("using" in bF) {, bC); } else { by.css(bC); } } }; b.fn.extend({ position: function () { if (!this[0]) { return null; } var bv = this[0], bu = this.offsetParent(), bw = this.offset(), e = ac.test(bu[0].nodeName) ? { top: 0, left: 0} : bu.offset(); -= parseFloat(b.css(bv, "marginTop")) || 0; bw.left -= parseFloat(b.css(bv, "marginLeft")) || 0; += parseFloat(b.css(bu[0], "borderTopWidth")) || 0; e.left += parseFloat(b.css(bu[0], "borderLeftWidth")) || 0; return { top: -, left: bw.left - e.left }; }, offsetParent: function () { return () { var e = this.offsetParent || at.body; while (e && (!ac.test(e.nodeName) && b.css(e, "position") === "static")) { e = e.offsetParent; } return e; }); } }); b.each(["Left", "Top"], function (bu, e) { var bv = "scroll" + e; b.fn[bv] = function (by) { var bw, bx; if (by === N) { bw = this[0]; if (!bw) { return null; } bx = aI(bw); return bx ? ("pageXOffset" in bx) ? bx[bu ? "pageYOffset" : "pageXOffset"] : && bx.document.documentElement[bv] || bx.document.body[bv] : bw[bv]; } return this.each(function () { bx = aI(this); if (bx) { bx.scrollTo(!bu ? by : b(bx).scrollLeft(), bu ? by : b(bx).scrollTop()); } else { this[bv] = by; } }); }; }); function aI(e) { return b.isWindow(e) ? e : e.nodeType === 9 ? e.defaultView || e.parentWindow : false; } b.each(["Height", "Width"], function (bu, e) { var bv = e.toLowerCase(); b.fn["inner" + e] = function () { var bw = this[0]; return bw && ? parseFloat(b.css(bw, bv, "padding")) : null; }; b.fn["outer" + e] = function (bx) { var bw = this[0]; return bw && ? parseFloat(b.css(bw, bv, bx ? "margin" : "border")) : null; }; b.fn[bv] = function (by) { var bz = this[0]; if (!bz) { return by == null ? null : this; } if (b.isFunction(by)) { return this.each(function (bD) { var bC = b(this); bC[bv](, bD, bC[bv]())); }); } if (b.isWindow(bz)) { var bA = bz.document.documentElement["client" + e], bw = bz.document.body; return bz.document.compatMode === "CSS1Compat" && bA || bw && bw["client" + e] || bA; } else { if (bz.nodeType === 9) { return Math.max(bz.documentElement["client" + e], bz.body["scroll" + e], bz.documentElement["scroll" + e], bz.body["offset" + e], bz.documentElement["offset" + e]); } else { if (by === N) { var bB = b.css(bz, bv), bx = parseFloat(bB); return b.isNaN(bx) ? bB : bx; } else { return this.css(bv, typeof by === "string" ? by : by + "px"); } } } }; }); ba.jQuery = ba.$ = b; //})(window); /*! * jQuery UI 1.8.6 * * Copyright 2010, AUTHORS.txt ( * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses. * * * */ (function (a, c) { a.ui = a.ui || {}; if (a.ui.version) { return; } a.extend(a.ui, { version: "1.8.6", keyCode: { ALT: 18, BACKSPACE: 8, CAPS_LOCK: 20, COMMA: 188, COMMAND: 91, COMMAND_LEFT: 91, COMMAND_RIGHT: 93, CONTROL: 17, DELETE: 46, DOWN: 40, END: 35, ENTER: 13, ESCAPE: 27, HOME: 36, INSERT: 45, LEFT: 37, MENU: 93, NUMPAD_ADD: 107, NUMPAD_DECIMAL: 110, NUMPAD_DIVIDE: 111, NUMPAD_ENTER: 108, NUMPAD_MULTIPLY: 106, NUMPAD_SUBTRACT: 109, PAGE_DOWN: 34, PAGE_UP: 33, PERIOD: 190, RIGHT: 39, SHIFT: 16, SPACE: 32, TAB: 9, UP: 38, WINDOWS: 91} }); a.fn.extend({ _focus: a.fn.focus, focus: function (d, e) { return typeof d === "number" ? this.each(function () { var f = this; setTimeout(function () { a(f).focus(); if (e) {; } }, d); }) : this._focus.apply(this, arguments); }, scrollParent: function () { var d; if ((a.browser.msie && (/(static|relative)/).test(this.css("position"))) || (/absolute/).test(this.css("position"))) { d = this.parents().filter(function () { return (/(relative|absolute|fixed)/).test(a.curCSS(this, "position", 1)) && (/(auto|scroll)/).test(a.curCSS(this, "overflow", 1) + a.curCSS(this, "overflow-y", 1) + a.curCSS(this, "overflow-x", 1)); }).eq(0); } else { d = this.parents().filter(function () { return (/(auto|scroll)/).test(a.curCSS(this, "overflow", 1) + a.curCSS(this, "overflow-y", 1) + a.curCSS(this, "overflow-x", 1)); }).eq(0); } return (/fixed/).test(this.css("position")) || !d.length ? a(document) : d; }, zIndex: function (g) { if (g !== c) { return this.css("zIndex", g); } if (this.length) { var e = a(this[0]), d, f; while (e.length && e[0] !== document) { d = e.css("position"); if (d === "absolute" || d === "relative" || d === "fixed") { f = parseInt(e.css("zIndex"), 10); if (!isNaN(f) && f !== 0) { return f; } } e = e.parent(); } } return 0; }, disableSelection: function () { return this.bind(( ? "selectstart" : "mousedown") + ".ui-disableSelection", function (d) { d.preventDefault(); }); }, enableSelection: function () { return this.unbind(".ui-disableSelection"); } }); a.each(["Width", "Height"], function (f, d) { var e = d === "Width" ? ["Left", "Right"] : ["Top", "Bottom"], g = d.toLowerCase(), j = { innerWidth: a.fn.innerWidth, innerHeight: a.fn.innerHeight, outerWidth: a.fn.outerWidth, outerHeight: a.fn.outerHeight }; function h(m, l, k, n) { a.each(e, function () { l -= parseFloat(a.curCSS(m, "padding" + this, true)) || 0; if (k) { l -= parseFloat(a.curCSS(m, "border" + this + "Width", true)) || 0; } if (n) { l -= parseFloat(a.curCSS(m, "margin" + this, true)) || 0; } }); return l; } a.fn["inner" + d] = function (k) { if (k === c) { return j["inner" + d].call(this); } return this.each(function () { a(this).css(g, h(this, k) + "px"); }); }; a.fn["outer" + d] = function (k, l) { if (typeof k !== "number") { return j["outer" + d].call(this, k); } return this.each(function () { a(this).css(g, h(this, k, true, l) + "px"); }); }; }); function b(d) { return !a(d).parents().andSelf().filter(function () { return a.curCSS(this, "visibility") === "hidden" || a.expr.filters.hidden(this); }).length; } a.extend(a.expr[":"], { data: function (f, e, d) { return !!, d[3]); }, focusable: function (f) { var j = f.nodeName.toLowerCase(), d = a.attr(f, "tabindex"); if ("area" === j) { var h = f.parentNode, g =, e; if (!f.href || !g || h.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "map") { return false; } e = a("img[usemap=#" + g + "]")[0]; return !!e && b(e); } return (/input|select|textarea|button|object/.test(j) ? !f.disabled : "a" == j ? f.href || !isNaN(d) : !isNaN(d)) && b(f); }, tabbable: function (e) { var d = a.attr(e, "tabindex"); return (isNaN(d) || d >= 0) && a(e).is(":focusable"); } }); a(function () { var d = document.body, e = d.appendChild(e = document.createElement("div")); a.extend(, { minHeight: "100px", height: "auto", padding: 0, borderWidth: 0 }); = e.offsetHeight === 100; = "onselectstart" in e; d.removeChild(e).style.display = "none"; }); a.extend(a.ui, { plugin: { add: function (e, f, h) { var g = a.ui[e].prototype; for (var d in h) { g.plugins[d] = g.plugins[d] || []; g.plugins[d].push([f, h[d]]); } }, call: function (d, f, e) { var h = d.plugins[f]; if (!h || !d.element[0].parentNode) { return; } for (var g = 0; g 0) { return true; } g[d] = 1; f = (g[d] > 0); g[d] = 0; return f; }, isOverAxis: function (e, d, f) { return (e > d) && (e = 9) && !c.button) { return this._mouseUp(c); } if (this._mouseStarted) { this._mouseDrag(c); return c.preventDefault(); } if (this._mouseDistanceMet(c) && this._mouseDelayMet(c)) { this._mouseStarted = (this._mouseStart(this._mouseDownEvent, c) !== false); (this._mouseStarted ? this._mouseDrag(c) : this._mouseUp(c)); } return !this._mouseStarted; }, _mouseUp: function (c) { a(document).unbind("mousemove." + this.widgetName, this._mouseMoveDelegate).unbind("mouseup." + this.widgetName, this._mouseUpDelegate); if (this._mouseStarted) { this._mouseStarted = false; this._preventClickEvent = ( ==; this._mouseStop(c); } return false; }, _mouseDistanceMet: function (c) { return (Math.max(Math.abs(this._mouseDownEvent.pageX - c.pageX), Math.abs(this._mouseDownEvent.pageY - c.pageY)) >= this.options.distance); }, _mouseDelayMet: function (c) { return this.mouseDelayMet; }, _mouseStart: function (c) { }, _mouseDrag: function (c) { }, _mouseStop: function (c) { }, _mouseCapture: function (c) { return true; } }); })(jQuery); (function (f, g) { f.ui = f.ui || {}; var d = /left|center|right/, e = /top|center|bottom/, a = "center", b = f.fn.position, c = f.fn.offset; f.fn.position = function (j) { if (!j || !j.of) { return b.apply(this, arguments); } j = f.extend({}, j); var n = f(j.of), m = n[0], q = (j.collision || "flip").split(" "), o = j.offset ? j.offset.split(" ") : [0, 0], l, h, k; if (m.nodeType === 9) { l = n.width(); h = n.height(); k = { top: 0, left: 0 }; } else { if (m.setTimeout) { l = n.width(); h = n.height(); k = { top: n.scrollTop(), left: n.scrollLeft() }; } else { if (m.preventDefault) { = "left top"; l = h = 0; k = { top: j.of.pageY, left: j.of.pageX }; } else { l = n.outerWidth(); h = n.outerHeight(); k = n.offset(); } } } f.each(["my", "at"], function () { var r = (j[this] || "").split(" "); if (r.length === 1) { r = d.test(r[0]) ? r.concat([a]) : e.test(r[0]) ? [a].concat(r) : [a, a]; } r[0] = d.test(r[0]) ? r[0] : a; r[1] = e.test(r[1]) ? r[1] : a; j[this] = r; }); if (q.length === 1) { q[1] = q[0]; } o[0] = parseInt(o[0], 10) || 0; if (o.length === 1) { o[1] = o[0]; } o[1] = parseInt(o[1], 10) || 0; if ([0] === "right") { k.left += l; } else { if ([0] === a) { k.left += l / 2; } } if ([1] === "bottom") { += h; } else { if ([1] === a) { += h / 2; } } k.left += o[0]; += o[1]; return this.each(function () { var u = f(this), w = u.outerWidth(), t = u.outerHeight(), v = parseInt(f.curCSS(this, "marginLeft", true)) || 0, s = parseInt(f.curCSS(this, "marginTop", true)) || 0, z = w + v + parseInt(f.curCSS(this, "marginRight", true)) || 0, A = t + s + parseInt(f.curCSS(this, "marginBottom", true)) || 0, y = f.extend({}, k), r; if ([0] === "right") { y.left -= w; } else { if ([0] === a) { y.left -= w / 2; } } if ([1] === "bottom") { -= t; } else { if ([1] === a) { -= t / 2; } } y.left = parseInt(y.left); = parseInt(; r = { left: y.left - v, top: - s }; f.each(["left", "top"], function (C, B) { if (f.ui.position[q[C]]) { f.ui.position[q[C]][B](y, { targetWidth: l, targetHeight: h, elemWidth: w, elemHeight: t, collisionPosition: r, collisionWidth: z, collisionHeight: A, offset: o, my:, at: }); } }); if (f.fn.bgiframe) { u.bgiframe(); } u.offset(f.extend(y, { using: j.using })); }); }; f.ui.position = { fit: { left: function (h, j) { var l = f(window), k = j.collisionPosition.left + j.collisionWidth - l.width() - l.scrollLeft(); h.left = k > 0 ? h.left - k : Math.max(h.left - j.collisionPosition.left, h.left); }, top: function (h, j) { var l = f(window), k = + j.collisionHeight - l.height() - l.scrollTop(); = k > 0 ? - k : Math.max( -,; } }, flip: { left: function (j, l) { if ([0] === a) { return; } var n = f(window), m = l.collisionPosition.left + l.collisionWidth - n.width() - n.scrollLeft(), h =[0] === "left" ? -l.elemWidth :[0] === "right" ? l.elemWidth : 0, k =[0] === "left" ? l.targetWidth : -l.targetWidth, o = -2 * l.offset[0]; j.left += l.collisionPosition.left 0 ? h + k + o : 0; }, top: function (j, l) { if ([1] === a) { return; } var n = f(window), m = + l.collisionHeight - n.height() - n.scrollTop(), h =[1] === "top" ? -l.elemHeight :[1] === "bottom" ? l.elemHeight : 0, k =[1] === "top" ? l.targetHeight : -l.targetHeight, o = -2 * l.offset[1]; += 0 ? h + k + o : 0; } } }; if (!f.offset.setOffset) { f.offset.setOffset = function (m, j) { if (/static/.test(f.curCSS(m, "position"))) { = "relative"; } var l = f(m), o = l.offset(), h = parseInt(f.curCSS(m, "top", true), 10) || 0, n = parseInt(f.curCSS(m, "left", true), 10) || 0, k = { top: ( - + h, left: (j.left - o.left) + n }; if ("using" in j) {, k); } else { l.css(k); } }; f.fn.offset = function (h) { var j = this[0]; if (!j || !j.ownerDocument) { return null; } if (h) { return this.each(function () { f.offset.setOffset(this, h); }); } return; }; } } (jQuery)); jQuery.effects || (function (h, e) { h.effects = {}; h.each(["backgroundColor", "borderBottomColor", "borderLeftColor", "borderRightColor", "borderTopColor", "borderColor", "color", "outlineColor"], function (o, n) { h.fx.step[n] = function (q) { if (!q.colorInit) { q.start = m(q.elem, n); q.end = k(q.end); q.colorInit = true; }[n] = "rgb(" + Math.max(Math.min(parseInt((q.pos * (q.end[0] - q.start[0])) + q.start[0], 10), 255), 0) + "," + Math.max(Math.min(parseInt((q.pos * (q.end[1] - q.start[1])) + q.start[1], 10), 255), 0) + "," + Math.max(Math.min(parseInt((q.pos * (q.end[2] - q.start[2])) + q.start[2], 10), 255), 0) + ")"; }; }); function k(o) { var n; if (o && o.constructor == Array && o.length == 3) { return o; } if (n = /rgb\(\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*\)/.exec(o)) { return [parseInt(n[1], 10), parseInt(n[2], 10), parseInt(n[3], 10)]; } if (n = /rgb\(\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*\)/.exec(o)) { return [parseFloat(n[1]) * 2.55, parseFloat(n[2]) * 2.55, parseFloat(n[3]) * 2.55]; } if (n = /#([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})/.exec(o)) { return [parseInt(n[1], 16), parseInt(n[2], 16), parseInt(n[3], 16)]; } if (n = /#([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9])/.exec(o)) { return [parseInt(n[1] + n[1], 16), parseInt(n[2] + n[2], 16), parseInt(n[3] + n[3], 16)]; } if (n = /rgba\(0, 0, 0, 0\)/.exec(o)) { return a.transparent; } return a[h.trim(o).toLowerCase()]; } function m(q, n) { var o; do { o = h.curCSS(q, n); if (o != "" && o != "transparent" || h.nodeName(q, "body")) { break; } n = "backgroundColor"; } while (q = q.parentNode); return k(o); } var a = { aqua: [0, 255, 255], azure: [240, 255, 255], beige: [245, 245, 220], black: [0, 0, 0], blue: [0, 0, 255], brown: [165, 42, 42], cyan: [0, 255, 255], darkblue: [0, 0, 139], darkcyan: [0, 139, 139], darkgrey: [169, 169, 169], darkgreen: [0, 100, 0], darkkhaki: [189, 183, 107], darkmagenta: [139, 0, 139], darkolivegreen: [85, 107, 47], darkorange: [255, 140, 0], darkorchid: [153, 50, 204], darkred: [139, 0, 0], darksalmon: [233, 150, 122], darkviolet: [148, 0, 211], fuchsia: [255, 0, 255], gold: [255, 215, 0], green: [0, 128, 0], indigo: [75, 0, 130], khaki: [240, 230, 140], lightblue: [173, 216, 230], lightcyan: [224, 255, 255], lightgreen: [144, 238, 144], lightgrey: [211, 211, 211], lightpink: [255, 182, 193], lightyellow: [255, 255, 224], lime: [0, 255, 0], magenta: [255, 0, 255], maroon: [128, 0, 0], navy: [0, 0, 128], olive: [128, 128, 0], orange: [255, 165, 0], pink: [255, 192, 203], purple: [128, 0, 128], violet: [128, 0, 128], red: [255, 0, 0], silver: [192, 192, 192], white: [255, 255, 255], yellow: [255, 255, 0], transparent: [255, 255, 255] }; var f = ["add", "remove", "toggle"], c = { border: 1, borderBottom: 1, borderColor: 1, borderLeft: 1, borderRight: 1, borderTop: 1, borderWidth: 1, margin: 1, padding: 1 }; function g() { var r = document.defaultView ? document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(this, null) : this.currentStyle, s = {}, o, q; if (r && r.length && r[0] && r[r[0]]) { var n = r.length; while (n--) { o = r[n]; if (typeof r[o] == "string") { q = o.replace(/\-(\w)/g, function (t, u) { return u.toUpperCase(); }); s[q] = r[o]; } } } else { for (o in r) { if (typeof r[o] === "string") { s[o] = r[o]; } } } return s; } function b(o) { var n, q; for (n in o) { q = o[n]; if (q == null || h.isFunction(q) || n in c || (/scrollbar/).test(n) || (!(/color/i).test(n) && isNaN(parseFloat(q)))) { delete o[n]; } } return o; } function j(n, q) { var r = { _: 0 }, o; for (o in q) { if (n[o] != q[o]) { r[o] = q[o]; } } return r; } h.effects.animateClass = function (n, o, r, q) { if (h.isFunction(r)) { q = r; r = null; } return this.each(function () { var v = h(this), s = v.attr("style") || " ", w = b(, u, t = v.attr("className"); h.each(f, function (y, z) { if (n[z]) { v[z + "Class"](n[z]); } }); u = b(; v.attr("className", t); v.animate(j(w, u), o, r, function () { h.each(f, function (y, z) { if (n[z]) { v[z + "Class"](n[z]); } }); if (typeof v.attr("style") == "object") { v.attr("style").cssText = ""; v.attr("style").cssText = s; } else { v.attr("style", s); } if (q) { q.apply(this, arguments); } }); }); }; h.fn.extend({ _addClass: h.fn.addClass, addClass: function (o, n, r, q) { return n ? h.effects.animateClass.apply(this, [{ add: o }, n, r, q]) : this._addClass(o); }, _removeClass: h.fn.removeClass, removeClass: function (o, n, r, q) { return n ? h.effects.animateClass.apply(this, [{ remove: o }, n, r, q]) : this._removeClass(o); }, _toggleClass: h.fn.toggleClass, toggleClass: function (q, o, n, s, r) { if (typeof o == "boolean" || o === e) { if (!n) { return this._toggleClass(q, o); } else { return h.effects.animateClass.apply(this, [(o ? { add: q} : { remove: q }), n, s, r]); } } else { return h.effects.animateClass.apply(this, [{ toggle: q }, o, n, s]); } }, switchClass: function (n, q, o, s, r) { return h.effects.animateClass.apply(this, [{ add: q, remove: n }, o, s, r]); } }); h.extend(h.effects, { version: "1.8.6", save: function (o, q) { for (var n = 0; n 0) { q[s] = unit[0] * n + unit[1]; } }); return q; } }); function d(o, n, q, r) { if (typeof o == "object") { r = n; q = null; n = o; o = n.effect; } if (h.isFunction(n)) { r = n; q = null; n = {}; } if (typeof n == "number" || h.fx.speeds[n]) { r = q; q = n; n = {}; } if (h.isFunction(q)) { r = q; q = null; } n = n || {}; q = q || n.duration; q = ? 0 : typeof q == "number" ? q : h.fx.speeds[q] || h.fx.speeds._default; r = r || n.complete; return [o, n, q, r]; } function l(n) { if (!n || typeof n === "number" || h.fx.speeds[n]) { return true; } if (typeof n === "string" && !h.effects[n]) { return true; } return false; } h.fn.extend({ effect: function (r, q, t, v) { var o = d.apply(this, arguments), s = { options: o[1], duration: o[2], callback: o[3] }, u = s.options.mode, n = h.effects[r]; if ( || !n) { if (u) { return this[u](s.duration, s.callback); } else { return this.each(function () { if (s.callback) {; } }); } } return, s); }, _show:, show: function (o) { if (l(o)) { return this._show.apply(this, arguments); } else { var n = d.apply(this, arguments); n[1].mode = "show"; return this.effect.apply(this, n); } }, _hide: h.fn.hide, hide: function (o) { if (l(o)) { return this._hide.apply(this, arguments); } else { var n = d.apply(this, arguments); n[1].mode = "hide"; return this.effect.apply(this, n); } }, __toggle: h.fn.toggle, toggle: function (o) { if (l(o) || typeof o === "boolean" || h.isFunction(o)) { return this.__toggle.apply(this, arguments); } else { var n = d.apply(this, arguments); n[1].mode = "toggle"; return this.effect.apply(this, n); } }, cssUnit: function (n) { var o = this.css(n), q = []; h.each(["em", "px", "%", "pt"], function (r, s) { if (o.indexOf(s) > 0) { q = [parseFloat(o), s]; } }); return q; } }); h.easing.jswing = h.easing.swing; h.extend(h.easing, { def: "easeOutQuad", swing: function (o, q, n, s, r) { return h.easing[h.easing.def](o, q, n, s, r); }, easeInQuad: function (o, q, n, s, r) { return s * (q /= r) * q + n; }, easeOutQuad: function (o, q, n, s, r) { return -s * (q /= r) * (q - 2) + n; }, easeInOutQuad: function (o, q, n, s, r) { if ((q /= r / 2) ').appendTo(v)[0]); } } B.appendTo("body"); D.attachEvent ? D.attachEvent("onload", z) : D.addEventListener("load", z, false); v.submit(); } finally { r.attr("action", F); H ? r.attr("target", H) : r.removeAttr("target"); b(G).remove(); } }, 10); function z() { if (q++) { return; } D.detachEvent ? D.detachEvent("onload", z) : D.removeEventListener("load", z, false); var F = 0; var G = true; try { if (y) { throw "timeout"; } var H, J; J = D.contentWindow ? D.contentWindow.document : D.contentDocument ? D.contentDocument : D.document; if (J.body == null && !F && b.browser.opera) { F = 1; q--; setTimeout(z, 100); return; } E.responseText = J.body ? J.body.innerHTML : null; E.responseXML = J.XMLDocument ? J.XMLDocument : J; E.getResponseHeader = function (L) { var K = { "content-type": t.dataType }; return K[L]; }; if (t.dataType == "json" || t.dataType == "script") { var n = J.getElementsByTagName("textarea")[0]; E.responseText = n ? n.value : E.responseText; } else { if (t.dataType == "xml" && !E.responseXML && E.responseText != null) { E.responseXML = A(E.responseText); } } H = b.httpData(E, t.dataType); } catch (I) { G = false; b.handleError(t, E, "error", I); } if (G) { t.success(H, "success"); if (C) { b.event.trigger("ajaxSuccess", [E, t]); } } if (C) { b.event.trigger("ajaxComplete", [E, t]); } if (C && ! { b.event.trigger("ajaxStop"); } if (t.complete) { t.complete(E, G ? "success" : "error"); } setTimeout(function () { B.remove(); E.responseXML = null; }, 100); } function A(n, F) { if (window.ActiveXObject) { F = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); F.async = "false"; F.loadXML(n); } else { F = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(n, "text/xml"); } return (F && F.documentElement && F.documentElement.tagName != "parsererror") ? F : null; } } }; b.fn.ajaxForm = function (c) { return this.ajaxFormUnbind().bind("submit.form-plugin", function () { b(this).ajaxSubmit(c); return false; }).each(function () { b(":submit,input:image", this).bind("click.form-plugin", function (f) { var d = this.form; d.clk = this; if (this.type == "image") { if (f.offsetX != undefined) { d.clk_x = f.offsetX; d.clk_y = f.offsetY; } else { if (typeof b.fn.offset == "function") { var g = b(this).offset(); d.clk_x = f.pageX - g.left; d.clk_y = f.pageY -; } else { d.clk_x = f.pageX - this.offsetLeft; d.clk_y = f.pageY - this.offsetTop; } } } setTimeout(function () { d.clk = d.clk_x = d.clk_y = null; }, 10); }); }); }; b.fn.ajaxFormUnbind = function () { this.unbind("submit.form-plugin"); return this.each(function () { b(":submit,input:image", this).unbind("click.form-plugin"); }); }; b.fn.formToArray = function (r) { var q = []; if (this.length == 0) { return q; } var d = this[0]; var h = r ? d.getElementsByTagName("*") : d.elements; if (!h) { return q; } for (var k = 0, m = h.length; k maxSub) { jQuery("#subusub").show().html("Based on your status, your Subsidized Stafford borrowing limit is " + addCommas(maxSub) + ".
"); c = false; } else { if (d > iAmt || a > iAmt) { jQuery("#subusub").show().html("The total of your Subsidized and Unsubsidized cannot exceed your Stafford total " + addCommas(iAmt) + ".
"); c = false; } } if (c) { sub = a; usub = d; setAmounts(); } else { e.value = iSub; b.value = iUsub; } } function removeCommas(e) { e += ""; var b = ""; var a = e.split(","); for (var d = 0; d 1 ? "." + x[1] : ""; var a = /(\d+)(\d{3})/; while (a.test(x1)) { x1 = x1.replace(a, "$1,$2"); } ret = x1 + x2; return ret.split(".")[0]; } var seld = null; var stateCtl = null; var schoolCtl = null; var certifiedOnly = null; function stChange(b) { try { _stChange(b); } catch (a) { noRO(); } } function _stChange(b) { stateCtl = document.forms[b]; schoolCtl = document.forms[b].elements.scl; var a = stateCtl.value; if (a != "") { jQuery.ajax({ url: "/ajax_school?action=state_change&state=" + a, type: "GET", dataType: "text", timeout: 20000, cache: false, error: function () { noRO(); }, success: function (c) { schoolResponse(c); } }); } else { schoolCtl.length = 0; schoolCtl.disabled = true; } } function noRO() { schoolCtl.length = 0; schoolCtl.options[0] = new Option("Other/Not Listed", "15000"); schoolCtl.disabled = false; } function schoolResponse(b) { certifiedOnly = new Array(); var d = new Array(); var c = null; schoolCtl.length = 0; other = new Option("Other/Not Listed", "15000"); if ("15000" == seld) { other.selected = true; } schoolCtl.disabled = false; schoolCtl.focus(); d = b.split("|"); for (i = 0; i = 3) { a = d.length / 3; } schoolCtl.options[a] = other; schoolCtl.disabled = false; schoolCtl.focus(); } if (!root_path) { root_path = "/"; } if (root_path == "") { root_path = "/"; } var stSrc = root_path + "school_ac"; var stSchema = ["ResultSet.Result", "Name", "HLName", "State", "hnd", "CQName"]; var stDataSource = null; var acForm = "searchForm"; var stAutoComp = null; var acList = {}; function saveAC(b) { var a = {}; a.form = acForm; = stAutoComp; acList[b] = a; } function switchAC(a) { var b = acList[a]; if (typeof (b) == "undefined" || b == null) { return; } acForm = b.form; stAutoComp =; } function initYahoo() { if (typeof (YAHOO) == "undefined") { return; } if (stDataSource != null) { return; } var a = ""; if (typeof st_site != "undefined" && st_site != "") { a = "&brnd=" + st_site; } stDataSource = new YAHOO.widget.DS_ScriptNode(stSrc + "?output=json" + a, stSchema); YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.formatResult = function (b, e) { var c = b[1]; var d = b[2]; if (c) { return c + "
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10 : c; stAutoComp.animVert = true; stAutoComp.useIFrame = true; } function clearSchool() { var a = jQuery("#stInput"); var b = a.attr("js_hint"); if (b === undefined || b == "") { b = "Enter your school name"; } if (a.val().indexOf(b) > -1) { a.removeClass("field_hint"); a.val(""); } } function repopSchool() { var a = jQuery("#stInput"); if (a.val() == "") { var b = a.attr("js_hint"); if (b === undefined) { b = "Enter your school name"; } a.addClass("field_hint"); a.val(b); var c = document.getElementById("scl"); c.value = null; } } function validate(a) { var b = true; if (a == "required") { jQuery(".required").each(function () { var c = jQuery(this); c.removeClass("error"); if (jQuery.trim(c.val()) == "" || jQuery.trim(c.val()) == jQuery.trim(c.attr("fieldhint"))) { c.addClass("error"); b = false; } }); } if (a == "validate-email") { jQuery(".validate-email").each(function () { var d = jQuery(this); d.removeClass("error"); var c = jQuery.trim(d.val()); if (c == "" || c == jQuery.trim(d.attr("fieldhint")) || !isValidEmailAddress(c)) { d.addClass("error"); b = false; } }); } return b; } function isValidEmailAddress(b) { var a = new RegExp(/^(("[\w-\s]+")|([\w-]+(?:\.[\w-]+)*)|("[\w-\s]+")([\w-]+(?:\.[\w-]+)*))(@((?:[\w-]+\.)*\w[\w-]{0,66})\.([a-z]{2,6}(?:\.[a-z]{2})?)$)|(@\[?((25[0-5]\.|2[0-4][0-9]\.|1[0-9]{2}\.|[0-9]{1,2}\.))((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|[0-9]{1,2})\.){2}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|[0-9]{1,2})\]?$)/i); return a.test(b); } function updateEmailMsg(e) { var b = jQuery('form[name="' + acForm + '"] #send_info_label'); var c = e[4]; if (!c) { c = e[0]; } var a = e[3]; var d = "Send loan results and other ways to save"; if (a && a != "15000") { jQuery(b).html(d + " for " + c); } else { jQuery(b).html(d); } } function clearEmailMsg() { var a = jQuery('form[name="' + acForm + '"] #send_info_label'); var b = "Send loan results and other ways to save"; jQuery(a).html(b); } function setError(b, a) { jQuery("#" + b + "Err").html(a); jQuery("#" + b + "FS").addClass("error"); } function clearError(a) { jQuery("#" + a + "Err").html(""); jQuery("#" + a + "FS").removeClass("error"); } function hasError(b, c) { for (i = 0; i a").click(function (a) { a.preventDefault(); jQuery(this).toggleClass("active").next("ul").toggleClass("active"); }); }); function initFacebookWidgets() { var d = jQuery("#js_fb_like_button"); if (d.length) { var c = jQuery("body").hasClass("pay-for-college"); var b = "" + (c ? 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New Search", "Continue"); jQuery("#bud").fadeTo("slow", 1); } function partnerBudCallback(a, b) { if (a.results.status == "NO_SEARCH_PARAMS") { partnerBudError(a, b); } jQuery("#bud").html(a.results.bud); } function budSort(b, c, a) { log_search_mode = "sort"; partnerBud("sort=" + b + c); gaResultsSort(b); } function set_tab_to(b, a) { document.forms[b].tab.value = a; } var vnf2OK = false; jQuery(document).ready(function () { try { setupDate("gradDate"); } catch (a) { consoleLog(a); } try { setupDate("initialDisbursement"); } catch (a) { consoleLog(a); } setupFieldEvents(); }); function setupFieldEvents() { jQuery("fieldset.formFS input").each(function () { var a = jQuery(this).attr("type"); if (a == "text") { jQuery(this).keyup(function () { if (jQuery(this).val() != "") { removeErrorClass(jQuery(this).attr("name")); } }); } else { if (a == "radio") { jQuery(this).change(function () { removeErrorClass(jQuery(this).attr("name")); }); } } }); jQuery("fieldset.formFS select").each(function () { jQuery(this).change(function () { removeErrorClass(jQuery(this).attr("name")); }); }); } function removeErrorClass(a) { jQuery("fieldset#" + a + "FS").removeClass("error"); } function setupDate(d) { var b = new Date(); var e = b.getMonth(); var a = 0; mthSelect = "select[name=" + d + "].A option"; jQuery(mthSelect).each(function () { if (e == a) { jQuery(this).attr("selected", "selected"); } a++; }); var c = b.getFullYear(); yrSelect = "select[name=" + d + "].D option"; jQuery(yrSelect).each(function () { if (c == jQuery(this).val()) { jQuery(this).attr("selected", "selected"); } }); } function validate_newloan_form2(d, c) { try { var a = jQuery("#" + + "&flds=" + c; if (st_site != null) { a += "&brnd=" + st_site; } callJSON({ url: "lp_validation?callback=?", data: a, async: false, success: vnf2Callback, error: vnf2Error }); return vnf2OK == true; } catch (b) { stFailure("landing_validation err:" + b); return true; } } function validate_newloan_form3(d, c) { try { var a = jQuery("#" + + "&flds=" + c; if (st_site != null) { a += "&brnd=" + st_site; } callJSON({ url: "lp_validation_submit?callback=?", data: a, async: false, success: vnf2Callback, error: vnf2Error }); return vnf2OK == true; } catch (b) { stFailure("landing_validation err:" + b); return true; } } function vnf2Callback(a, b) { if (a.form.status == "valid") { vnf2OK = true; } else { vnf2OK = "invalid"; jQuery(".formFS").removeClass("error"); jQuery(".form-row").removeClass("error"); var c = a.form.errors; for (err in c) { jQuery("#" + c[err].field + "FS").addClass("error"); jQuery("#" + c[err].field + "-row").addClass("error"); } } } function vnf2Error() { consoleLog("ERROR"); } function showOVG(e) { var c = "Some required information is missing or not valid.

"; var b = flds.split(","); if (getError("school", e) != "") { c += "Enter your school name.
"; } for (var a = 0; a < b.length; ++a) { var d = getError(b[a], e); if (d != "") { c += d + "
"; } } ovgLyt(c); } function getError(c, d) { for (var b = 0; b < d.length; ++b) { var a = d[b]; if (a.field == c) { return a.error; } } return ""; } function validate_newloan_form() { valid = true; msg = ""; if (document.newloan_form.amt.value == "") { msg += "Please fill in the loan amount.\n"; valid = false; } else { var b = document.newloan_form.amt.value.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); b = removeCommas(b); document.newloan_form.amt.value = b; b = b + 0; if (isNaN(b)) { msg += "Please enter a valid numeric loan amount.\n"; valid = false; } else { if (b <= 0) { msg += "Please enter a loan amount greater than.\n"; valid = false; } } } if (document.newloan_form.borrowerType != null) { if (isArray(document.newloan_form.borrowerType)) { var e = false; for (d = 0; d < document.newloan_form.borrowerType.length; ++d) { try { if (document.newloan_form.borrowerType[d].checked) { e = true; } } catch (c) { } try { if (document.newloan_form.borrowerType[d].selected && document.newloan_form.borrowerType[d].value != "") { e = true; } } catch (a) { } } if (!e) { msg += "Please select a borrower type.\n"; valid = false; } } else { if (document.newloan_form.borrowerType.value == "") { msg += "Please select a borrower type.\n"; valid = false; } } } if (document.newloan_form.loanType != null) { var f = false; if (isArray(document.newloan_form.loanType)) { for (var d = 0; d < document.newloan_form.loanType.length; ++d) { if (document.newloan_form.loanType[d].checked) { f = true; } } } else { if (document.newloan_form.loanType.value != "") { f = true; } } if (!f) { msg += "Please select a loan type.\n"; valid = false; } } if (document.newloan_form.liveState != null) { if (document.newloan_form.liveState.value == "") { msg += "Please select your state of residence.\n"; valid = false; } } if (!isEmailValid( { msg += "Please enter a valid email address.\n"; valid = false; } if ( == "") { msg += "Please select a school.\n"; valid = false; } if (!valid) { alert(msg); } return valid; } function validate_consol_form() { valid = true; msg = ""; if (document.consol_form.amt.value == "") { msg += "Please fill in the loan amount.\n"; valid = false; } if (!isEmailValid( { msg += "Please enter a valid email address.\n"; valid = false; } if (!valid) { alert(msg); } return valid; } function isEmailValid(f) { var a = "@"; var b = "."; var e = f.indexOf(a); var c = f.length; var d = f.indexOf(b); if (f.indexOf(a) == -1) { return false; } if (f.indexOf(a) == -1 || f.indexOf(a) == 0 || f.indexOf(a) == c) { return false; } if (f.indexOf(b) == -1 || f.indexOf(b) == 0 || f.indexOf(b) == c) { return false; } if (f.indexOf(a, (e + 1)) != -1) { return false; } if (f.substring(e - 1, e) == b || f.substring(e + 1, e + 2) == b) { return false; } if (f.indexOf(b, (e + 2)) == -1) { return false; } if (f.indexOf(" ") != -1) { return false; } return true; } function removeCommas(e) { e += ""; var b = ""; var a = e.split(","); for (var d = 0; d < a.length; ++d) { var c = "" + a[d]; b = b + c; } return b; } function isArray(a) { return (typeof (a.length) == "undefined") ? false : true; } var frmintrv; function waitSub() { if (vnf2OK == true) { clearInterval(frmintrv); document.newloan_form.submit(); } else { if (vnf2OK == "invalid") { clearInterval(frmintrv); } } } function syncVNF() { vnf2OK = false; validate_newloan_form2(document.newloan_form, flds); if (vnf2OK == false) { clearInterval(frmintrv); frmintrv = setInterval(waitSub, 500); } else { if (vnf2OK == true) { document.newloan_form.submit(); } } } var partnerConflicts = [".cappex.", ".meritaid."]; try { var host =; for (p in partnerConflicts) { var partner = partnerConflicts[p]; if (host.indexOf(partner) > -1) { jQuery.noConflict(); break; } } } catch (err) { stFailure("ERROR INITING JQUERY NO CONFLICT FOR " +; } function printStackTrace(b) { b = b || { guess: true }; var c = b.e || null, e = !!b.guess; var d = new printStackTrace.implementation(), a =; return (e) ? d.guessAnonymousFunctions(a) : a; } printStackTrace.implementation = function () { }; printStackTrace.implementation.prototype = { run: function (a, b) { a = a || this.createException(); b = b || this.mode(a); if (b === "other") { return this.other(arguments.callee); } else { return this[b](a); } }, createException: function () { try { this.undef(); } catch (a) { return a; } }, mode: function (a) { if (a["arguments"] && a.stack) { return "chrome"; } else { if (typeof a.message === "string" && typeof window !== "undefined" && window.opera) { if (!a.stacktrace) { return "opera9"; } if (a.message.indexOf("\n") > -1 && a.message.split("\n").length > a.stacktrace.split("\n").length) { return "opera9"; } if (!a.stack) { return "opera10a"; } if (a.stacktrace.indexOf("called from line") < 0) { return "opera10b"; } return "opera11"; } else { if (a.stack) { return "firefox"; } } } return "other"; }, instrumentFunction: function (b, d, e) { b = b || window; var a = b[d]; b[d] = function c() {, printStackTrace().slice(4)); return b[d]._instrumented.apply(this, arguments); }; b[d]._instrumented = a; }, deinstrumentFunction: function (a, b) { if (a[b].constructor === Function && a[b]._instrumented && a[b]._instrumented.constructor === Function) { a[b] = a[b]._instrumented; } }, chrome: function (b) { var a = (b.stack + "\n").replace(/^\S[^\(]+?[\n$]/gm, "").replace(/^\s+(at eval )?at\s+/gm, "").replace(/^([^\(]+?)([\n$])/gm, "{anonymous}()@$1$2").replace(/^Object.\s*\(([^\)]+)\)/gm, "{anonymous}()@$1").split("\n"); a.pop(); return a; }, firefox: function (a) { return a.stack.replace(/(?:\n@:0)?\s+$/m, "").replace(/^\(/gm, "{anonymous}(").split("\n"); }, opera11: function (g) { var a = "{anonymous}", h = /^.*line (\d+), column (\d+)(?: in (.+))? in (\S+):$/; var k = g.stacktrace.split("\n"), l = []; for (var c = 0, f = k.length; c < f; c += 2) { var d = h.exec(k[c]); if (d) { var j = d[4] + ":" + d[1] + ":" + d[2]; var b = d[3] || "global code"; b = b.replace(//, "$1").replace(//, a); l.push(b + "@" + j + " -- " + k[c + 1].replace(/^\s+/, "")); } } return l; }, opera10b: function (h) { var g = /^(.*)@(.+):(\d+)$/; var c = h.stacktrace.split("\n"), b = []; for (var f = 0, a = c.length; f < a; f++) { var d = g.exec(c[f]); if (d) { var j = d[1] ? (d[1] + "()") : "global code"; b.push(j + "@" + d[2] + ":" + d[3]); } } return b; }, opera10a: function (g) { var a = "{anonymous}", h = /Line (\d+).*script (?:in )?(\S+)(?:: In function (\S+))?$/i; var j = g.stacktrace.split("\n"), k = []; for (var c = 0, f = j.length; c < f; c += 2) { var d = h.exec(j[c]); if (d) { var b = d[3] || a; k.push(b + "()@" + d[2] + ":" + d[1] + " -- " + j[c + 1].replace(/^\s+/, "")); } } return k; }, opera9: function (j) { var d = "{anonymous}", h = /Line (\d+).*script (?:in )?(\S+)/i; var c = j.message.split("\n"), b = []; for (var g = 2, a = c.length; g < a; g += 2) { var f = h.exec(c[g]); if (f) { b.push(d + "()@" + f[2] + ":" + f[1] + " -- " + c[g + 1].replace(/^\s+/, "")); } } return b; }, other: function (g) { var b = "{anonymous}", f = /function\s*([\w\-$]+)?\s*\(/i, a = [], d, c, e = 10; while (g && g["arguments"] && a.length < e) { d = f.test(g.toString()) ? RegExp.$1 || b : b; c =["arguments"] || []); a[a.length] = d + "(" + this.stringifyArguments(c) + ")"; g = g.caller; } return a; }, stringifyArguments: function (c) { var b = []; var e = Array.prototype.slice; for (var d = 0; d < c.length; ++d) { var a = c[d]; if (a === undefined) { b[d] = "undefined"; } else { if (a === null) { b[d] = "null"; } else { if (a.constructor) { if (a.constructor === Array) { if (a.length < 3) { b[d] = "[" + this.stringifyArguments(a) + "]"; } else { b[d] = "[" + this.stringifyArguments(, 0, 1)) + "..." + this.stringifyArguments(, -1)) + "]"; } } else { if (a.constructor === Object) { b[d] = "#object"; } else { if (a.constructor === Function) { b[d] = "#function"; } else { if (a.constructor === String) { b[d] = '"' + a + '"'; } else { if (a.constructor === Number) { b[d] = a; } } } } } } } } } return b.join(","); }, sourceCache: {}, ajax: function (a) { var b = this.createXMLHTTPObject(); if (b) { try {"GET", a, false); b.send(null); return b.responseText; } catch (c) { } } return ""; }, createXMLHTTPObject: function () { var c, a = [function () { return new XMLHttpRequest(); }, function () { return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); }, function () { return new ActiveXObject("Msxml3.XMLHTTP"); }, function () { return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } ]; for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) { try { c = a[b](); this.createXMLHTTPObject = a[b]; return c; } catch (d) { } } }, isSameDomain: function (a) { return typeof location !== "undefined" && a.indexOf(location.hostname) !== -1; }, getSource: function (a) { if (!(a in this.sourceCache)) { this.sourceCache[a] = this.ajax(a).split("\n"); } return this.sourceCache[a]; }, guessAnonymousFunctions: function (k) { for (var g = 0; g < k.length; ++g) { var f = /\{anonymous\}\(.*\)@(.*)/, l = /^(.*?)(?::(\d+))(?::(\d+))?(?: -- .+)?$/, b = k[g], c = f.exec(b); if (c) { var e = l.exec(c[1]); if (e) { var d = e[1], a = e[2], j = e[3] || 0; if (d && this.isSameDomain(d) && a) { var h = this.guessAnonymousFunction(d, a, j); k[g] = b.replace("{anonymous}", h); } } } } return k; }, guessAnonymousFunction: function (c, f, a) { var b; try { b = this.findFunctionName(this.getSource(c), f); } catch (d) { b = "getSource failed with url: " + c + ", exception: " + d.toString(); } return b; }, findFunctionName: function (a, e) { var g = /function\s+([^(]*?)\s*\(([^)]*)\)/; var k = /['"]?([0-9A-Za-z_]+)['"]?\s*[:=]\s*function\b/; var h = /['"]?([0-9A-Za-z_]+)['"]?\s*[:=]\s*(?:eval|new Function)\b/; var b = "", l, j = Math.min(e, 20), d, c; for (var f = 0; f < j; ++f) { l = a[e - f - 1]; c = l.indexOf("//"); if (c >= 0) { l = l.substr(0, c); } if (l) { b = l + b; d = k.exec(b); if (d && d[1]) { return d[1]; } d = g.exec(b); if (d && d[1]) { return d[1]; } d = h.exec(b); if (d && d[1]) { return d[1]; } } } return "(?)"; } }; if (typeof YAHOO == "undefined" || !YAHOO) { var YAHOO = {}; } YAHOO.namespace = function () { var a = arguments, b = null, d, e, c; for (d = 0; d < a.length; d = d + 1) { c = a[d].split("."); b = YAHOO; for (e = (c[0] == "YAHOO") ? 1 : 0; e < c.length; e = e + 1) { b[c[e]] = b[c[e]] || {}; b = b[c[e]]; } } return b; }; YAHOO.log = function (b, a, c) { var d = YAHOO.widget.Logger; if (d && d.log) { return d.log(b, a, c); } else { return false; } }; YAHOO.register = function (d, j, a) { var e = YAHOO.env.modules; if (!e[d]) { e[d] = { versions: [], builds: [] }; } var c = e[d], f = a.version, g =, h = YAHOO.env.listeners; = d; c.version = f; = g; c.versions.push(f); c.builds.push(g); c.mainClass = j; for (var b = 0; b < h.length; b = b + 1) { h[b](c); } if (j) { j.VERSION = f; j.BUILD = g; } else { YAHOO.log("mainClass is undefined for module " + d, "warn"); } }; YAHOO.env = YAHOO.env || { modules: [], listeners: [] }; YAHOO.env.getVersion = function (a) { return YAHOO.env.modules[a] || null; }; = function () { var b = { ie: 0, opera: 0, gecko: 0, webkit: 0, mobile: null, air: 0 }; var c = navigator.userAgent, a; if ((/KHTML/).test(c)) { b.webkit = 1; } a = c.match(/AppleWebKit\/([^\s]*)/); if (a && a[1]) { b.webkit = parseFloat(a[1]); if (/ Mobile\//.test(c)) { = "Apple"; } else { a = c.match(/NokiaN[^\/]*/); if (a) { = a[0]; } } a = c.match(/AdobeAIR\/([^\s]*)/); if (a) { b.air = a[0]; } } if (!b.webkit) { a = c.match(/Opera[\s\/]([^\s]*)/); if (a && a[1]) { b.opera = parseFloat(a[1]); a = c.match(/Opera Mini[^;]*/); if (a) { = a[0]; } } else { a = c.match(/MSIE\s([^;]*)/); if (a && a[1]) { = parseFloat(a[1]); } else { a = c.match(/Gecko\/([^\s]*)/); if (a) { b.gecko = 1; a = c.match(/rv:([^\s\)]*)/); if (a && a[1]) { b.gecko = parseFloat(a[1]); } } } } } return b; } (); (function () { YAHOO.namespace("util", "widget", "example"); if ("undefined" !== typeof YAHOO_config) { var d = YAHOO_config.listener, a = YAHOO.env.listeners, b = true, c; if (d) { for (c = 0; c < a.length; c = c + 1) { if (a[c] == d) { b = false; break; } } if (b) { a.push(d); } } } })(); YAHOO.lang = YAHOO.lang || { isArray: function (b) { if (b) { var a = YAHOO.lang; return a.isNumber(b.length) && a.isFunction(b.splice); } return false; }, isBoolean: function (a) { return typeof a === "boolean"; }, isFunction: function (a) { return typeof a === "function"; }, isNull: function (a) { return a === null; }, isNumber: function (a) { return typeof a === "number" && isFinite(a); }, isObject: function (a) { return (a && (typeof a === "object" || YAHOO.lang.isFunction(a))) || false; }, isString: function (a) { return typeof a === "string"; }, isUndefined: function (a) { return typeof a === "undefined"; }, hasOwnProperty: function (a, b) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty) { return a.hasOwnProperty(b); } return !YAHOO.lang.isUndefined(a[b]) && a.constructor.prototype[b] !== a[b]; }, _IEEnumFix: function (e, f) { if ( { var c = ["toString", "valueOf"], a; for (a = 0; a < c.length; a = a + 1) { var b = c[a], d = f[b]; if (YAHOO.lang.isFunction(d) && d != Object.prototype[b]) { e[b] = d; } } } }, extend: function (c, b, d) { if (!b || !c) { throw new Error("YAHOO.lang.extend failed, please check that all dependencies are included."); } var e = function () { }; e.prototype = b.prototype; c.prototype = new e(); c.prototype.constructor = c; c.superclass = b.prototype; if (b.prototype.constructor == Object.prototype.constructor) { b.prototype.constructor = b; } if (d) { for (var a in d) { c.prototype[a] = d[a]; } YAHOO.lang._IEEnumFix(c.prototype, d); } }, augmentObject: function (c, d) { if (!d || !c) { throw new Error("Absorb failed, verify dependencies."); } var a = arguments, e, b, f = a[2]; if (f && f !== true) { for (e = 2; e < a.length; e = e + 1) { c[a[e]] = d[a[e]]; } } else { for (b in d) { if (f || !c[b]) { c[b] = d[b]; } } YAHOO.lang._IEEnumFix(c, d); } }, augmentProto: function (b, c) { if (!c || !b) { throw new Error("Augment failed, verify dependencies."); } var a = [b.prototype, c.prototype]; for (var d = 2; d < arguments.length; d = d + 1) { a.push(arguments[d]); } YAHOO.lang.augmentObject.apply(this, a); }, dump: function (d, h) { var b = YAHOO.lang, a, j, f = [], e = "{...}", c = "f(){...}", g = ", ", k = " => "; if (!b.isObject(d)) { return d + ""; } else { if (d instanceof Date || ("nodeType" in d && "tagName" in d)) { return d; } else { if (b.isFunction(d)) { return c; } } } h = (b.isNumber(h)) ? h : 3; if (b.isArray(d)) { f.push("["); for (a = 0, j = d.length; a < j; a = a + 1) { if (b.isObject(d[a])) { f.push((h > 0) ? b.dump(d[a], h - 1) : e); } else { f.push(d[a]); } f.push(g); } if (f.length > 1) { f.pop(); } f.push("]"); } else { f.push("{"); for (a in d) { if (b.hasOwnProperty(d, a)) { f.push(a + k); if (b.isObject(d[a])) { f.push((h > 0) ? b.dump(d[a], h - 1) : e); } else { f.push(d[a]); } f.push(g); } } if (f.length > 1) { f.pop(); } f.push("}"); } return f.join(""); }, substitute: function (e, c, m) { var q, r, s, j, h, f, a = YAHOO.lang, k = [], b, o = "dump", l = " ", d = "{", g = "}"; for (; ; ) { q = e.lastIndexOf(d); if (q < 0) { break; } r = e.indexOf(g, q); if (q + 1 >= r) { break; } b = e.substring(q + 1, r); j = b; f = null; s = j.indexOf(l); if (s > -1) { f = j.substring(s + 1); j = j.substring(0, s); } h = c[j]; if (m) { h = m(j, h, f); } if (a.isObject(h)) { if (a.isArray(h)) { h = a.dump(h, parseInt(f, 10)); } else { f = f || ""; var n = f.indexOf(o); if (n > -1) { f = f.substring(4); } if (h.toString === Object.prototype.toString || n > -1) { h = a.dump(h, parseInt(f, 10)); } else { h = h.toString(); } } } else { if (!a.isString(h) && !a.isNumber(h)) { h = "~-" + k.length + "-~"; k[k.length] = b; } } e = e.substring(0, q) + h + e.substring(r + 1); } for (q = k.length - 1; q >= 0; q = q - 1) { e = e.replace(new RegExp("~-" + q + "-~"), "{" + k[q] + "}", "g"); } return e; }, trim: function (a) { try { return a.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); } catch (b) { return a; } }, merge: function () { var b = {}, d = arguments; for (var c = 0, a = d.length; c < a; c = c + 1) { YAHOO.lang.augmentObject(b, d[c], true); } return b; }, later: function (f, c, e, a, j) { f = f || 0; c = c || {}; var b = e, g = a, h, d; if (YAHOO.lang.isString(e)) { b = c[e]; } if (!b) { throw new TypeError("method undefined"); } if (!YAHOO.lang.isArray(g)) { g = [a]; } h = function () { b.apply(c, g); }; d = (j) ? setInterval(h, f) : setTimeout(h, f); return { interval: j, cancel: function () { if (this.interval) { clearInterval(d); } else { clearTimeout(d); } } }; }, isValue: function (b) { var a = YAHOO.lang; return (a.isObject(b) || a.isString(b) || a.isNumber(b) || a.isBoolean(b)); } }; YAHOO.util.Lang = YAHOO.lang; YAHOO.lang.augment = YAHOO.lang.augmentProto; YAHOO.augment = YAHOO.lang.augmentProto; YAHOO.extend = YAHOO.lang.extend; YAHOO.register("yahoo", YAHOO, { version: "2.5.1", build: "984" }); (function () { var c = YAHOO.util, j, l, k = {}, o = {}, g = window.document; YAHOO.env._id_counter = YAHOO.env._id_counter || 0; var b =, h =, d =, n =; var q = { HYPHEN: /(-[a-z])/i, ROOT_TAG: /^body|html$/i, OP_SCROLL: /^(?:inline|table-row)$/i }; var f = function (s) { if (!q.HYPHEN.test(s)) { return s; } if (k[s]) { return k[s]; } var r = s; while (q.HYPHEN.exec(r)) { r = r.replace(RegExp.$1, RegExp.$1.substr(1).toUpperCase()); } k[s] = r; return r; }; var e = function (r) { var s = o[r]; if (!s) { s = new RegExp("(?:^|\\s+)" + r + "(?:\\s+|$)"); o[r] = s; } return s; }; if (g.defaultView && g.defaultView.getComputedStyle) { j = function (u, r) { var s = null; if (r == "float") { r = "cssFloat"; } var t = u.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(u, ""); if (t) { s = t[f(r)]; } return[r] || s; }; } else { if (g.documentElement.currentStyle && n) { j = function (v, t) { switch (f(t)) { case "opacity": var r = 100; try { r = v.filters["DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha"].opacity; } catch (s) { try { r = v.filters("alpha").opacity; } catch (s) { } } return r / 100; case "float": t = "styleFloat"; default: var u = v.currentStyle ? v.currentStyle[t] : null; return ([t] || u); } }; } else { j = function (s, r) { return[r]; }; } } if (n) { l = function (t, s, r) { switch (s) { case "opacity": if (YAHOO.lang.isString( { = "alpha(opacity=" + r * 100 + ")"; if (!t.currentStyle || !t.currentStyle.hasLayout) { = 1; } } break; case "float": s = "styleFloat"; default:[s] = r; } }; } else { l = function (t, s, r) { if (s == "float") { s = "cssFloat"; }[s] = r; }; } var a = function (s, r) { return s && s.nodeType == 1 && (!r || r(s)); }; YAHOO.util.Dom = { get: function (s) { if (s && (s.nodeType || s.item)) { return s; } if (YAHOO.lang.isString(s) || !s) { return g.getElementById(s); } if (s.length !== undefined) { var r = []; for (var t = 0, u = s.length; t < u; ++t) { r[r.length] = c.Dom.get(s[t]); } return r; } return s; }, getStyle: function (t, r) { r = f(r); var s = function (u) { return j(u, r); }; return c.Dom.batch(t, s, c.Dom, true); }, setStyle: function (u, s, r) { s = f(s); var t = function (v) { l(v, s, r); }; c.Dom.batch(u, t, c.Dom, true); }, getXY: function (s) { var r = function (t) { if ((t.parentNode === null || t.offsetParent === null || this.getStyle(t, "display") == "none") && t != t.ownerDocument.body) { return false; } return m(t); }; return c.Dom.batch(s, r, c.Dom, true); }, getX: function (s) { var r = function (t) { return c.Dom.getXY(t)[0]; }; return c.Dom.batch(s, r, c.Dom, true); }, getY: function (s) { var r = function (t) { return c.Dom.getXY(t)[1]; }; return c.Dom.batch(s, r, c.Dom, true); }, setXY: function (u, r, s) { var t = function (w) { var y = this.getStyle(w, "position"); if (y == "static") { this.setStyle(w, "position", "relative"); y = "relative"; } var A = this.getXY(w); if (A === false) { return false; } var v = [parseInt(this.getStyle(w, "left"), 10), parseInt(this.getStyle(w, "top"), 10)]; if (isNaN(v[0])) { v[0] = (y == "relative") ? 0 : w.offsetLeft; } if (isNaN(v[1])) { v[1] = (y == "relative") ? 0 : w.offsetTop; } if (r[0] !== null) { = r[0] - A[0] + v[0] + "px"; } if (r[1] !== null) { = r[1] - A[1] + v[1] + "px"; } if (!s) { var z = this.getXY(w); if ((r[0] !== null && z[0] != r[0]) || (r[1] !== null && z[1] != r[1])) { this.setXY(w, r, true); } } }; c.Dom.batch(u, t, c.Dom, true); }, setX: function (r, s) { c.Dom.setXY(r, [s, null]); }, setY: function (s, r) { c.Dom.setXY(s, [null, r]); }, getRegion: function (s) { var r = function (u) { if ((u.parentNode === null || u.offsetParent === null || this.getStyle(u, "display") == "none") && u != u.ownerDocument.body) { return false; } var t = c.Region.getRegion(u); return t; }; return c.Dom.batch(s, r, c.Dom, true); }, getClientWidth: function () { return c.Dom.getViewportWidth(); }, getClientHeight: function () { return c.Dom.getViewportHeight(); }, getElementsByClassName: function (v, r, u, t) { r = r || "*"; u = (u) ? c.Dom.get(u) : null || g; if (!u) { return []; } var z = [], A = u.getElementsByTagName(r), s = e(v); for (var y = 0, w = A.length; y < w; ++y) { if (s.test(A[y].className)) { z[z.length] = A[y]; if (t) {[y], A[y]); } } } return z; }, hasClass: function (s, t) { var u = e(t); var r = function (v) { return u.test(v.className); }; return c.Dom.batch(s, r, c.Dom, true); }, addClass: function (s, t) { var r = function (u) { if (this.hasClass(u, t)) { return false; } u.className = YAHOO.lang.trim([u.className, t].join(" ")); return true; }; return c.Dom.batch(s, r, c.Dom, true); }, removeClass: function (s, t) { var u = e(t); var r = function (w) { if (!t || !this.hasClass(w, t)) { return false; } var v = w.className; w.className = v.replace(u, " "); if (this.hasClass(w, t)) { this.removeClass(w, t); } w.className = YAHOO.lang.trim(w.className); return true; }; return c.Dom.batch(s, r, c.Dom, true); }, replaceClass: function (s, u, v) { if (!v || u === v) { return false; } var t = e(u); var r = function (w) { if (!this.hasClass(w, u)) { this.addClass(w, v); return true; } w.className = w.className.replace(t, " " + v + " "); if (this.hasClass(w, u)) { this.replaceClass(w, u, v); } w.className = YAHOO.lang.trim(w.className); return true; }; return c.Dom.batch(s, r, c.Dom, true); }, generateId: function (t, r) { r = r || "yui-gen"; var s = function (v) { if (v && { return; } var u = r + YAHOO.env._id_counter++; if (v) { = u; } return u; }; return c.Dom.batch(t, s, c.Dom, true) || s.apply(c.Dom, arguments); }, isAncestor: function (s, r) { s = c.Dom.get(s); r = c.Dom.get(r); if (!s || !r) { return false; } if (s.contains && r.nodeType && !h) { return s.contains(r); } else { if (s.compareDocumentPosition && r.nodeType) { return !!(s.compareDocumentPosition(r) & 16); } else { if (r.nodeType) { return !!this.getAncestorBy(r, function (t) { return t == s; }); } } } return false; }, inDocument: function (r) { return this.isAncestor(g.documentElement, r); }, getElementsBy: function (r, y, w, u) { y = y || "*"; w = (w) ? c.Dom.get(w) : null || g; if (!w) { return []; } var v = [], s = w.getElementsByTagName(y); for (var t = 0, z = s.length; t < z; ++t) { if (r(s[t])) { v[v.length] = s[t]; if (u) { u(s[t]); } } } return v; }, batch: function (u, r, s, w) { u = (u && (u.tagName || u.item)) ? u : c.Dom.get(u); if (!u || !r) { return false; } var v = (w) ? s : window; if (u.tagName || u.length === undefined) { return, u, s); } var t = []; for (var y = 0, z = u.length; y < z; ++y) { t[t.length] =, u[y], s); } return t; }, getDocumentHeight: function () { var r = (g.compatMode != "CSS1Compat") ? g.body.scrollHeight : g.documentElement.scrollHeight; var s = Math.max(r, c.Dom.getViewportHeight()); return s; }, getDocumentWidth: function () { var r = (g.compatMode != "CSS1Compat") ? g.body.scrollWidth : g.documentElement.scrollWidth; var s = Math.max(r, c.Dom.getViewportWidth()); return s; }, getViewportHeight: function () { var s = self.innerHeight; var r = g.compatMode; if ((r || n) && !b) { s = (r == "CSS1Compat") ? g.documentElement.clientHeight : g.body.clientHeight; } return s; }, getViewportWidth: function () { var s = self.innerWidth; var r = g.compatMode; if (r || n) { s = (r == "CSS1Compat") ? g.documentElement.clientWidth : g.body.clientWidth; } return s; }, getAncestorBy: function (s, r) { while (s = s.parentNode) { if (a(s, r)) { return s; } } return null; }, getAncestorByClassName: function (s, t) { s = c.Dom.get(s); if (!s) { return null; } var r = function (u) { return c.Dom.hasClass(u, t); }; return c.Dom.getAncestorBy(s, r); }, getAncestorByTagName: function (s, t) { s = c.Dom.get(s); if (!s) { return null; } var r = function (u) { return u.tagName && u.tagName.toUpperCase() == t.toUpperCase(); }; return c.Dom.getAncestorBy(s, r); }, getPreviousSiblingBy: function (s, r) { while (s) { s = s.previousSibling; if (a(s, r)) { return s; } } return null; }, getPreviousSibling: function (r) { r = c.Dom.get(r); if (!r) { return null; } return c.Dom.getPreviousSiblingBy(r); }, getNextSiblingBy: function (s, r) { while (s) { s = s.nextSibling; if (a(s, r)) { return s; } } return null; }, getNextSibling: function (r) { r = c.Dom.get(r); if (!r) { return null; } return c.Dom.getNextSiblingBy(r); }, getFirstChildBy: function (t, r) { var s = (a(t.firstChild, r)) ? t.firstChild : null; return s || c.Dom.getNextSiblingBy(t.firstChild, r); }, getFirstChild: function (s, r) { s = c.Dom.get(s); if (!s) { return null; } return c.Dom.getFirstChildBy(s); }, getLastChildBy: function (t, r) { if (!t) { return null; } var s = (a(t.lastChild, r)) ? t.lastChild : null; return s || c.Dom.getPreviousSiblingBy(t.lastChild, r); }, getLastChild: function (r) { r = c.Dom.get(r); return c.Dom.getLastChildBy(r); }, getChildrenBy: function (t, r) { var s = c.Dom.getFirstChildBy(t, r); var u = s ? [s] : []; c.Dom.getNextSiblingBy(s, function (v) { if (!r || r(v)) { u[u.length] = v; } return false; }); return u; }, getChildren: function (r) { r = c.Dom.get(r); if (!r) { } return c.Dom.getChildrenBy(r); }, getDocumentScrollLeft: function (r) { r = r || g; return Math.max(r.documentElement.scrollLeft, r.body.scrollLeft); }, getDocumentScrollTop: function (r) { r = r || g; return Math.max(r.documentElement.scrollTop, r.body.scrollTop); }, insertBefore: function (r, s) { r = c.Dom.get(r); s = c.Dom.get(s); if (!r || !s || !s.parentNode) { return null; } return s.parentNode.insertBefore(r, s); }, insertAfter: function (r, s) { r = c.Dom.get(r); s = c.Dom.get(s); if (!r || !s || !s.parentNode) { return null; } if (s.nextSibling) { return s.parentNode.insertBefore(r, s.nextSibling); } else { return s.parentNode.appendChild(r); } }, getClientRegion: function () { var s = c.Dom.getDocumentScrollTop(), t = c.Dom.getDocumentScrollLeft(), r = c.Dom.getViewportWidth() + t, u = c.Dom.getViewportHeight() + s; return new c.Region(s, r, u, t); } }; var m = function () { if (g.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect) { return function (s) { var r = s.getBoundingClientRect(); var t = s.ownerDocument; return [r.left + c.Dom.getDocumentScrollLeft(t), + c.Dom.getDocumentScrollTop(t)]; }; } else { return function (s) { var r = [s.offsetLeft, s.offsetTop]; var t = s.offsetParent; var u = (h && c.Dom.getStyle(s, "position") == "absolute" && s.offsetParent == s.ownerDocument.body); if (t != s) { while (t) { r[0] += t.offsetLeft; r[1] += t.offsetTop; if (!u && h && c.Dom.getStyle(t, "position") == "absolute") { u = true; } t = t.offsetParent; } } if (u) { r[0] -= s.ownerDocument.body.offsetLeft; r[1] -= s.ownerDocument.body.offsetTop; } t = s.parentNode; while (t.tagName && !q.ROOT_TAG.test(t.tagName)) { if (t.scrollTop || t.scrollLeft) { if (!q.OP_SCROLL.test(c.Dom.getStyle(t, "display"))) { if (!b || c.Dom.getStyle(t, "overflow") !== "visible") { r[0] -= t.scrollLeft; r[1] -= t.scrollTop; } } } t = t.parentNode; } return r; }; } } (); })(); YAHOO.util.Region = function (c, b, a, d) { = c; this[1] = c; this.right = b; this.bottom = a; this.left = d; this[0] = d; }; YAHOO.util.Region.prototype.contains = function (a) { return (a.left >= this.left && a.right <= this.right && >= && a.bottom <= this.bottom); }; YAHOO.util.Region.prototype.getArea = function () { return ((this.bottom - * (this.right - this.left)); }; YAHOO.util.Region.prototype.intersect = function (b) { var d = Math.max(,; var c = Math.min(this.right, b.right); var a = Math.min(this.bottom, b.bottom); var e = Math.max(this.left, b.left); if (a >= d && c >= e) { return new YAHOO.util.Region(d, c, a, e); } else { return null; } }; YAHOO.util.Region.prototype.union = function (b) { var d = Math.min(,; var c = Math.max(this.right, b.right); var a = Math.max(this.bottom, b.bottom); var e = Math.min(this.left, b.left); return new YAHOO.util.Region(d, c, a, e); }; YAHOO.util.Region.prototype.toString = function () { return ("Region {top: " + + ", right: " + this.right + ", bottom: " + this.bottom + ", left: " + this.left + "}"); }; YAHOO.util.Region.getRegion = function (d) { var b = YAHOO.util.Dom.getXY(d); var e = b[1]; var c = b[0] + d.offsetWidth; var a = b[1] + d.offsetHeight; var f = b[0]; return new YAHOO.util.Region(e, c, a, f); }; YAHOO.util.Point = function (a, b) { if (YAHOO.lang.isArray(a)) { b = a[1]; a = a[0]; } this.x = this.right = this.left = this[0] = a; this.y = = this.bottom = this[1] = b; }; YAHOO.util.Point.prototype = new YAHOO.util.Region(); YAHOO.register("dom", YAHOO.util.Dom, { version: "2.5.1", build: "984" }); YAHOO.util.CustomEvent = function (c, e, d, a) { this.type = c; this.scope = e || window; this.silent = d; this.signature = a || YAHOO.util.CustomEvent.LIST; this.subscribers = []; if (!this.silent) { } var b = "_YUICEOnSubscribe"; if (c !== b) { this.subscribeEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent(b, this, true); } this.lastError = null; }; YAHOO.util.CustomEvent.LIST = 0; YAHOO.util.CustomEvent.FLAT = 1; YAHOO.util.CustomEvent.prototype = { subscribe: function (c, b, a) { if (!c) { throw new Error("Invalid callback for subscriber to '" + this.type + "'"); } if (this.subscribeEvent) {, b, a); } this.subscribers.push(new YAHOO.util.Subscriber(c, b, a)); }, unsubscribe: function (d, b) { if (!d) { return this.unsubscribeAll(); } var c = false; for (var f = 0, a = this.subscribers.length; f < a; ++f) { var e = this.subscribers[f]; if (e && e.contains(d, b)) { this._delete(f); c = true; } } return c; }, fire: function () { var a = this.subscribers.length; if (!a && this.silent) { return true; } var h = [], 0), k = true, b, g = false; if (!this.silent) { } var c = this.subscribers.slice(); for (b = 0; b < a; ++b) { var e = c[b]; if (!e) { g = true; } else { if (!this.silent) { } var f = e.getScope(this.scope); if (this.signature == YAHOO.util.CustomEvent.FLAT) { var d = null; if (h.length > 0) { d = h[0]; } try { k =, d, e.obj); } catch (l) { this.lastError = l; } } else { try { k =, this.type, h, e.obj); } catch (j) { this.lastError = j; } } if (false === k) { if (!this.silent) { } return false; } } } return true; }, unsubscribeAll: function () { for (var a = this.subscribers.length - 1; a > -1; a--) { this._delete(a); } this.subscribers = []; return a; }, _delete: function (a) { var b = this.subscribers[a]; if (b) { delete b.fn; delete b.obj; } this.subscribers.splice(a, 1); }, toString: function () { return "CustomEvent: '" + this.type + "', scope: " + this.scope; } }; YAHOO.util.Subscriber = function (c, b, a) { this.fn = c; this.obj = YAHOO.lang.isUndefined(b) ? null : b; this.override = a; }; YAHOO.util.Subscriber.prototype.getScope = function (a) { if (this.override) { if (this.override === true) { return this.obj; } else { return this.override; } } return a; }; YAHOO.util.Subscriber.prototype.contains = function (a, b) { if (b) { return (this.fn == a && this.obj == b); } else { return (this.fn == a); } }; YAHOO.util.Subscriber.prototype.toString = function () { return "Subscriber { obj: " + this.obj + ", override: " + (this.override || "no") + " }"; }; if (!YAHOO.util.Event) { YAHOO.util.Event = function () { var g = false; var f = []; var e = []; var h = []; var k = []; var b = 0; var j = []; var c = []; var d = 0; var a = { 63232: 38, 63233: 40, 63234: 37, 63235: 39, 63276: 33, 63277: 34, 25: 9 }; return { POLL_RETRYS: 2000, POLL_INTERVAL: 20, EL: 0, TYPE: 1, FN: 2, WFN: 3, UNLOAD_OBJ: 3, ADJ_SCOPE: 4, OBJ: 5, OVERRIDE: 6, lastError: null, isSafari:, webkit:, isIE:, _interval: null, _dri: null, DOMReady: false, startInterval: function () { if (!this._interval) { var m = this; var l = function () { m._tryPreloadAttach(); }; this._interval = setInterval(l, this.POLL_INTERVAL); } }, onAvailable: function (o, s, n, q, r) { var m = (YAHOO.lang.isString(o)) ? [o] : o; for (var l = 0; l < m.length; l = l + 1) { j.push({ id: m[l], fn: s, obj: n, override: q, checkReady: r }); } b = this.POLL_RETRYS; this.startInterval(); }, onContentReady: function (o, m, n, l) { this.onAvailable(o, m, n, l, true); }, onDOMReady: function (m, n, l) { if (this.DOMReady) { setTimeout(function () { var o = window; if (l) { if (l === true) { o = n; } else { o = l; } }, "DOMReady", [], n); }, 0); } else { this.DOMReadyEvent.subscribe(m, n, l); } }, addListener: function (z, B, o, u, A) { if (!o || ! { return false; } if (this._isValidCollection(z)) { var n = true; for (var t = 0, r = z.length; t < r; ++t) { n = this.on(z[t], B, o, u, A) && n; } return n; } else { if (YAHOO.lang.isString(z)) { var v = this.getEl(z); if (v) { z = v; } else { this.onAvailable(z, function () { YAHOO.util.Event.on(z, B, o, u, A); }); return true; } } } if (!z) { return false; } if ("unload" == B && u !== this) { e[e.length] = [z, B, o, u, A]; return true; } var l = z; if (A) { if (A === true) { l = u; } else { l = A; } } var y = function (C) { return, YAHOO.util.Event.getEvent(C, z), u); }; var m = [z, B, o, y, l, u, A]; var s = f.length; f[s] = m; if (this.useLegacyEvent(z, B)) { var w = this.getLegacyIndex(z, B); if (w == -1 || z != h[w][0]) { w = h.length; c[ + B] = w; h[w] = [z, B, z["on" + B]]; k[w] = []; z["on" + B] = function (C) { YAHOO.util.Event.fireLegacyEvent(YAHOO.util.Event.getEvent(C), w); }; } k[w].push(m); } else { try { this._simpleAdd(z, B, y, false); } catch (q) { this.lastError = q; this.removeListener(z, B, o); return false; } } return true; }, fireLegacyEvent: function (r, t) { var o = true, v, m, n, l, q; m = k[t].slice(); for (var u = 0, s = m.length; u < s; ++u) { n = m[u]; if (n && n[this.WFN]) { l = n[this.ADJ_SCOPE]; q = n[this.WFN].call(l, r); o = (o && q); } } v = h[t]; if (v && v[2]) { v[2](r); } return o; }, getLegacyIndex: function (l, n) { var m = this.generateId(l) + n; if (typeof c[m] == "undefined") { return -1; } else { return c[m]; } }, useLegacyEvent: function (l, n) { if (this.webkit && ("click" == n || "dblclick" == n)) { var m = parseInt(this.webkit, 10); if (!isNaN(m) && m < 418) { return true; } } return false; }, removeListener: function (w, y, n) { var t, q, l; if (typeof w == "string") { w = this.getEl(w); } else { if (this._isValidCollection(w)) { var m = true; for (t = w.length - 1; t > -1; t--) { m = (this.removeListener(w[t], y, n) && m); } return m; } } if (!n || ! { return this.purgeElement(w, false, y); } if ("unload" == y) { for (t = e.length - 1; t > -1; t--) { l = e[t]; if (l && l[0] == w && l[1] == y && l[2] == n) { e.splice(t, 1); return true; } } return false; } var s = null; var r = arguments[3]; if ("undefined" === typeof r) { r = this._getCacheIndex(w, y, n); } if (r >= 0) { s = f[r]; } if (!w || !s) { return false; } if (this.useLegacyEvent(w, y)) { var u = this.getLegacyIndex(w, y); var v = k[u]; if (v) { for (t = 0, q = v.length; t < q; ++t) { l = v[t]; if (l && l[this.EL] == w && l[this.TYPE] == y && l[this.FN] == n) { v.splice(t, 1); break; } } } } else { try { this._simpleRemove(w, y, s[this.WFN], false); } catch (o) { this.lastError = o; return false; } } delete f[r][this.WFN]; delete f[r][this.FN]; f.splice(r, 1); return true; }, getTarget: function (n, l) { var m = || n.srcElement; return this.resolveTextNode(m); }, resolveTextNode: function (l) { try { if (l && 3 == l.nodeType) { return l.parentNode; } } catch (m) { } return l; }, getPageX: function (l) { var m = l.pageX; if (!m && 0 !== m) { m = l.clientX || 0; if (this.isIE) { m += this._getScrollLeft(); } } return m; }, getPageY: function (m) { var l = m.pageY; if (!l && 0 !== l) { l = m.clientY || 0; if (this.isIE) { l += this._getScrollTop(); } } return l; }, getXY: function (l) { return [this.getPageX(l), this.getPageY(l)]; }, getRelatedTarget: function (l) { var m = l.relatedTarget; if (!m) { if (l.type == "mouseout") { m = l.toElement; } else { if (l.type == "mouseover") { m = l.fromElement; } } } return this.resolveTextNode(m); }, getTime: function (n) { if (!n.time) { var l = new Date().getTime(); try { n.time = l; } catch (m) { this.lastError = m; return l; } } return n.time; }, stopEvent: function (l) { this.stopPropagation(l); this.preventDefault(l); }, stopPropagation: function (l) { if (l.stopPropagation) { l.stopPropagation(); } else { l.cancelBubble = true; } }, preventDefault: function (l) { if (l.preventDefault) { l.preventDefault(); } else { l.returnValue = false; } }, getEvent: function (o, m) { var l = o || window.event; if (!l) { var n = this.getEvent.caller; while (n) { l = n.arguments[0]; if (l && Event == l.constructor) { break; } n = n.caller; } } return l; }, getCharCode: function (l) { var m = l.keyCode || l.charCode || 0; if ( && (m in a)) { m = a[m]; } return m; }, _getCacheIndex: function (o, n, q) { for (var r = 0, l = f.length; r < l; r = r + 1) { var m = f[r]; if (m && m[this.FN] == q && m[this.EL] == o && m[this.TYPE] == n) { return r; } } return -1; }, generateId: function (m) { var l =; if (!l) { l = "yuievtautoid-" + d; ++d; = l; } return l; }, _isValidCollection: function (l) { try { return (l && typeof l !== "string" && l.length && !l.tagName && !l.alert && typeof l[0] !== "undefined"); } catch (m) { return false; } }, elCache: {}, getEl: function (l) { return (typeof l === "string") ? document.getElementById(l) : l; }, clearCache: function () { }, DOMReadyEvent: new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("DOMReady", this), _load: function (l) { if (!g) { g = true; var m = YAHOO.util.Event; m._ready(); m._tryPreloadAttach(); } }, _ready: function (l) { var m = YAHOO.util.Event; if (!m.DOMReady) { m.DOMReady = true;; m._simpleRemove(document, "DOMContentLoaded", m._ready); } }, _tryPreloadAttach: function () { if (j.length === 0) { b = 0; clearInterval(this._interval); this._interval = null; return; } if (this.locked) { return; } if (this.isIE) { if (!this.DOMReady) { this.startInterval(); return; } } this.locked = true; var o = !g; if (!o) { o = (b > 0 && j.length > 0); } var q = []; var n = function (v, u) { var w = v; if (u.override) { if (u.override === true) { w = u.obj; } else { w = u.override; } }, u.obj); }; var l, m, r, s, t = []; for (l = 0, m = j.length; l < m; l = l + 1) { r = j[l]; if (r) { s = this.getEl(; if (s) { if (r.checkReady) { if (g || s.nextSibling || !o) { t.push(r); j[l] = null; } } else { n(s, r); j[l] = null; } } else { q.push(r); } } } for (l = 0, m = t.length; l < m; l = l + 1) { r = t[l]; n(this.getEl(, r); } b--; if (o) { for (l = j.length - 1; l > -1; l--) { r = j[l]; if (!r || ! { j.splice(l, 1); } } this.startInterval(); } else { clearInterval(this._interval); this._interval = null; } this.locked = false; }, purgeElement: function (r, q, n) { var t = (YAHOO.lang.isString(r)) ? this.getEl(r) : r; var o = this.getListeners(t, n), s, m; if (o) { for (s = o.length - 1; s > -1; s--) { var l = o[s]; this.removeListener(t, l.type, l.fn); } } if (q && t && t.childNodes) { for (s = 0, m = t.childNodes.length; s < m; ++s) { this.purgeElement(t.childNodes[s], q, n); } } }, getListeners: function (t, v) { var q = [], u; if (!v) { u = [f, e]; } else { if (v === "unload") { u = [e]; } else { u = [f]; } } var n = (YAHOO.lang.isString(t)) ? this.getEl(t) : t; for (var r = 0; r < u.length; r = r + 1) { var l = u[r]; if (l) { for (var o = 0, m = l.length; o < m; ++o) { var s = l[o]; if (s && s[this.EL] === n && (!v || v === s[this.TYPE])) { q.push({ type: s[this.TYPE], fn: s[this.FN], obj: s[this.OBJ], adjust: s[this.OVERRIDE], scope: s[this.ADJ_SCOPE], index: o }); } } } } return (q.length) ? q : null; }, _unload: function (n) { var u = YAHOO.util.Event, r, s, t, o, q, m = e.slice(); for (r = 0, o = e.length; r < o; ++r) { t = m[r]; if (t) { var l = window; if (t[u.ADJ_SCOPE]) { if (t[u.ADJ_SCOPE] === true) { l = t[u.UNLOAD_OBJ]; } else { l = t[u.ADJ_SCOPE]; } } t[u.FN].call(l, u.getEvent(n, t[u.EL]), t[u.UNLOAD_OBJ]); m[r] = null; t = null; l = null; } } e = null; if (f) { for (s = f.length - 1; s > -1; s--) { t = f[s]; if (t) { u.removeListener(t[u.EL], t[u.TYPE], t[u.FN], s); } } t = null; } h = null; u._simpleRemove(window, "unload", u._unload); }, _getScrollLeft: function () { return this._getScroll()[1]; }, _getScrollTop: function () { return this._getScroll()[0]; }, _getScroll: function () { var m = document.documentElement, l = document.body; if (m && (m.scrollTop || m.scrollLeft)) { return [m.scrollTop, m.scrollLeft]; } else { if (l) { return [l.scrollTop, l.scrollLeft]; } else { return [0, 0]; } } }, regCE: function () { }, _simpleAdd: function () { if (window.addEventListener) { return function (o, n, l, m) { o.addEventListener(n, l, (m)); }; } else { if (window.attachEvent) { return function (o, n, l, m) { o.attachEvent("on" + n, l); }; } else { return function () { }; } } } (), _simpleRemove: function () { if (window.removeEventListener) { return function (o, n, l, m) { o.removeEventListener(n, l, (m)); }; } else { if (window.detachEvent) { return function (l, n, m) { l.detachEvent("on" + n, m); }; } else { return function () { }; } } } () }; } (); (function () { var a = YAHOO.util.Event; a.on = a.addListener; if (a.isIE) { YAHOO.util.Event.onDOMReady(YAHOO.util.Event._tryPreloadAttach, YAHOO.util.Event, true); var b = document.createElement("p"); a._dri = setInterval(function () { try { b.doScroll("left"); clearInterval(a._dri); a._dri = null; a._ready(); b = null; } catch (c) { } }, a.POLL_INTERVAL); } else { if (a.webkit && a.webkit < 525) { a._dri = setInterval(function () { var c = document.readyState; if ("loaded" == c || "complete" == c) { clearInterval(a._dri); a._dri = null; a._ready(); } }, a.POLL_INTERVAL); } else { a._simpleAdd(document, "DOMContentLoaded", a._ready); } } a._simpleAdd(window, "load", a._load); a._simpleAdd(window, "unload", a._unload); a._tryPreloadAttach(); })(); } YAHOO.util.EventProvider = function () { }; YAHOO.util.EventProvider.prototype = { __yui_events: null, __yui_subscribers: null, subscribe: function (a, e, b, c) { this.__yui_events = this.__yui_events || {}; var d = this.__yui_events[a]; if (d) { d.subscribe(e, b, c); } else { this.__yui_subscribers = this.__yui_subscribers || {}; var f = this.__yui_subscribers; if (!f[a]) { f[a] = []; } f[a].push({ fn: e, obj: b, override: c }); } }, unsubscribe: function (f, d, b) { this.__yui_events = this.__yui_events || {}; var a = this.__yui_events; if (f) { var c = a[f]; if (c) { return c.unsubscribe(d, b); } } else { var g = true; for (var e in a) { if (YAHOO.lang.hasOwnProperty(a, e)) { g = g && a[e].unsubscribe(d, b); } } return g; } return false; }, unsubscribeAll: function (a) { return this.unsubscribe(a); }, createEvent: function (g, a) { this.__yui_events = this.__yui_events || {}; var d = a || {}; var e = this.__yui_events; if (e[g]) { } else { var f = d.scope || this; var j = (d.silent); var c = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent(g, f, j, YAHOO.util.CustomEvent.FLAT); e[g] = c; if (d.onSubscribeCallback) { c.subscribeEvent.subscribe(d.onSubscribeCallback); } this.__yui_subscribers = this.__yui_subscribers || {}; var h = this.__yui_subscribers[g]; if (h) { for (var b = 0; b < h.length; ++b) { c.subscribe(h[b].fn, h[b].obj, h[b].override); } } } return e[g]; }, fireEvent: function (d, e, a, f) { this.__yui_events = this.__yui_events || {}; var b = this.__yui_events[d]; if (!b) { return null; } var g = []; for (var c = 1; c < arguments.length; ++c) { g.push(arguments[c]); } return, g); }, hasEvent: function (a) { if (this.__yui_events) { if (this.__yui_events[a]) { return true; } } return false; } }; YAHOO.util.KeyListener = function (a, b, f, e) { if (!a) { } else { if (!b) { } else { if (!f) { } } } if (!e) { e = YAHOO.util.KeyListener.KEYDOWN; } var d = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("keyPressed"); this.enabledEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("enabled"); this.disabledEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("disabled"); if (typeof a == "string") { a = document.getElementById(a); } if (typeof f == "function") { d.subscribe(f); } else { d.subscribe(f.fn, f.scope, f.correctScope); } function c(g, h) { if (!b.shift) { b.shift = false; } if (!b.alt) { b.alt = false; } if (!b.ctrl) { b.ctrl = false; } if (g.shiftKey == b.shift && g.altKey == b.alt && g.ctrlKey == b.ctrl) { var k; if (b.keys instanceof Array) { for (var j = 0; j < b.keys.length; j++) { k = b.keys[j]; if (k == g.charCode) {, g); break; } else { if (k == g.keyCode) {, g); break; } } } } else { k = b.keys; if (k == g.charCode) {, g); } else { if (k == g.keyCode) {, g); } } } } } this.enable = function () { if (!this.enabled) { YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(a, e, c);; } this.enabled = true; }; this.disable = function () { if (this.enabled) { YAHOO.util.Event.removeListener(a, e, c);; } this.enabled = false; }; this.toString = function () { return "KeyListener [" + b.keys + "] " + a.tagName + ( ? "[" + + "]" : ""); }; }; YAHOO.util.KeyListener.KEYDOWN = "keydown"; YAHOO.util.KeyListener.KEYUP = "keyup"; YAHOO.util.KeyListener.KEY = { ALT: 18, BACK_SPACE: 8, CAPS_LOCK: 20, CONTROL: 17, DELETE: 46, DOWN: 40, END: 35, ENTER: 13, ESCAPE: 27, HOME: 36, LEFT: 37, META: 224, NUM_LOCK: 144, PAGE_DOWN: 34, PAGE_UP: 33, PAUSE: 19, PRINTSCREEN: 44, RIGHT: 39, SCROLL_LOCK: 145, SHIFT: 16, SPACE: 32, TAB: 9, UP: 38 }; YAHOO.register("event", YAHOO.util.Event, { version: "2.5.1", build: "984" }); YAHOO.register("yahoo-dom-event", YAHOO, { version: "2.5.1", build: "984" }); YAHOO.util.Get = function () { var f = {}, g = 0, b = 0, o = false, e =, a = YAHOO.lang; var j = function (v, z, u) { var y = u || window, B = y.document, A = B.createElement(v); for (var w in z) { if (z[w] && YAHOO.lang.hasOwnProperty(z, w)) { A.setAttribute(w, z[w]); } } return A; }; var l = function (y, w, u) { var v = u || "utf-8"; return j("link", { id: "yui__dyn_" + (b++), type: "text/css", charset: v, rel: "stylesheet", href: y }, w); }; var d = function (y, w, u) { var v = u || "utf-8"; return j("script", { id: "yui__dyn_" + (b++), type: "text/javascript", charset: v, src: y }, w); }; var t = function (v, u) { return { tId: v.tId, win:, data:, nodes: v.nodes, msg: u, purge: function () { q(this.tId); } }; }; var s = function (y, u) { var w = f[u], v = (a.isString(y)) ? : y; if (!v) { c(u, "target node not found: " + y); } return v; }; var c = function (u, v) { var y = f[u]; if (y.onFailure) { var w = y.scope ||;, t(y, v)); } }; var r = function (u) { var y = f[u]; y.finished = true; if (y.aborted) { var v = "transaction " + u + " was aborted"; c(u, v); return; } if (y.onSuccess) { var w = y.scope ||;, t(y)); } }; var m = function (A, v) { var B = f[A]; if (B.aborted) { var y = "transaction " + A + " was aborted"; c(A, y); return; } if (v) { B.url.shift(); if (B.varName) { B.varName.shift(); } } else { B.url = (a.isString(B.url)) ? [B.url] : B.url; if (B.varName) { B.varName = (a.isString(B.varName)) ? [B.varName] : B.varName; } } var E =, F = E.document, u = F.getElementsByTagName("head")[0], z; if (B.url.length === 0) { if (B.type === "script" && e.webkit && e.webkit < 420 && !B.finalpass && !B.varName) { var w = d(null,, B.charset); w.innerHTML = 'YAHOO.util.Get._finalize("' + A + '");'; B.nodes.push(w); u.appendChild(w); } else { r(A); } return; } var C = B.url[0]; if (B.type === "script") { z = d(C, E, B.charset); } else { z = l(C, E, B.charset); } n(B.type, z, A, C, E, B.url.length); B.nodes.push(z); if (B.insertBefore) { var D = s(B.insertBefore, A); if (D) { D.parentNode.insertBefore(z, D); } } else { u.appendChild(z); } if ((e.webkit || e.gecko) && B.type === "css") { m(A, C); } }; var h = function () { if (o) { return; } o = true; for (var v in f) { var u = f[v]; if (u.autopurge && u.finished) { q(u.tId); delete f[v]; } } o = false; }; var q = function (A) { var u = f[A]; if (u) { var B = u.nodes, z = B.length, C =, v = C.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; if (u.insertBefore) { var w = s(u.insertBefore, A); if (w) { v = w.parentNode; } } for (var y = 0; y < z; y = y + 1) { v.removeChild(B[y]); } } u.nodes = []; }; var k = function (y, z, w) { var u = "q" + (g++); w = w || {}; if (g % YAHOO.util.Get.PURGE_THRESH === 0) { h(); } f[u] = a.merge(w, { tId: u, type: y, url: z, finished: false, nodes: [] }); var v = f[u]; = || window; v.scope = v.scope ||; v.autopurge = ("autopurge" in v) ? v.autopurge : (y === "script") ? true : false; a.later(0, v, m, u); return { tId: u }; }; var n = function (D, y, z, B, w, v, E) { var u = E || m; if ( { y.onreadystatechange = function () { var F = this.readyState; if ("loaded" === F || "complete" === F) { u(z, B); } }; } else { if (e.webkit) { if (D === "script") { if (e.webkit >= 420) { y.addEventListener("load", function () { u(z, B); }); } else { var C = f[z]; if (C.varName) { var A = YAHOO.util.Get.POLL_FREQ; C.maxattempts = YAHOO.util.Get.TIMEOUT / A; C.attempts = 0; C._cache = C.varName[0].split("."); C.timer = a.later(A, C, function (F) { var I = this._cache, J = I.length, K =, H; for (H = 0; H < J; H = H + 1) { K = K[I[H]]; if (!K) { this.attempts++; if (this.attempts++ > this.maxattempts) { var G = "Over retry limit, giving up"; C.timer.cancel(); c(z, G); } else { } return; } } C.timer.cancel(); u(z, B); }, null, true); } else { a.later(YAHOO.util.Get.POLL_FREQ, null, u, [z, B]); } } } } else { y.onload = function () { u(z, B); }; } } }; return { POLL_FREQ: 10, PURGE_THRESH: 20, TIMEOUT: 2000, _finalize: function (u) { a.later(0, null, r, u); }, abort: function (v) { var u = (a.isString(v)) ? v : v.tId; var w = f[u]; if (w) { w.aborted = true; } }, script: function (v, u) { return k("script", v, u); }, css: function (v, u) { return k("css", v, u); } }; } (); YAHOO.register("get", YAHOO.util.Get, { version: "2.5.1", build: "984" }); YAHOO.util.Connect = { _msxml_progid: ["Microsoft.XMLHTTP", "MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0", "MSXML2.XMLHTTP"], _http_headers: {}, _has_http_headers: false, _use_default_post_header: true, _default_post_header: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8", _default_form_header: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", _use_default_xhr_header: true, _default_xhr_header: "XMLHttpRequest", _has_default_headers: true, _default_headers: {}, _isFormSubmit: false, _isFileUpload: false, _formNode: null, _sFormData: null, _poll: {}, _timeOut: {}, _polling_interval: 50, _transaction_id: 0, _submitElementValue: null, _hasSubmitListener: (function () { if (YAHOO.util.Event) { YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(document, "click", function (b) { var a = YAHOO.util.Event.getTarget(b); if (a.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "input" && (a.type && a.type.toLowerCase() == "submit")) { YAHOO.util.Connect._submitElementValue = encodeURIComponent( + "=" + encodeURIComponent(a.value); } }); return true; } return false; })(), startEvent: new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("start"), completeEvent: new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("complete"), successEvent: new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("success"), failureEvent: new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("failure"), uploadEvent: new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("upload"), abortEvent: new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("abort"), _customEvents: { onStart: ["startEvent", "start"], onComplete: ["completeEvent", "complete"], onSuccess: ["successEvent", "success"], onFailure: ["failureEvent", "failure"], onUpload: ["uploadEvent", "upload"], onAbort: ["abortEvent", "abort"] }, setProgId: function (a) { this._msxml_progid.unshift(a); }, setDefaultPostHeader: function (a) { if (typeof a == "string") { this._default_post_header = a; } else { if (typeof a == "boolean") { this._use_default_post_header = a; } } }, setDefaultXhrHeader: function (a) { if (typeof a == "string") { this._default_xhr_header = a; } else { this._use_default_xhr_header = a; } }, setPollingInterval: function (a) { if (typeof a == "number" && isFinite(a)) { this._polling_interval = a; } }, createXhrObject: function (b) { var c, a; try { a = new XMLHttpRequest(); c = { conn: a, tId: b }; } catch (d) { for (var e = 0; e < this._msxml_progid.length; ++e) { try { a = new ActiveXObject(this._msxml_progid[e]); c = { conn: a, tId: b }; break; } catch (d) { } } } finally { return c; } }, getConnectionObject: function (a) { var c; var b = this._transaction_id; try { if (!a) { c = this.createXhrObject(b); } else { c = {}; c.tId = b; c.isUpload = true; } if (c) { this._transaction_id++; } } catch (d) { } finally { return c; } }, asyncRequest: function (b, e, c, a) { var d = (this._isFileUpload) ? this.getConnectionObject(true) : this.getConnectionObject(); var f = (c && c.argument) ? c.argument : null; if (!d) { return null; } else { if (c && c.customevents) { this.initCustomEvents(d, c); } if (this._isFormSubmit) { if (this._isFileUpload) { this.uploadFile(d, c, e, a); return d; } if (b.toUpperCase() == "GET") { if (this._sFormData.length !== 0) { e += ((e.indexOf("?") == -1) ? "?" : "&") + this._sFormData; } } else { if (b.toUpperCase() == "POST") { a = a ? this._sFormData + "&" + a : this._sFormData; } } } if (b.toUpperCase() == "GET" && (c && c.cache === false)) { e += ((e.indexOf("?") == -1) ? "?" : "&") + "rnd=" + new Date().valueOf().toString(); }, e, true); if (this._use_default_xhr_header) { if (!this._default_headers["X-Requested-With"]) { this.initHeader("X-Requested-With", this._default_xhr_header, true); } } if ((b.toUpperCase() == "POST" && this._use_default_post_header) && this._isFormSubmit === false) { this.initHeader("Content-Type", this._default_post_header); } if (this._has_default_headers || this._has_http_headers) { this.setHeader(d); } this.handleReadyState(d, c); d.conn.send(a || ""); if (this._isFormSubmit === true) { this.resetFormState(); }, f); if (d.startEvent) {, f); } return d; } }, initCustomEvents: function (a, b) { for (var c in b.customevents) { if (this._customEvents[c][0]) { a[this._customEvents[c][0]] = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent(this._customEvents[c][1], (b.scope) ? b.scope : null); a[this._customEvents[c][0]].subscribe(b.customevents[c]); } } }, handleReadyState: function (c, b) { var d = this; var a = (b && b.argument) ? b.argument : null; if (b && b.timeout) { this._timeOut[c.tId] = window.setTimeout(function () { d.abort(c, b, true); }, b.timeout); } this._poll[c.tId] = window.setInterval(function () { if (c.conn && c.conn.readyState === 4) { window.clearInterval(d._poll[c.tId]); delete d._poll[c.tId]; if (b && b.timeout) { window.clearTimeout(d._timeOut[c.tId]); delete d._timeOut[c.tId]; }, a); if (c.completeEvent) {, a); } d.handleTransactionResponse(c, b); } }, this._polling_interval); }, handleTransactionResponse: function (c, b, a) { var e, f; var g = (b && b.argument) ? b.argument : null; try { if (c.conn.status !== undefined && c.conn.status !== 0) { e = c.conn.status; } else { e = 13030; } } catch (d) { e = 13030; } if (e >= 200 && e < 300 || e === 1223) { f = this.createResponseObject(c, g); if (b && b.success) { if (!b.scope) { b.success(f); } else { b.success.apply(b.scope, [f]); } }; if (c.successEvent) {; } } else { switch (e) { case 12002: case 12029: case 12030: case 12031: case 12152: case 13030: f = this.createExceptionObject(c.tId, g, (a ? a : false)); if (b && b.failure) { if (!b.scope) { b.failure(f); } else { b.failure.apply(b.scope, [f]); } } break; default: f = this.createResponseObject(c, g); if (b && b.failure) { if (!b.scope) { b.failure(f); } else { b.failure.apply(b.scope, [f]); } } }; if (c.failureEvent) {; } } this.releaseObject(c); f = null; }, createResponseObject: function (d, g) { var a = {}; var e = {}; try { var b = d.conn.getAllResponseHeaders(); var h = b.split("\n"); for (var j = 0; j < h.length; j++) { var c = h[j].indexOf(":"); if (c != -1) { e[h[j].substring(0, c)] = h[j].substring(c + 2); } } } catch (f) { } a.tId = d.tId; a.status = (d.conn.status == 1223) ? 204 : d.conn.status; a.statusText = (d.conn.status == 1223) ? "No Content" : d.conn.statusText; a.getResponseHeader = e; a.getAllResponseHeaders = b; a.responseText = d.conn.responseText; a.responseXML = d.conn.responseXML; if (g) { a.argument = g; } return a; }, createExceptionObject: function (b, f, a) { var d = 0; var c = "communication failure"; var g = -1; var h = "transaction aborted"; var e = {}; e.tId = b; if (a) { e.status = g; e.statusText = h; } else { e.status = d; e.statusText = c; } if (f) { e.argument = f; } return e; }, initHeader: function (a, b, c) { var d = (c) ? this._default_headers : this._http_headers; d[a] = b; if (c) { this._has_default_headers = true; } else { this._has_http_headers = true; } }, setHeader: function (a) { if (this._has_default_headers) { for (var b in this._default_headers) { if (YAHOO.lang.hasOwnProperty(this._default_headers, b)) { a.conn.setRequestHeader(b, this._default_headers[b]); } } } if (this._has_http_headers) { for (var b in this._http_headers) { if (YAHOO.lang.hasOwnProperty(this._http_headers, b)) { a.conn.setRequestHeader(b, this._http_headers[b]); } } delete this._http_headers; this._http_headers = {}; this._has_http_headers = false; } }, resetDefaultHeaders: function () { delete this._default_headers; this._default_headers = {}; this._has_default_headers = false; }, setForm: function (f, m, c) { this.resetFormState(); var g; if (typeof f == "string") { g = (document.getElementById(f) || document.forms[f]); } else { if (typeof f == "object") { g = f; } else { return; } } if (m) { var l = this.createFrame((window.location.href.toLowerCase().indexOf("https") === 0 || c) ? true : false); this._isFormSubmit = true; this._isFileUpload = true; this._formNode = g; return; } var d, h, k, e; var j = false; for (var a = 0; a < g.elements.length; a++) { d = g.elements[a]; e = d.disabled; h =; k = d.value; if (!e && h) { switch (d.type) { case "select-one": case "select-multiple": for (var b = 0; b < d.options.length; b++) { if (d.options[b].selected) { if (window.ActiveXObject) { this._sFormData += encodeURIComponent(h) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(d.options[b].attributes.value.specified ? d.options[b].value : d.options[b].text) + "&"; } else { this._sFormData += encodeURIComponent(h) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(d.options[b].hasAttribute("value") ? d.options[b].value : d.options[b].text) + "&"; } } } break; case "radio": case "checkbox": if (d.checked) { this._sFormData += encodeURIComponent(h) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(k) + "&"; } break; case "file": case undefined: case "reset": case "button": break; case "submit": if (j === false) { if (this._hasSubmitListener && this._submitElementValue) { this._sFormData += this._submitElementValue + "&"; } else { this._sFormData += encodeURIComponent(h) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(k) + "&"; } j = true; } break; default: this._sFormData += encodeURIComponent(h) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(k) + "&"; } } } this._isFormSubmit = true; this._sFormData = this._sFormData.substr(0, this._sFormData.length - 1); this.initHeader("Content-Type", this._default_form_header); return this._sFormData; }, resetFormState: function () { this._isFormSubmit = false; this._isFileUpload = false; this._formNode = null; this._sFormData = ""; }, createFrame: function (a) { var c = "yuiIO" + this._transaction_id; var b; if (window.ActiveXObject) { b = document.createElement(''); if (typeof a == "boolean") { b.src = "javascript:false"; } } else { b = document.createElement("iframe"); = c; = c; } = "absolute"; = "-1000px"; = "-1000px"; document.body.appendChild(b); }, appendPostData: function (a) { var c = []; var e = a.split("&"); for (var d = 0; d < e.length; d++) { var b = e[d].indexOf("="); if (b != -1) { c[d] = document.createElement("input"); c[d].type = "hidden"; c[d].name = e[d].substring(0, b); c[d].value = e[d].substring(b + 1); this._formNode.appendChild(c[d]); } } return c; }, uploadFile: function (a, f, o, b) { var e = this; var l = "yuiIO" + a.tId; var k = "multipart/form-data"; var h = document.getElementById(l); var j = (f && f.argument) ? f.argument : null; var c = { action: this._formNode.getAttribute("action"), method: this._formNode.getAttribute("method"), target: this._formNode.getAttribute("target") }; this._formNode.setAttribute("action", o); this._formNode.setAttribute("method", "POST"); this._formNode.setAttribute("target", l); if (this._formNode.encoding) { this._formNode.setAttribute("encoding", k); } else { this._formNode.setAttribute("enctype", k); } if (b) { var g = this.appendPostData(b); } this._formNode.submit();, j); if (a.startEvent) {, j); } if (f && f.timeout) { this._timeOut[a.tId] = window.setTimeout(function () { e.abort(a, f, true); }, f.timeout); } if (g && g.length > 0) { for (var m = 0; m < g.length; m++) { this._formNode.removeChild(g[m]); } } for (var d in c) { if (YAHOO.lang.hasOwnProperty(c, d)) { if (c[d]) { this._formNode.setAttribute(d, c[d]); } else { this._formNode.removeAttribute(d); } } } this.resetFormState(); var n = function () { if (f && f.timeout) { window.clearTimeout(e._timeOut[a.tId]); delete e._timeOut[a.tId]; }, j); if (a.completeEvent) {, j); } var q = {}; q.tId = a.tId; q.argument = f.argument; try { q.responseText = h.contentWindow.document.body ? h.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML : h.contentWindow.document.documentElement.textContent; q.responseXML = h.contentWindow.document.XMLDocument ? h.contentWindow.document.XMLDocument : h.contentWindow.document; } catch (r) { } if (f && f.upload) { if (!f.scope) { f.upload(q); } else { f.upload.apply(f.scope, [q]); } }; if (a.uploadEvent) {; } YAHOO.util.Event.removeListener(h, "load", n); setTimeout(function () { document.body.removeChild(h); e.releaseObject(a); }, 100); }; YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(h, "load", n); }, abort: function (d, b, a) { var e; var g = (b && b.argument) ? b.argument : null; if (d && d.conn) { if (this.isCallInProgress(d)) { d.conn.abort(); window.clearInterval(this._poll[d.tId]); delete this._poll[d.tId]; if (a) { window.clearTimeout(this._timeOut[d.tId]); delete this._timeOut[d.tId]; } e = true; } } else { if (d && d.isUpload === true) { var f = "yuiIO" + d.tId; var c = document.getElementById(f); if (c) { YAHOO.util.Event.removeListener(c, "load"); document.body.removeChild(c); if (a) { window.clearTimeout(this._timeOut[d.tId]); delete this._timeOut[d.tId]; } e = true; } } else { e = false; } } if (e === true) {, g); if (d.abortEvent) {, g); } this.handleTransactionResponse(d, b, true); } return e; }, isCallInProgress: function (b) { if (b && b.conn) { return b.conn.readyState !== 4 && b.conn.readyState !== 0; } else { if (b && b.isUpload === true) { var a = "yuiIO" + b.tId; return document.getElementById(a) ? true : false; } else { return false; } } }, releaseObject: function (a) { if (a && a.conn) { a.conn = null; a = null; } } }; YAHOO.register("connection", YAHOO.util.Connect, { version: "2.5.1", build: "984" }); (function () { var b = YAHOO.util; var a = function (e, f, d, c) { if (!e) { } this.init(e, f, d, c); }; a.NAME = "Anim"; a.prototype = { toString: function () { var d = this.getEl() || {}; var c = || d.tagName; return (this.constructor.NAME + ": " + c); }, patterns: { noNegatives: /width|height|opacity|padding/i, offsetAttribute: /^((width|height)|(top|left))$/, defaultUnit: /width|height|top$|bottom$|left$|right$/i, offsetUnit: /\d+(em|%|en|ex|pt|in|cm|mm|pc)$/i }, doMethod: function (e, c, d) { return this.method(this.currentFrame, c, d - c, this.totalFrames); }, setAttribute: function (e, c, d) { if (this.patterns.noNegatives.test(e)) { c = (c > 0) ? c : 0; } b.Dom.setStyle(this.getEl(), e, c + d); }, getAttribute: function (h) { var f = this.getEl(); var d = b.Dom.getStyle(f, h); if (d !== "auto" && !this.patterns.offsetUnit.test(d)) { return parseFloat(d); } var g = this.patterns.offsetAttribute.exec(h) || []; var c = !!(g[3]); var e = !!(g[2]); if (e || (b.Dom.getStyle(f, "position") == "absolute" && c)) { d = f["offset" + g[0].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + g[0].substr(1)]; } else { d = 0; } return d; }, getDefaultUnit: function (c) { if (this.patterns.defaultUnit.test(c)) { return "px"; } return ""; }, setRuntimeAttribute: function (h) { var c; var g; var f = this.attributes; this.runtimeAttributes[h] = {}; var d = function (k) { return (typeof k !== "undefined"); }; if (!d(f[h]["to"]) && !d(f[h]["by"])) { return false; } c = (d(f[h]["from"])) ? f[h]["from"] : this.getAttribute(h); if (d(f[h]["to"])) { g = f[h]["to"]; } else { if (d(f[h]["by"])) { if (c.constructor == Array) { g = []; for (var e = 0, j = c.length; e < j; ++e) { g[e] = c[e] + f[h]["by"][e] * 1; } } else { g = c + f[h]["by"] * 1; } } } this.runtimeAttributes[h].start = c; this.runtimeAttributes[h].end = g; this.runtimeAttributes[h].unit = (d(f[h].unit)) ? f[h]["unit"] : this.getDefaultUnit(h); return true; }, init: function (m, g, h, d) { var c = false; var l = null; var j = 0; m = b.Dom.get(m); this.attributes = g || {}; this.duration = !YAHOO.lang.isUndefined(h) ? h : 1; this.method = d || b.Easing.easeNone; this.useSeconds = true; this.currentFrame = 0; this.totalFrames = b.AnimMgr.fps; this.setEl = function (n) { m = b.Dom.get(n); }; this.getEl = function () { return m; }; this.isAnimated = function () { return c; }; this.getStartTime = function () { return l; }; this.runtimeAttributes = {}; this.animate = function () { if (this.isAnimated()) { return false; } this.currentFrame = 0; this.totalFrames = (this.useSeconds) ? Math.ceil(b.AnimMgr.fps * this.duration) : this.duration; if (this.duration === 0 && this.useSeconds) { this.totalFrames = 1; } b.AnimMgr.registerElement(this); return true; }; this.stop = function (n) { if (!this.isAnimated()) { return false; } if (n) { this.currentFrame = this.totalFrames;; } b.AnimMgr.stop(this); }; var e = function () {; this.runtimeAttributes = {}; for (var n in this.attributes) { this.setRuntimeAttribute(n); } c = true; j = 0; l = new Date(); }; var f = function () { var n = { duration: new Date() - this.getStartTime(), currentFrame: this.currentFrame }; n.toString = function () { return ("duration: " + n.duration + ", currentFrame: " + n.currentFrame); };; var o = this.runtimeAttributes; for (var q in o) { this.setAttribute(q, this.doMethod(q, o[q].start, o[q].end), o[q].unit); } j += 1; }; var k = function () { var o = (new Date() - l) / 1000; var n = { duration: o, frames: j, fps: j / o }; n.toString = function () { return ("duration: " + n.duration + ", frames: " + n.frames + ", fps: " + n.fps); }; c = false; j = 0;; }; this._onStart = new b.CustomEvent("_start", this, true); this.onStart = new b.CustomEvent("start", this); this.onTween = new b.CustomEvent("tween", this); this._onTween = new b.CustomEvent("_tween", this, true); this.onComplete = new b.CustomEvent("complete", this); this._onComplete = new b.CustomEvent("_complete", this, true); this._onStart.subscribe(e); this._onTween.subscribe(f); this._onComplete.subscribe(k); } }; b.Anim = a; })(); YAHOO.util.AnimMgr = new function () { var d = null; var e = []; var a = 0; this.fps = 1000; this.delay = 1; this.registerElement = function (f) { e[e.length] = f; a += 1;; this.start(); }; this.unRegister = function (f, g) { g = g || b(f); if (!f.isAnimated() || g == -1) { return false; }; e.splice(g, 1); a -= 1; if (a <= 0) { this.stop(); } return true; }; this.start = function () { if (d === null) { d = setInterval(, this.delay); } }; this.stop = function (f) { if (!f) { clearInterval(d); for (var g = 0, h = e.length; g < h; ++g) { this.unRegister(e[0], 0); } e = []; d = null; a = 0; } else { this.unRegister(f); } }; = function () { for (var f = 0, h = e.length; f < h; ++f) { var g = e[f]; if (!g || !g.isAnimated()) { continue; } if (g.currentFrame < g.totalFrames || g.totalFrames === null) { g.currentFrame += 1; if (g.useSeconds) { c(g); }; } else { YAHOO.util.AnimMgr.stop(g, f); } } }; var b = function (f) { for (var g = 0, h = e.length; g < h; ++g) { if (e[g] == f) { return g; } } return -1; }; var c = function (k) { var g = k.totalFrames; var h = k.currentFrame; var j = (k.currentFrame * k.duration * 1000 / k.totalFrames); var l = (new Date() - k.getStartTime()); var f = 0; if (l < k.duration * 1000) { f = Math.round((l / j - 1) * k.currentFrame); } else { f = g - (h + 1); } if (f > 0 && isFinite(f)) { if (k.currentFrame + f >= g) { f = g - (h + 1); } k.currentFrame += f; } }; }; YAHOO.util.Bezier = new function () { this.getPosition = function (c, d) { var b = c.length; var e = []; for (var f = 0; f < b; ++f) { e[f] = [c[f][0], c[f][1]]; } for (var a = 1; a < b; ++a) { for (f = 0; f < b - a; ++f) { e[f][0] = (1 - d) * e[f][0] + d * e[parseInt(f + 1, 10)][0]; e[f][1] = (1 - d) * e[f][1] + d * e[parseInt(f + 1, 10)][1]; } } return [e[0][0], e[0][1]]; }; }; (function () { var a = function (g, h, f, e) {, g, h, f, e); }; a.NAME = "ColorAnim"; var c = YAHOO.util; YAHOO.extend(a, c.Anim); var b = a.superclass; var d = a.prototype; d.patterns.color = /color$/i; d.patterns.rgb = /^rgb\(([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\)$/i; d.patterns.hex = /^#?([0-9A-F]{2})([0-9A-F]{2})([0-9A-F]{2})$/i; d.patterns.hex3 = /^#?([0-9A-F]{1})([0-9A-F]{1})([0-9A-F]{1})$/i; d.patterns.transparent = /^transparent|rgba\(0, 0, 0, 0\)$/; d.parseColor = function (f) { if (f.length == 3) { return f; } var e = this.patterns.hex.exec(f); if (e && e.length == 4) { return [parseInt(e[1], 16), parseInt(e[2], 16), parseInt(e[3], 16)]; } e = this.patterns.rgb.exec(f); if (e && e.length == 4) { return [parseInt(e[1], 10), parseInt(e[2], 10), parseInt(e[3], 10)]; } e = this.patterns.hex3.exec(f); if (e && e.length == 4) { return [parseInt(e[1] + e[1], 16), parseInt(e[2] + e[2], 16), parseInt(e[3] + e[3], 16)]; } return null; }; d.getAttribute = function (h) { var f = this.getEl(); if (this.patterns.color.test(h)) { var e = YAHOO.util.Dom.getStyle(f, h); if (this.patterns.transparent.test(e)) { var g = f.parentNode; e = c.Dom.getStyle(g, h); while (g && this.patterns.transparent.test(e)) { g = g.parentNode; e = c.Dom.getStyle(g, h); if (g.tagName.toUpperCase() == "HTML") { e = "#fff"; } } } } else { e =, h); } return e; }; d.doMethod = function (j, e, h) { var f; if (this.patterns.color.test(j)) { f = []; for (var g = 0, k = e.length; g < k; ++g) { f[g] =, j, e[g], h[g]); } f = "rgb(" + Math.floor(f[0]) + "," + Math.floor(f[1]) + "," + Math.floor(f[2]) + ")"; } else { f =, j, e, h); } return f; }; d.setRuntimeAttribute = function (j) {, j); if (this.patterns.color.test(j)) { var g = this.attributes; var e = this.parseColor(this.runtimeAttributes[j].start); var h = this.parseColor(this.runtimeAttributes[j].end); if (typeof g[j]["to"] === "undefined" && typeof g[j]["by"] !== "undefined") { h = this.parseColor(g[j].by); for (var f = 0, k = e.length; f < k; ++f) { h[f] = e[f] + h[f]; } } this.runtimeAttributes[j].start = e; this.runtimeAttributes[j].end = h; } }; c.ColorAnim = a; })(); YAHOO.util.Easing = { easeNone: function (d, a, b, c) { return b * d / c + a; }, easeIn: function (d, a, b, c) { return b * (d /= c) * d + a; }, easeOut: function (d, a, b, c) { return -b * (d /= c) * (d - 2) + a; }, easeBoth: function (d, a, b, c) { if ((d /= c / 2) < 1) { return b / 2 * d * d + a; } return -b / 2 * ((--d) * (d - 2) - 1) + a; }, easeInStrong: function (d, a, b, c) { return b * (d /= c) * d * d * d + a; }, easeOutStrong: function (d, a, b, c) { return -b * ((d = d / c - 1) * d * d * d - 1) + a; }, easeBothStrong: function (d, a, b, c) { if ((d /= c / 2) < 1) { return b / 2 * d * d * d * d + a; } return -b / 2 * ((d -= 2) * d * d * d - 2) + a; }, elasticIn: function (f, a, b, c, g, d) { if (f == 0) { return a; } if ((f /= c) == 1) { return a + b; } if (!d) { d = c * 0.3; } if (!g || g < Math.abs(b)) { g = b; var e = d / 4; } else { var e = d / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(b / g); } return -(g * Math.pow(2, 10 * (f -= 1)) * Math.sin((f * c - e) * (2 * Math.PI) / d)) + a; }, elasticOut: function (f, a, b, c, g, d) { if (f == 0) { return a; } if ((f /= c) == 1) { return a + b; } if (!d) { d = c * 0.3; } if (!g || g < Math.abs(b)) { g = b; var e = d / 4; } else { var e = d / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(b / g); } return g * Math.pow(2, -10 * f) * Math.sin((f * c - e) * (2 * Math.PI) / d) + b + a; }, elasticBoth: function (f, a, b, c, g, d) { if (f == 0) { return a; } if ((f /= c / 2) == 2) { return a + b; } if (!d) { d = c * (0.3 * 1.5); } if (!g || g < Math.abs(b)) { g = b; var e = d / 4; } else { var e = d / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(b / g); } if (f < 1) { return -0.5 * (g * Math.pow(2, 10 * (f -= 1)) * Math.sin((f * c - e) * (2 * Math.PI) / d)) + a; } return g * Math.pow(2, -10 * (f -= 1)) * Math.sin((f * c - e) * (2 * Math.PI) / d) * 0.5 + b + a; }, backIn: function (e, a, b, c, d) { if (typeof d == "undefined") { d = 1.70158; } return b * (e /= c) * e * ((d + 1) * e - d) + a; }, backOut: function (e, a, b, c, d) { if (typeof d == "undefined") { d = 1.70158; } return b * ((e = e / c - 1) * e * ((d + 1) * e + d) + 1) + a; }, backBoth: function (e, a, b, c, d) { if (typeof d == "undefined") { d = 1.70158; } if ((e /= c / 2) < 1) { return b / 2 * (e * e * (((d *= (1.525)) + 1) * e - d)) + a; } return b / 2 * ((e -= 2) * e * (((d *= (1.525)) + 1) * e + d) + 2) + a; }, bounceIn: function (d, a, b, c) { return b - YAHOO.util.Easing.bounceOut(c - d, 0, b, c) + a; }, bounceOut: function (d, a, b, c) { if ((d /= c) < (1 / 2.75)) { return b * (7.5625 * d * d) + a; } else { if (d < (2 / 2.75)) { return b * (7.5625 * (d -= (1.5 / 2.75)) * d + 0.75) + a; } else { if (d < (2.5 / 2.75)) { return b * (7.5625 * (d -= (2.25 / 2.75)) * d + 0.9375) + a; } } } return b * (7.5625 * (d -= (2.625 / 2.75)) * d + 0.984375) + a; }, bounceBoth: function (d, a, b, c) { if (d < c / 2) { return YAHOO.util.Easing.bounceIn(d * 2, 0, b, c) * 0.5 + a; } return YAHOO.util.Easing.bounceOut(d * 2 - c, 0, b, c) * 0.5 + b * 0.5 + a; } }; (function () { var a = function (j, k, h, g) { if (j) {, j, k, h, g); } }; a.NAME = "Motion"; var c = YAHOO.util; YAHOO.extend(a, c.ColorAnim); var b = a.superclass; var e = a.prototype; e.patterns.points = /^points$/i; e.setAttribute = function (j, g, h) { if (this.patterns.points.test(j)) { h = h || "px";, "left", g[0], h);, "top", g[1], h); } else {, j, g, h); } }; e.getAttribute = function (h) { if (this.patterns.points.test(h)) { var g = [, "left"),, "top")]; } else { g =, h); } return g; }; e.doMethod = function (l, g, k) { var h = null; if (this.patterns.points.test(l)) { var j = this.method(this.currentFrame, 0, 100, this.totalFrames) / 100; h = c.Bezier.getPosition(this.runtimeAttributes[l], j); } else { h =, l, g, k); } return h; }; e.setRuntimeAttribute = function (g) { if (this.patterns.points.test(g)) { var q = this.getEl(); var n = this.attributes; var r; var l = n.points["control"] || []; var o; var k, h; if (l.length > 0 && !(l[0] instanceof Array)) { l = [l]; } else { var m = []; for (k = 0, h = l.length; k < h; ++k) { m[k] = l[k]; } l = m; } if (c.Dom.getStyle(q, "position") == "static") { c.Dom.setStyle(q, "position", "relative"); } if (d(n.points["from"])) { c.Dom.setXY(q, n.points["from"]); } else { c.Dom.setXY(q, c.Dom.getXY(q)); } r = this.getAttribute("points"); if (d(n.points["to"])) { o =, n.points["to"], r); var j = c.Dom.getXY(this.getEl()); for (k = 0, h = l.length; k < h; ++k) { l[k] =, l[k], r); } } else { if (d(n.points["by"])) { o = [r[0] + n.points["by"][0], r[1] + n.points["by"][1]]; for (k = 0, h = l.length; k < h; ++k) { l[k] = [r[0] + l[k][0], r[1] + l[k][1]]; } } } this.runtimeAttributes[g] = [r]; if (l.length > 0) { this.runtimeAttributes[g] = this.runtimeAttributes[g].concat(l); } this.runtimeAttributes[g][this.runtimeAttributes[g].length] = o; } else {, g); } }; var f = function (j, g) { var h = c.Dom.getXY(this.getEl()); j = [j[0] - h[0] + g[0], j[1] - h[1] + g[1]]; return j; }; var d = function (g) { return (typeof g !== "undefined"); }; c.Motion = a; })(); (function () { var b = function (g, h, f, e) { if (g) {, g, h, f, e); } }; b.NAME = "Scroll"; var d = YAHOO.util; YAHOO.extend(b, d.ColorAnim); var c = b.superclass; var a = b.prototype; a.doMethod = function (h, e, g) { var f = null; if (h == "scroll") { f = [this.method(this.currentFrame, e[0], g[0] - e[0], this.totalFrames), this.method(this.currentFrame, e[1], g[1] - e[1], this.totalFrames)]; } else { f =, h, e, g); } return f; }; a.getAttribute = function (g) { var e = null; var f = this.getEl(); if (g == "scroll") { e = [f.scrollLeft, f.scrollTop]; } else { e =, g); } return e; }; a.setAttribute = function (h, e, f) { var g = this.getEl(); if (h == "scroll") { g.scrollLeft = e[0]; g.scrollTop = e[1]; } else {, h, e, f); } }; d.Scroll = b; })(); YAHOO.register("animation", YAHOO.util.Anim, { version: "2.5.1", build: "984" }); YAHOO.namespace("lang"); YAHOO.lang.JSON = { _ESCAPES: /\\["\\\/bfnrtu]/g, _VALUES: /"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g, _BRACKETS: /(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, _INVALID: /^[\],:{}\s]*$/, _SPECIAL_CHARS: /["\\\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f]/g, _PARSE_DATE: /^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})T(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})Z$/, _CHARS: { "\b": "\\b", "\t": "\\t", "\n": "\\n", "\f": "\\f", "\r": "\\r", '"': '\\"', "\\": "\\\\" }, _applyFilter: function (b, c) { var a = function (f, g) { var e, d; if (g && typeof g === "object") { for (e in g) { if (YAHOO.lang.hasOwnProperty(g, e)) { d = a(e, g[e]); if (d === undefined) { delete g[e]; } else { g[e] = d; } } } } return c(f, g); }; if (YAHOO.lang.isFunction(c)) { a("", b); } return b; }, isValid: function (a) { if (!YAHOO.lang.isString(a)) { return false; } return this._INVALID.test(a.replace(this._ESCAPES, "@").replace(this._VALUES, "]").replace(this._BRACKETS, "")); }, dateToString: function (b) { function a(c) { return c < 10 ? "0" + c : c; } return '"' + b.getUTCFullYear() + "-" + a(b.getUTCMonth() + 1) + "-" + a(b.getUTCDate()) + "T" + a(b.getUTCHours()) + ":" + a(b.getUTCMinutes()) + ":" + a(b.getUTCSeconds()) + 'Z"'; }, stringToDate: function (b) { if (this._PARSE_DATE.test(b)) { var a = new Date(); a.setUTCFullYear(RegExp.$1, (RegExp.$2 | 0) - 1, RegExp.$3); a.setUTCHours(RegExp.$4, RegExp.$5, RegExp.$6); return a; } }, parse: function (s, filter) { if (this.isValid(s)) { return this._applyFilter(eval("(" + s + ")"), filter); } throw new SyntaxError("parseJSON"); }, stringify: function (b, g, l) { var m = YAHOO.lang, j = m.JSON, a = j._CHARS, d = this._SPECIAL_CHARS, c = []; var h = function (o) { if (!a[o]) { var n = o.charCodeAt(); a[o] = "\\u00" + Math.floor(n / 16).toString(16) + (n % 16).toString(16); } return a[o]; }; var e = function (n) { return '"' + n.replace(d, h) + '"'; }; var f = j.dateToString; var k = function (z, r, t) { var n = typeof z, v, u, w, y, q, o, s; if (n === "string") { return e(z); } if (n === "boolean" || z instanceof Boolean) { return String(z); } if (n === "number" || z instanceof Number) { return isFinite(z) ? String(z) : "null"; } if (z instanceof Date) { return f(z); } if (m.isArray(z)) { for (v = c.length - 1; v >= 0; --v) { if (c[v] === z) { return "null"; } } c[c.length] = z; s = []; if (t > 0) { for (v = z.length - 1; v >= 0; --v) { s[v] = k(z[v], r, t - 1) || "null"; } } c.pop(); return "[" + s.join(",") + "]"; } if (n === "object") { if (!z) { return "null"; } for (v = c.length - 1; v >= 0; --v) { if (c[v] === z) { return "null"; } } c[c.length] = z; s = []; if (t > 0) { if (r) { for (v = 0, w = 0, u = r.length; v < u; ++v) { if (typeof r[v] === "string") { q = k(z[r[v]], r, t - 1); if (q) { s[w++] = e(r[v]) + ":" + q; } } } } else { w = 0; for (y in z) { if (typeof y === "string" && m.hasOwnProperty(z, y)) { q = k(z[y], r, t - 1); if (q) { s[w++] = e(y) + ":" + q; } } } } } c.pop(); return "{" + s.join(",") + "}"; } return undefined; }; l = l >= 0 ? l : 1 / 0; return k(b, g, l); } }; YAHOO.register("json", YAHOO.lang.JSON, { version: "2.5.1", build: "984" }); YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete = function (h, c, e, b) { if (h && c && e) { if (e instanceof YAHOO.widget.DataSource) { this.dataSource = e; } else { return; } if (YAHOO.util.Dom.inDocument(h)) { if (YAHOO.lang.isString(h)) { this._sName = "instance" + YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete._nIndex + " " + h; this._elTextbox = document.getElementById(h); } else { this._sName = ( ? "instance" + YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete._nIndex + " " + : "instance" + YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete._nIndex; this._elTextbox = h; } YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(this._elTextbox, "yui-ac-input"); } else { return; } if (YAHOO.util.Dom.inDocument(c)) { if (YAHOO.lang.isString(c)) { this._elContainer = document.getElementById(c); } else { this._elContainer = c; } if ( == "none") { } var a = this._elContainer.parentNode; var d = a.tagName.toLowerCase(); if (d == "div") { YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(a, "yui-ac"); } else { } } else { return; } if (b && (b.constructor == Object)) { for (var f in b) { if (f) { this[f] = b[f]; } } } this._initContainer(); this._initProps(); this._initList(); this._initContainerHelpers(); var g = this; var j = this._elTextbox; var k = this._elContent; YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(j, "keyup", g._onTextboxKeyUp, g); YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(j, "keydown", g._onTextboxKeyDown, g); YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(j, "focus", g._onTextboxFocus, g); YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(j, "blur", g._onTextboxBlur, g); YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(k, "mouseover", g._onContainerMouseover, g); YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(k, "mouseout", g._onContainerMouseout, g); YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(k, "scroll", g._onContainerScroll, g); YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(k, "resize", g._onContainerResize, g); YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(j, "keypress", g._onTextboxKeyPress, g); YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(window, "unload", g._onWindowUnload, g); this.textboxFocusEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("textboxFocus", this); this.textboxKeyEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("textboxKey", this); this.dataRequestEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("dataRequest", this); this.dataReturnEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("dataReturn", this); this.dataErrorEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("dataError", this); this.containerExpandEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("containerExpand", this); this.typeAheadEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("typeAhead", this); this.itemMouseOverEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("itemMouseOver", this); this.itemMouseOutEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("itemMouseOut", this); this.itemArrowToEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("itemArrowTo", this); this.itemArrowFromEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("itemArrowFrom", this); this.itemSelectEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("itemSelect", this); this.unmatchedItemSelectEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("unmatchedItemSelect", this); this.selectionEnforceEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("selectionEnforce", this); this.containerCollapseEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("containerCollapse", this); this.textboxBlurEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("textboxBlur", this); j.setAttribute("autocomplete", "off"); YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete._nIndex++; } else { } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.dataSource = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.minQueryLength = 1; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.maxResultsDisplayed = 10; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.queryDelay = 0.2; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.highlightClassName = "yui-ac-highlight"; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.prehighlightClassName = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.delimChar = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.autoHighlight = true; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.typeAhead = false; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.animHoriz = false; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.animVert = true; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.animSpeed = 0.3; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.forceSelection = false; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.allowBrowserAutocomplete = true; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.alwaysShowContainer = false; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.useIFrame = false; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.useShadow = false; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.toString = function () { return "AutoComplete " + this._sName; }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.isContainerOpen = function () { return this._bContainerOpen; }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.getListItems = function () { return this._aListItems; }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.getListItemData = function (a) { if (a._oResultData) { return a._oResultData; } else { return false; } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.setHeader = function (b) { if (this._elHeader) { var a = this._elHeader; if (b) { a.innerHTML = b; = "block"; } else { a.innerHTML = ""; = "none"; } } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.setFooter = function (b) { if (this._elFooter) { var a = this._elFooter; if (b) { a.innerHTML = b; = "block"; } else { a.innerHTML = ""; = "none"; } } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.setBody = function (a) { if (this._elBody) { var b = this._elBody; if (a) { b.innerHTML = a; = "block"; = "block"; } else { b.innerHTML = ""; = "none"; } this._maxResultsDisplayed = 0; } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.formatResult = function (c, b) { var a = c[0]; if (a) { return a; } else { return ""; } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.doBeforeExpandContainer = function (b, a, c, d) { return true; }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.sendQuery = function (a) { this._sendQuery(a); }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.doBeforeSendQuery = function (a) { return a; }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.destroy = function () { var d = this.toString(); var a = this._elTextbox; var b = this._elContainer; this.textboxFocusEvent.unsubscribeAll(); this.textboxKeyEvent.unsubscribeAll(); this.dataRequestEvent.unsubscribeAll(); this.dataReturnEvent.unsubscribeAll(); this.dataErrorEvent.unsubscribeAll(); this.containerExpandEvent.unsubscribeAll(); this.typeAheadEvent.unsubscribeAll(); this.itemMouseOverEvent.unsubscribeAll(); this.itemMouseOutEvent.unsubscribeAll(); this.itemArrowToEvent.unsubscribeAll(); this.itemArrowFromEvent.unsubscribeAll(); this.itemSelectEvent.unsubscribeAll(); this.unmatchedItemSelectEvent.unsubscribeAll(); this.selectionEnforceEvent.unsubscribeAll(); this.containerCollapseEvent.unsubscribeAll(); this.textboxBlurEvent.unsubscribeAll(); YAHOO.util.Event.purgeElement(a, true); YAHOO.util.Event.purgeElement(b, true); b.innerHTML = ""; for (var c in this) { if (YAHOO.lang.hasOwnProperty(this, c)) { this[c] = null; } } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.textboxFocusEvent = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.textboxKeyEvent = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.dataRequestEvent = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.dataReturnEvent = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.dataErrorEvent = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.containerExpandEvent = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.typeAheadEvent = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.itemMouseOverEvent = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.itemMouseOutEvent = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.itemArrowToEvent = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.itemArrowFromEvent = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.itemSelectEvent = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.unmatchedItemSelectEvent = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.selectionEnforceEvent = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.containerCollapseEvent = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.textboxBlurEvent = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete._nIndex = 0; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._sName = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._elTextbox = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._elContainer = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._elContent = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._elHeader = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._elBody = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._elFooter = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._elShadow = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._elIFrame = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._bFocused = true; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._oAnim = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._bContainerOpen = false; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._bOverContainer = false; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._aListItems = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._nDisplayedItems = 0; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._maxResultsDisplayed = 0; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._sCurQuery = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._sSavedQuery = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._oCurItem = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._bItemSelected = false; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._nKeyCode = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._nDelayID = -1; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._iFrameSrc = "javascript:false;"; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._queryInterval = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._sLastTextboxValue = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._initProps = function () { var e = this.minQueryLength; if (!YAHOO.lang.isNumber(e)) { this.minQueryLength = 1; } var c = this.maxResultsDisplayed; if (!YAHOO.lang.isNumber(c) || (c < 1)) { this.maxResultsDisplayed = 10; } var b = this.queryDelay; if (!YAHOO.lang.isNumber(b) || (b < 0)) { this.queryDelay = 0.2; } var a = this.delimChar; if (YAHOO.lang.isString(a) && (a.length > 0)) { this.delimChar = [a]; } else { if (!YAHOO.lang.isArray(a)) { this.delimChar = null; } } var d = this.animSpeed; if ((this.animHoriz || this.animVert) && YAHOO.util.Anim) { if (!YAHOO.lang.isNumber(d) || (d < 0)) { this.animSpeed = 0.3; } if (!this._oAnim) { this._oAnim = new YAHOO.util.Anim(this._elContent, {}, this.animSpeed); } else { this._oAnim.duration = this.animSpeed; } } if (this.forceSelection && a) { } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._initContainerHelpers = function () { if (this.useShadow && !this._elShadow) { var a = document.createElement("div"); a.className = "yui-ac-shadow"; this._elShadow = this._elContainer.appendChild(a); } if (this.useIFrame && !this._elIFrame) { var b = document.createElement("iframe"); b.src = this._iFrameSrc; b.frameBorder = 0; b.scrolling = "no"; = "absolute"; = "100%"; = "100%"; b.tabIndex = -1; this._elIFrame = this._elContainer.appendChild(b); } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._initContainer = function () { YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(this._elContainer, "yui-ac-container"); if (!this._elContent) { var c = document.createElement("div"); c.className = "yui-ac-content"; = "none"; this._elContent = this._elContainer.appendChild(c); var d = document.createElement("div"); d.className = "yui-ac-hd"; = "none"; this._elHeader = this._elContent.appendChild(d); var b = document.createElement("div"); b.className = "yui-ac-bd"; this._elBody = this._elContent.appendChild(b); var a = document.createElement("div"); a.className = "yui-ac-ft"; = "none"; this._elFooter = this._elContent.appendChild(a); } else { } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._initList = function () { this._aListItems = []; while (this._elBody.hasChildNodes()) { var e = this.getListItems(); if (e) { for (var a = e.length - 1; a >= 0; a--) { e[a] = null; } } this._elBody.innerHTML = ""; } var b = document.createElement("ul"); b = this._elBody.appendChild(b); for (var d = 0; d < this.maxResultsDisplayed; d++) { var c = document.createElement("li"); c = b.appendChild(c); this._aListItems[d] = c; this._initListItem(c, d); } this._maxResultsDisplayed = this.maxResultsDisplayed; }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._initListItem = function (b, c) { var a = this; = "none"; b._nItemIndex = c; b.mouseover = b.mouseout = b.onclick = null; YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(b, "mouseover", a._onItemMouseover, a); YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(b, "mouseout", a._onItemMouseout, a); YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(b, "click", a._onItemMouseclick, a); }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._onIMEDetected = function (a) { a._enableIntervalDetection(); }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._enableIntervalDetection = function () { var a = this._elTextbox.value; var b = this._sLastTextboxValue; if (a != b) { this._sLastTextboxValue = a; this._sendQuery(a); } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._cancelIntervalDetection = function (a) { if (a._queryInterval) { clearInterval(a._queryInterval); } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._isIgnoreKey = function (a) { if ((a == 9) || (a == 13) || (a == 16) || (a == 17) || (a >= 18 && a <= 20) || (a == 27) || (a >= 33 && a <= 35) || (a >= 36 && a <= 40) || (a >= 44 && a <= 45)) { return true; } return false; }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._sendQuery = function (b) { if (this.minQueryLength == -1) { this._toggleContainer(false); return; } var f = (this.delimChar) ? this.delimChar : null; if (f) { var d = -1; for (var g = f.length - 1; g >= 0; g--) { var c = b.lastIndexOf(f[g]); if (c > d) { d = c; } } if (f[g] == " ") { for (var a = f.length - 1; a >= 0; a--) { if (b[d - 1] == f[a]) { d--; break; } } } if (d > -1) { var e = d + 1; while (b.charAt(e) == " ") { e += 1; } this._sSavedQuery = b.substring(0, e); b = b.substr(e); } else { if (b.indexOf(this._sSavedQuery) < 0) { this._sSavedQuery = null; } } } if ((b && (b.length < this.minQueryLength)) || (!b && this.minQueryLength > 0)) { if (this._nDelayID != -1) { clearTimeout(this._nDelayID); } this._toggleContainer(false); return; } b = encodeURIComponent(b); this._nDelayID = -1; b = this.doBeforeSendQuery(b);, b); this.dataSource.getResults(this._populateList, b, this); }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._populateList = function (j, h, l) { if (h === null) {, j); } if (!l._bFocused || !h) { return; } var d = (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("opera") != -1); var e =; e.width = (!d) ? null : ""; e.height = (!d) ? null : ""; var m = decodeURIComponent(j); l._sCurQuery = m; l._bItemSelected = false; if (l._maxResultsDisplayed != l.maxResultsDisplayed) { l._initList(); } var b = Math.min(h.length, l.maxResultsDisplayed); l._nDisplayedItems = b; if (b > 0) { l._initContainerHelpers(); var a = l._aListItems; for (var n = b - 1; n >= 0; n--) { var f = a[n]; var c = h[n]; f.innerHTML = l.formatResult(c, m); = "list-item"; f._sResultKey = c[0]; f._oResultData = c; } for (var o = a.length - 1; o >= b; o--) { var g = a[o]; g.innerHTML = null; = "none"; g._sResultKey = null; g._oResultData = null; } var k = l.doBeforeExpandContainer(l._elTextbox, l._elContainer, j, h); l._toggleContainer(k); if (l.autoHighlight) { var q = a[0]; l._toggleHighlight(q, "to");, q); l._typeAhead(q, j); } else { l._oCurItem = null; } } else { l._toggleContainer(false); }, j, h); }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._clearSelection = function () { var b = this._elTextbox.value; var c = (this.delimChar) ? this.delimChar[0] : null; var a = (c) ? b.lastIndexOf(c, b.length - 2) : -1; if (a > -1) { this._elTextbox.value = b.substring(0, a); } else { this._elTextbox.value = ""; } this._sSavedQuery = this._elTextbox.value;; }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._textMatchesOption = function () { var b = null; for (var a = this._nDisplayedItems - 1; a >= 0; a--) { var c = this._aListItems[a]; var d = c._sResultKey.toLowerCase(); if (d == this._sCurQuery.toLowerCase()) { b = c; break; } } return (b); }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._typeAhead = function (e, b) { if (!this.typeAhead || (this._nKeyCode == 8)) { return; } var c = this._elTextbox; var d = this._elTextbox.value; if (!c.setSelectionRange && !c.createTextRange) { return; } var g = d.length; this._updateValue(e); var f = c.value.length; this._selectText(c, g, f); var a = c.value.substr(g, f);, b, a); }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._selectText = function (b, a, d) { if (b.setSelectionRange) { b.setSelectionRange(a, d); } else { if (b.createTextRange) { var c = b.createTextRange(); c.moveStart("character", a); c.moveEnd("character", d - b.value.length);; } else {; } } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._toggleContainerHelpers = function (d) { var b = false; var c = this._elContent.offsetWidth + "px"; var a = this._elContent.offsetHeight + "px"; if (this.useIFrame && this._elIFrame) { b = true; if (d) { = c; = a; } else { = 0; = 0; } } if (this.useShadow && this._elShadow) { b = true; if (d) { = c; = a; } else { = 0; = 0; } } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._toggleContainer = function (f) { var m = this._elContainer; if (this.alwaysShowContainer && this._bContainerOpen) { return; } if (!f) { this._elContent.scrollTop = 0; var b = this._aListItems; if (b && (b.length > 0)) { for (var j = b.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { b[j].style.display = "none"; } } if (this._oCurItem) { this._toggleHighlight(this._oCurItem, "from"); } this._oCurItem = null; this._nDisplayedItems = 0; this._sCurQuery = null; } if (!f && !this._bContainerOpen) { = "none"; return; } var c = this._oAnim; if (c && c.getEl() && (this.animHoriz || this.animVert)) { if (!f) { this._toggleContainerHelpers(f); } if (c.isAnimated()) { c.stop(); } var h = this._elContent.cloneNode(true); m.appendChild(h); = "-9000px"; = "block"; var k = h.offsetWidth; var a = h.offsetHeight; var d = (this.animHoriz) ? 0 : k; var l = (this.animVert) ? 0 : a; c.attributes = (f) ? { width: { to: k }, height: { to: a}} : { width: { to: d }, height: { to: l} }; if (f && !this._bContainerOpen) { = d + "px"; = l + "px"; } else { = k + "px"; = a + "px"; } m.removeChild(h); h = null; var g = this; var e = function () { c.onComplete.unsubscribeAll(); if (f) {; } else { = "none";; } g._toggleContainerHelpers(f); }; = "block"; c.onComplete.subscribe(e); c.animate(); this._bContainerOpen = f; } else { if (f) { = "block";; } else { = "none";; } this._toggleContainerHelpers(f); this._bContainerOpen = f; } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._toggleHighlight = function (a, b) { var c = this.highlightClassName; if (this._oCurItem) { YAHOO.util.Dom.removeClass(this._oCurItem, c); } if ((b == "to") && c) { YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(a, c); this._oCurItem = a; } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._togglePrehighlight = function (a, b) { if (a == this._oCurItem) { return; } var c = this.prehighlightClassName; if ((b == "mouseover") && c) { YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(a, c); } else { YAHOO.util.Dom.removeClass(a, c); } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._updateValue = function (c) { var b = this._elTextbox; var d = (this.delimChar) ? (this.delimChar[0] || this.delimChar) : null; var f = this._sSavedQuery; var e = c._sResultKey; b.focus(); b.value = ""; if (d) { if (f) { b.value = f; } b.value += e + d; if (d != " ") { b.value += " "; } } else { b.value = e; } if (b.type == "textarea") { b.scrollTop = b.scrollHeight; } var a = b.value.length; this._selectText(b, a, a); this._oCurItem = c; }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._selectItem = function (a) { this._bItemSelected = true; this._updateValue(a); this._cancelIntervalDetection(this);, a, a._oResultData); this._toggleContainer(false); }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._jumpSelection = function () { if (this._oCurItem) { this._selectItem(this._oCurItem); } else { this._toggleContainer(false); } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._moveSelection = function (b) { if (this._bContainerOpen) { var d = this._oCurItem; var c = -1; if (d) { c = d._nItemIndex; } var e = (b == 40) ? (c + 1) : (c - 1); if (e < -2 || e >= this._nDisplayedItems) { return; } if (d) { this._toggleHighlight(d, "from");, d); } if (e == -1) { if (this.delimChar && this._sSavedQuery) { if (!this._textMatchesOption()) { this._elTextbox.value = this._sSavedQuery; } else { this._elTextbox.value = this._sSavedQuery + this._sCurQuery; } } else { this._elTextbox.value = this._sCurQuery; } this._oCurItem = null; return; } if (e == -2) { this._toggleContainer(false); return; } var f = this._aListItems[e]; var a = this._elContent; var g = ((YAHOO.util.Dom.getStyle(a, "overflow") == "auto") || (YAHOO.util.Dom.getStyle(a, "overflowY") == "auto")); if (g && (e > -1) && (e < this._nDisplayedItems)) { if (b == 40) { if ((f.offsetTop + f.offsetHeight) > (a.scrollTop + a.offsetHeight)) { a.scrollTop = (f.offsetTop + f.offsetHeight) - a.offsetHeight; } else { if ((f.offsetTop + f.offsetHeight) < a.scrollTop) { a.scrollTop = f.offsetTop; } } } else { if (f.offsetTop < a.scrollTop) { this._elContent.scrollTop = f.offsetTop; } else { if (f.offsetTop > (a.scrollTop + a.offsetHeight)) { this._elContent.scrollTop = (f.offsetTop + f.offsetHeight) - a.offsetHeight; } } } } this._toggleHighlight(f, "to");, f); if (this.typeAhead) { this._updateValue(f); } } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._onItemMouseover = function (a, b) { if (b.prehighlightClassName) { b._togglePrehighlight(this, "mouseover"); } else { b._toggleHighlight(this, "to"); }, this); }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._onItemMouseout = function (a, b) { if (b.prehighlightClassName) { b._togglePrehighlight(this, "mouseout"); } else { b._toggleHighlight(this, "from"); }, this); }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._onItemMouseclick = function (a, b) { b._toggleHighlight(this, "to"); b._selectItem(this); }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._onContainerMouseover = function (a, b) { b._bOverContainer = true; }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._onContainerMouseout = function (a, b) { b._bOverContainer = false; if (b._oCurItem) { b._toggleHighlight(b._oCurItem, "to"); } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._onContainerScroll = function (a, b) { b._elTextbox.focus(); }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._onContainerResize = function (a, b) { b._toggleContainerHelpers(b._bContainerOpen); }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._onTextboxKeyDown = function (a, c) { var b = a.keyCode; switch (b) { case 9: if (c._oCurItem) { if (c.delimChar && (c._nKeyCode != b)) { if (c._bContainerOpen) { YAHOO.util.Event.stopEvent(a); } } c._selectItem(c._oCurItem); } else { c._toggleContainer(false); } break; case 13: if (! { if (c._oCurItem) { if (c._nKeyCode != b) { if (c._bContainerOpen) { YAHOO.util.Event.stopEvent(a); } } c._selectItem(c._oCurItem); } else { c._toggleContainer(false); } } break; case 27: c._toggleContainer(false); return; case 39: c._jumpSelection(); break; case 38: YAHOO.util.Event.stopEvent(a); c._moveSelection(b); break; case 40: YAHOO.util.Event.stopEvent(a); c._moveSelection(b); break; default: break; } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._onTextboxKeyPress = function (a, c) { var b = a.keyCode; 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return; } for (var n in m) { } if (!e) { m = m.responseText; } else { m = m.responseXML; } if (m === null) {, c, h, YAHOO.widget.DataSource.ERROR_DATANULL); return; } var o = j.parseResponse(h, m, c); var l = {}; l.query = decodeURIComponent(h); l.results = o; if (o === null) {, c, h, YAHOO.widget.DataSource.ERROR_DATAPARSE); o = []; } else {, c, h, o); j._addCacheElem(l); } k(h, o, c); }; var d = function (l) {, c, h, YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.ERROR_DATAXHR); return; }; var g = { success: f, failure: d }; if (YAHOO.lang.isNumber(this.connTimeout) && (this.connTimeout > 0)) { g.timeout = this.connTimeout; } if (this._oConn) { this.connMgr.abort(this._oConn); } j._oConn = this.connMgr.asyncRequest("GET", a, g, null); }; YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.prototype.parseResponse = function (sQuery, oResponse, oParent) { var aSchema = this.schema; var aResults = []; var bError = false; var nEnd = ((this.responseStripAfter !== "") && (oResponse.indexOf)) ? oResponse.indexOf(this.responseStripAfter) : -1; if (nEnd != -1) { oResponse = oResponse.substring(0, nEnd); } switch (this.responseType) { case YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.TYPE_JSON: var jsonList, jsonObjParsed; if (YAHOO.lang.JSON) { jsonObjParsed = YAHOO.lang.JSON.parse(oResponse); if (!jsonObjParsed) { bError = true; break; } else { try { jsonList = eval("jsonObjParsed." + aSchema[0]); } catch (e) { bError = true; break; } } } else { if (oResponse.parseJSON) { jsonObjParsed = oResponse.parseJSON(); if (!jsonObjParsed) { bError = true; } else { try { jsonList = eval("jsonObjParsed." + aSchema[0]); } catch (e) { bError = true; break; } } } else { if (window.JSON) { jsonObjParsed = JSON.parse(oResponse); if (!jsonObjParsed) { bError = true; break; } else { try { jsonList = eval("jsonObjParsed." + aSchema[0]); } catch (e) { bError = true; break; } } } else { try { while (oResponse.substring(0, 1) == " ") { oResponse = oResponse.substring(1, oResponse.length); } if (oResponse.indexOf("{") < 0) { bError = true; break; } if (oResponse.indexOf("{}") === 0) { break; } var jsonObjRaw = eval("(" + oResponse + ")"); if (!jsonObjRaw) { bError = true; break; } jsonList = eval("(jsonObjRaw." + aSchema[0] + ")"); } catch (e) { bError = true; break; } } } } if (!jsonList) { bError = true; break; } if (!YAHOO.lang.isArray(jsonList)) { jsonList = [jsonList]; } for (var i = jsonList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var aResultItem = []; var jsonResult = jsonList[i]; for (var j = aSchema.length - 1; j >= 1; j--) { var dataFieldValue = jsonResult[aSchema[j]]; if (!dataFieldValue) { dataFieldValue = ""; } aResultItem.unshift(dataFieldValue); } if (aResultItem.length == 1) { aResultItem.push(jsonResult); } aResults.unshift(aResultItem); } break; case YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.TYPE_XML: var xmlList = oResponse.getElementsByTagName(aSchema[0]); if (!xmlList) { bError = true; break; } for (var k = xmlList.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) { var result = xmlList.item(k); var aFieldSet = []; for (var m = aSchema.length - 1; m >= 1; m--) { var sValue = null; var xmlAttr = result.attributes.getNamedItem(aSchema[m]); if (xmlAttr) { sValue = xmlAttr.value; } else { var xmlNode = result.getElementsByTagName(aSchema[m]); if (xmlNode && xmlNode.item(0) && xmlNode.item(0).firstChild) { sValue = xmlNode.item(0).firstChild.nodeValue; } else { sValue = ""; } } aFieldSet.unshift(sValue); } aResults.unshift(aFieldSet); } break; case YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.TYPE_FLAT: if (oResponse.length > 0) { var newLength = oResponse.length - aSchema[0].length; if (oResponse.substr(newLength) == aSchema[0]) { oResponse = oResponse.substr(0, newLength); } var aRecords = oResponse.split(aSchema[0]); for (var n = aRecords.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) { aResults[n] = aRecords[n].split(aSchema[1]); } } break; default: break; } sQuery = null; oResponse = null; oParent = null; if (bError) { return null; } else { return aResults; } }; YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.prototype._oConn = null; YAHOO.widget.DS_ScriptNode = function (b, a, c) { if (c && (c.constructor == Object)) { for (var d in c) { this[d] = c[d]; } } if (!YAHOO.lang.isArray(a) || !YAHOO.lang.isString(b)) { return; } this.schema = a; 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} else { } delete YAHOO.widget.DS_ScriptNode.callbacks[c]; }; YAHOO.widget.DS_ScriptNode._nPending++; var d = this.scriptURI + "&" + this.scriptQueryParam + "=" + b + "&" + this.scriptCallbackParam + "=YAHOO.widget.DS_ScriptNode.callbacks[" + c + "]"; this.getUtility.script(d, { autopurge: true, onsuccess: YAHOO.widget.DS_ScriptNode._bumpPendingDown, onfail: YAHOO.widget.DS_ScriptNode._bumpPendingDown }); }; YAHOO.widget.DS_ScriptNode.prototype.handleResponse = function (oResponse, oCallbackFn, sQuery, oParent) { var aSchema = this.schema; var aResults = []; var bError = false; var jsonList, jsonObjParsed; try { jsonList = eval("(oResponse." + aSchema[0] + ")"); } catch (e) { bError = true; } if (!jsonList) { bError = true; jsonList = []; } else { if (!YAHOO.lang.isArray(jsonList)) { jsonList = [jsonList]; } } for (var i = jsonList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var aResultItem = []; var jsonResult = jsonList[i]; for (var j = aSchema.length - 1; j >= 1; j--) { var dataFieldValue = jsonResult[aSchema[j]]; if (!dataFieldValue) { dataFieldValue = ""; } aResultItem.unshift(dataFieldValue); } if (aResultItem.length == 1) { aResultItem.push(jsonResult); } aResults.unshift(aResultItem); } if (bError) { aResults = null; } if (aResults === null) {, oParent, sQuery, YAHOO.widget.DataSource.ERROR_DATAPARSE); aResults = []; } else { var resultObj = {}; resultObj.query = decodeURIComponent(sQuery); resultObj.results = aResults; this._addCacheElem(resultObj);, oParent, sQuery, aResults); } oCallbackFn(sQuery, aResults, oParent); }; YAHOO.widget.DS_ScriptNode._bumpPendingDown = function () { YAHOO.widget.DS_ScriptNode._nPending--; }; YAHOO.widget.DS_JSFunction = function (a, b) { if (b && (b.constructor == Object)) { for (var c in b) { this[c] = b[c]; } } if (!YAHOO.lang.isFunction(a)) { return; } else { this.dataFunction = a; this._init(); } }; YAHOO.widget.DS_JSFunction.prototype = new YAHOO.widget.DataSource(); YAHOO.widget.DS_JSFunction.prototype.dataFunction = null; YAHOO.widget.DS_JSFunction.prototype.doQuery = function (e, b, d) { var f = this.dataFunction; var c = []; c = f(b); if (c === null) {, d, b, YAHOO.widget.DataSource.ERROR_DATANULL); return; } var a = {}; a.query = decodeURIComponent(b); a.results = c; this._addCacheElem(a);, d, b, c); e(b, c, d); return; }; YAHOO.widget.DS_JSArray = function (a, b) { if (b && (b.constructor == Object)) { for (var c in b) { this[c] = b[c]; } } if (!YAHOO.lang.isArray(a)) { return; } else { = a; this._init(); } }; YAHOO.widget.DS_JSArray.prototype = new YAHOO.widget.DataSource(); = null; YAHOO.widget.DS_JSArray.prototype.doQuery = function (k, f, d) { var j; var b =; var e = []; var a = false; var c = this.queryMatchContains; if (f) { if (!this.queryMatchCase) { f = f.toLowerCase(); } for (j = b.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { var g = []; if (YAHOO.lang.isString(b[j])) { g[0] = b[j]; } else { if (YAHOO.lang.isArray(b[j])) { g = b[j]; } } if (YAHOO.lang.isString(g[0])) { var h = (this.queryMatchCase) ? encodeURIComponent(g[0]).indexOf(f) : encodeURIComponent(g[0]).toLowerCase().indexOf(f); if ((!c && (h === 0)) || (c && (h > -1))) { e.unshift(g); } } } } else { for (j = b.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (YAHOO.lang.isString(b[j])) { e.unshift([b[j]]); } else { if (YAHOO.lang.isArray(b[j])) { e.unshift(b[j]); } } } }, d, f, e); k(f, e, d); }; YAHOO.register("autocomplete", YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete, { version: "2.5.1", build: "984" }); function fixToolTips() { } function init() { var a = function () { var b = jQuery(this); if (b.val() == "") { b.val(b.attr("fieldhint")); } }; jQuery("[fieldhint]").bind("focus", function () { var b = jQuery(this); if (b.val() == b.attr("fieldhint")) { b.val(""); } }).bind("blur", a).each(a); } jQuery(document).ready(init);

U.S. Department of Education Strengthens Federal <b>Student Loan</b> <b>...</b>

Posted: 29 Aug 2014 08:21 AM PDT

As a result of President Obama's executive actions to help make student loans more affordable, the U.S. Department of Education has announced several new steps to help federal student loan borrowers better manage their student debt. Following up on the commitments outlined by President Obama in June, the Department has renegotiated the terms of its contracts with federal student loan servicers in order to strengthen incentives for them to provide excellent customer service and help borrowers stay up-to-date on their payments. This action will help ensure that borrowers receive the highest quality support as they repay their federal student loans and help the Department better monitor the performance of loan servicers to help them continue to improve.

In addition to these important steps, today Secretary Duncan has directed Under Secretary Ted Mitchell to explore additional action the Department can take that will further strengthen the federal direct loan program to be even more responsive to the needs of borrowers both now and in the future. In the coming weeks, Mitchell and the Department's Office of Federal Student Aid will announce a series of opportunities to hear directly from student loan borrowers and stakeholders about their ideas for improving the federal student loan program. By the end of the year, he will use this feedback to make key recommendations that will focus on solutions that can help struggling borrowers.

In the coming weeks, the Department will also begin the process to amend its regulations and allow more borrowers to cap their payments at 10 percent of their monthly incomes under an expanded Pay As You Earn repayment plan option, ensuring that students can repay their debt.

"All hard-working students and families deserve high-quality support from their federal loan servicer, and we are continuing to take steps to make sure that is the case," Secretary Duncan said.

In administering the federal student loan programs, the Department's top priority is to help students pursue and complete quality higher education programs. The performance-based contract renegotiations emphasize the importance of helping borrowers stay current on their loans and avoid default, while also incentivizing customer satisfaction. Loans will be assigned to servicers based on how well they perform on these and other metrics. This competitive structure to the contracts will ensure that borrowers receive high quality service while maximizing value for the taxpayer.

The renegotiated terms of the federal student loan servicer contracts are structured to create additional incentives for servicers to focus on the Department's priorities: effective counseling and outreach to ensure borrowers select the best repayment option for them, and enhanced customer satisfaction for student and parent borrowers at all stages of the student loan life cycle. These incentives include:

  • Revised performance metrics that increase the weight of the existing borrower customer satisfaction survey from 20 percent of the overall score to 35 percent.
  • A payment structure that focuses on servicers' success in keeping borrowers in on-time repayment status and helping borrowers avoid default.
  • Additional incentives tied to each servicer's success in reducing delinquency in payments across their portfolio.

In addition, the Department is doubling down on efforts to make sure America's active duty service members are served well, requiring loan servicers to focus dedicated resources and enhance outreach and information efforts for this important population.

The revised metrics will replace the federal student loan servicers' quarterly and annual customer satisfaction survey scores and the default prevention statistics used to determine each servicer's allocation of new loan volume. The most recent scores are published here. Additionally, in an effort to promote transparency and provide easily accessible data for customers and stakeholders, the Office of Federal Student Aid (FSA) recently shared updated information on its website about student loan servicers, repayment plans status and student loan delinquency rates.

The Department also has contracts with seven not-for-profit entities to service student loans. These entities have operated under separate pricing and performance metrics, but beginning October 1, most of the changes discussed above also will be extended to the not-for-profit entities so that all Department servicers will operate under common pricing and performance metrics. While previously these entities have only serviced existing loans, they will also begin to receive new borrower accounts in early 2015.

Current federal Title IV Loan Servicers (TIVAS) include: Great Lakes Educational Loan Services, Inc. (Great Lakes); Nelnet Servicing, LLC (Nelnet); Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA); and Navient, LLC. These companies were first awarded performance-based contracts in 2009. Current not-for-profit servicers include: Aspire Resources Inc, Utah Higher Education Assistance Corporation (UHEAC), Educational Servicers of America, Inc. (ESA), New Hampshire Higher Education Loan Corporation (NHHELC), Missouri Higher Education Loan Authority (MOHELA), Oklahoma Student Loan Authority (OSLA), and Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC).These entities received contracts between October 2011 and October 2012.

More information about the performance of federal student loan servicers can be found on the Department's website at

The Office of Federal Student Aid (FSA) administers and oversees the federal student financial assistance programs, authorized under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA). These programs represent the largest source of student aid for postsecondary education in the United States. The Office of the Under Secretary manages policies, programs, and activities related to postsecondary education.

Mary Burke will stand up for <b>student loan</b> borrowers | Royal Purple <b>...</b>

Posted: 03 Sep 2014 12:00 AM PDT

Sept. 3, 2014

Throughout his first term, the message Scott Walker has sent to students in Wisconsin is clear: college affordability is not a priority. That's why young voters plan to choose Mary Burke for governor this November.

Student debt is the only kind of household debt that continued to rise through the Great Recession, and its now the second largest consumer debt in the country – second only to home mortgages. More than 750,000 Wisconsin citizens hold federal student loan debt, with thousands more facing massive amounts of debt from private lenders.

Depending on a part-time job to pay for college is no longer a viable option. In the past twelve years tuition has doubled for Wisconsin residents, meaning higher debt loads for most students who want to pursue a college degree. Few are fortunate enough to have help from their family, others have scholarships and grants, but so many students receive no assistance at all.

The average student is graduating with $22,400 in student loans, paying nearly $400 a month for almost nineteen years. They're saddled with mountains of debt before they even walk across the commencement stage.

Any way you slice it, college affordability is a real problem. If we don't act, student debt is poised to limit the opportunities for students to enter the middle class and participate fully in our economy.

This problem of economy and opportunity affects more than just students – it affects the prosperity of our state. When hundreds of dollars leave households each month to pay student loans, those dollars don't go to Wisconsin businesses; they go straight into the pockets of lenders.

Recent studies show that student loan debt inhibits borrowers from buying homes, cars, and participating in other events we regard as milestones. Wisconsin's economy is already lagging behind; we're dead last in Midwest job growth since Walker took office in 2011, with college tuition on the rise student borrowers will only send more money out of the state – or move away from their home-state altogether.

It's an impending crisis that Scott Walker just doesn't seem to understand.

During his first term, Scott Walker's only responses to the crisis have been to cut funding to the UW System by $250 million, reduce funding for the Technical college system by 30 percent, and an election year stopgap proposal to freeze tuition rates for another two years.

Cuts and freezes make good talking points for Walker's stump speech, but they don't make college affordable in the long term. Tuition is only climbing higher and Scott Walker's idea to extend the current UW system tuition freeze doesn't solve the problem of the skyrocketing cost of education, or truly ease the burden borrowers face each month.

In fact, Walker and Republicans have ignored common-sense solutions from Democrats to make higher education affordable and reduce the debt burden graduates face each month.

Democrats like Mary Burke are committed to ensuring that every person in Wisconsin can earn an education and has a chance to succeed.

Mary understands that students and their families are hurt by Scott Walker's cuts and each day they feel the pinch of financing a college education. She knows that graduates have to make tough choices just to make sure they can afford their monthly payments. She knows we can't wait for relief; Wisconsin students need help now!

In contrast to Scott Walker, Mary Burke is looking to the future. As governor, Burke will help create a more educated workforce, increase consumer spending, and spur small business creation in Wisconsin.

Mary's plan "Invest for Success" dedicates an entire strategy with action steps on how to make college affordable and retain college degree earners in Wisconsin. It includes many of the same provisions of the Higher Ed, Lower Debt Act introduced by Senate and Assembly Democrats, like allowing students to refinance loans at reduced rates, deduct college tuition payments from taxes, and increase how much they can deduct on state tax forms. In addition, she wants individuals to know what they're signing up for from the very beginning by providing students and their parents with the necessary information to be smart loan consumers.

Contrary to Walker's entire first term, Mary's ideas on college affordability flow from the same vein of the great Wisconsin tradition we're all proud to represent.

With just a few weeks left until Election Day, it's time for students to embrace the possibility of making college affordable once again and unite behind Mary Burke, a proven leader who will work day-in-and-day-out to help students in every corner of Wisconsin.

Zach Madden is a student at Edgewood College and is Chair of College Democrats of Wisconsin. Phoenix Rice-Johnson is a student at UW-Madison and Vice Chair of College Democrats of Wisconsin.

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