/gi, s = /^(?:select|textarea)/i, h = /\s+/, br = /([?&])_=[^&]*/, M = /^([\w\+\.\-]+:)(?:\/\/([^\/?#:]*)(?::(\d+))?)?/, D = b.fn.load, Z = {}, t = {}, aC, u, aR = ["*/"] + ["*"]; try { aC = bk.href; } catch (au) { aC = at.createElement("a"); aC.href = ""; aC = aC.href; } u = M.exec(aC.toLowerCase()) || []; function f(e) { return function (bx, bz) { if (typeof bx !== "string") { bz = bx; bx = "*"; } if (b.isFunction(bz)) { var bw = bx.toLowerCase().split(h), bv = 0, by = bw.length, bu, bA, bB; for (; bv = 0) { var e = bv.slice(bx, bv.length); bv = bv.slice(0, bx); } var bw = "GET"; if (by) { if (b.isFunction(by)) { bz = by; by = N; } else { if (typeof by === "object") { by = b.param(by, b.ajaxSettings.traditional); bw = "POST"; } } } var bu = this; b.ajax({ url: bv, type: bw, dataType: "html", data: by, complete: function (bB, bA, bC) { bC = bB.responseText; if (bB.isResolved()) { bB.done(function (bD) { bC = bD; }); bu.html(e ? b("
").append(bC.replace(a5, "")).find(e) : bC); } if (bz) { bu.each(bz, [bC, bA, bB]); } } }); return this; }, serialize: function () { return b.param(this.serializeArray()); }, serializeArray: function () { return this.map(function () { return this.elements ? b.makeArray(this.elements) : this; }).filter(function () { return this.name && !this.disabled && (this.checked || s.test(this.nodeName) || aY.test(this.type)); }).map(function (e, bu) { var bv = b(this).val(); return bv == null ? null : b.isArray(bv) ? b.map(bv, function (bx, bw) { return { name: bu.name, value: bx.replace(bs, "\r\n") }; }) : { name: bu.name, value: bv.replace(bs, "\r\n") }; }).get(); } }); b.each("ajaxStart ajaxStop ajaxComplete ajaxError ajaxSuccess ajaxSend".split(" "), function (e, bu) { b.fn[bu] = function (bv) { return this.bind(bu, bv); }; }); b.each(["get", "post"], function (e, bu) { b[bu] = function (bv, bx, by, bw) { if (b.isFunction(bx)) { bw = bw || by; by = bx; bx = N; } return b.ajax({ type: bu, url: bv, data: bx, success: by, dataType: bw }); }; }); b.extend({ getScript: function (e, bu) { return b.get(e, N, bu, "script"); }, getJSON: function (e, bu, bv) { return b.get(e, bu, bv, "json"); }, ajaxSetup: function (bu, e) { if (e) { ak(bu, b.ajaxSettings); } else { e = bu; bu = b.ajaxSettings; } ak(bu, e); return bu; }, ajaxSettings: { url: aC, isLocal: aK.test(u[1]), global: true, type: "GET", contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", processData: true, async: true, accepts: { xml: "application/xml, text/xml", html: "text/html", text: "text/plain", json: "application/json, text/javascript", "*": aR }, contents: { xml: /xml/, html: /html/, json: /json/ }, responseFields: { xml: "responseXML", text: "responseText" }, converters: { "* text": ba.String, "text html": true, "text json": b.parseJSON, "text xml": b.parseXML }, flatOptions: { context: true, url: true} }, ajaxPrefilter: f(Z), ajaxTransport: f(t), ajax: function (by, bw) { if (typeof by === "object") { bw = by; by = N; } bw = bw || {}; var bC = b.ajaxSetup({}, bw), bR = bC.context || bC, bF = bR !== bC && (bR.nodeType || bR instanceof b) ? b(bR) : b.event, bQ = b.Deferred(), bM = b._Deferred(), bA = bC.statusCode || {}, bB, bG = {}, bN = {}, bP, bx, bK, bD, bH, bz = 0, bv, bJ, bI = { readyState: 0, setRequestHeader: function (bS, bT) { if (!bz) { var e = bS.toLowerCase(); bS = bN[e] = bN[e] || bS; bG[bS] = bT; } return this; }, getAllResponseHeaders: function () { return bz === 2 ? bP : null; }, getResponseHeader: function (bS) { var e; if (bz === 2) { if (!bx) { bx = {}; while ((e = aB.exec(bP))) { bx[e[1].toLowerCase()] = e[2]; } } e = bx[bS.toLowerCase()]; } return e === N ? null : e; }, overrideMimeType: function (e) { if (!bz) { bC.mimeType = e; } return this; }, abort: function (e) { e = e || "abort"; if (bK) { bK.abort(e); } bE(0, e); return this; } }; function bE(bY, bT, bZ, bV) { if (bz === 2) { return; } bz = 2; if (bD) { clearTimeout(bD); } bK = N; bP = bV || ""; bI.readyState = bY > 0 ? 4 : 0; var bS, b3, b2, bW = bT, bX = bZ ? bi(bC, bI, bZ) : N, bU, b1; if (bY >= 200 && bY 0) { bD = setTimeout(function () { bI.abort("timeout"); }, bC.timeout); } try { bz = 1; bK.send(bG, bE); } catch (bL) { if (bz = bu.duration + this.startTime) { this.now = this.end; this.pos = this.state = 1; this.update(); bu.animatedProperties[this.prop] = true; for (bv in bu.animatedProperties) { if (bu.animatedProperties[bv] !== true) { e = false; } } if (e) { if (bu.overflow != null && !b.support.shrinkWrapBlocks) { b.each(["", "X", "Y"], function (bB, bC) { by.style["overflow" + bC] = bu.overflow[bB]; }); } if (bu.hide) { b(by).hide(); } if (bu.hide || bu.show) { for (var bz in bu.animatedProperties) { b.style(by, bz, bu.orig[bz]); } } bu.complete.call(by); } return false; } else { if (bu.duration == Infinity) { this.now = bw; } else { bA = bw - this.startTime; this.state = bA / bu.duration; this.pos = b.easing[bu.animatedProperties[this.prop]](this.state, bA, 0, 1, bu.duration); this.now = this.start + ((this.end - this.start) * this.pos); } this.update(); } return true; } }; b.extend(b.fx, { tick: function () { for (var bu = b.timers, e = 0; e ").appendTo(e), bv = bu.css("display"); bu.remove(); if (bv === "none" || bv === "") { if (!a7) { a7 = at.createElement("iframe"); a7.frameBorder = a7.width = a7.height = 0; } e.appendChild(a7); if (!n || !a7.createElement) { n = (a7.contentWindow || a7.contentDocument).document; n.write((at.compatMode === "CSS1Compat" ? "" : "") + ""); n.close(); } bu = n.createElement(bw); n.body.appendChild(bu); bv = b.css(bu, "display"); e.removeChild(a7); } T[bw] = bv; } return T[bw]; } var W = /^t(?:able|d|h)$/i, ac = /^(?:body|html)$/i; if ("getBoundingClientRect" in at.documentElement) { b.fn.offset = function (bH) { var bx = this[0], bA; if (bH) { return this.each(function (e) { b.offset.setOffset(this, bH, e); }); } if (!bx || !bx.ownerDocument) { return null; } if (bx === bx.ownerDocument.body) { return b.offset.bodyOffset(bx); } try { bA = bx.getBoundingClientRect(); } catch (bE) { } var bG = bx.ownerDocument, bv = bG.documentElement; if (!bA || !b.contains(bv, bx)) { return bA ? { top: bA.top, left: bA.left} : { top: 0, left: 0 }; } var bB = bG.body, bC = aI(bG), bz = bv.clientTop || bB.clientTop || 0, bD = bv.clientLeft || bB.clientLeft || 0, bu = bC.pageYOffset || b.support.boxModel && bv.scrollTop || bB.scrollTop, by = bC.pageXOffset || b.support.boxModel && bv.scrollLeft || bB.scrollLeft, bF = bA.top + bu - bz, bw = bA.left + by - bD; return { top: bF, left: bw }; }; } else { b.fn.offset = function (bE) { var by = this[0]; if (bE) { return this.each(function (bF) { b.offset.setOffset(this, bE, bF); }); } if (!by || !by.ownerDocument) { return null; } if (by === by.ownerDocument.body) { return b.offset.bodyOffset(by); } b.offset.initialize(); var bB, bv = by.offsetParent, bu = by, bD = by.ownerDocument, bw = bD.documentElement, bz = bD.body, bA = bD.defaultView, e = bA ? bA.getComputedStyle(by, null) : by.currentStyle, bC = by.offsetTop, bx = by.offsetLeft; while ((by = by.parentNode) && by !== bz && by !== bw) { if (b.offset.supportsFixedPosition && e.position === "fixed") { break; } bB = bA ? bA.getComputedStyle(by, null) : by.currentStyle; bC -= by.scrollTop; bx -= by.scrollLeft; if (by === bv) { bC += by.offsetTop; bx += by.offsetLeft; if (b.offset.doesNotAddBorder && !(b.offset.doesAddBorderForTableAndCells && W.test(by.nodeName))) { bC += parseFloat(bB.borderTopWidth) || 0; bx += parseFloat(bB.borderLeftWidth) || 0; } bu = bv; bv = by.offsetParent; } if (b.offset.subtractsBorderForOverflowNotVisible && bB.overflow !== "visible") { bC += parseFloat(bB.borderTopWidth) || 0; bx += parseFloat(bB.borderLeftWidth) || 0; } e = bB; } if (e.position === "relative" || e.position === "static") { bC += bz.offsetTop; bx += bz.offsetLeft; } if (b.offset.supportsFixedPosition && e.position === "fixed") { bC += Math.max(bw.scrollTop, bz.scrollTop); bx += Math.max(bw.scrollLeft, bz.scrollLeft); } return { top: bC, left: bx }; }; } b.offset = { initialize: function () { var e = at.body, bu = at.createElement("div"), bx, bz, by, bA, bv = parseFloat(b.css(e, "marginTop")) || 0, bw = " "; b.extend(bu.style, { position: "absolute", top: 0, left: 0, margin: 0, border: 0, width: "1px", height: "1px", visibility: "hidden" }); bu.innerHTML = bw; e.insertBefore(bu, e.firstChild); bx = bu.firstChild; bz = bx.firstChild; bA = bx.nextSibling.firstChild.firstChild; this.doesNotAddBorder = (bz.offsetTop !== 5); this.doesAddBorderForTableAndCells = (bA.offsetTop === 5); bz.style.position = "fixed"; bz.style.top = "20px"; this.supportsFixedPosition = (bz.offsetTop === 20 || bz.offsetTop === 15); bz.style.position = bz.style.top = ""; bx.style.overflow = "hidden"; bx.style.position = "relative"; this.subtractsBorderForOverflowNotVisible = (bz.offsetTop === -5); this.doesNotIncludeMarginInBodyOffset = (e.offsetTop !== bv); e.removeChild(bu); b.offset.initialize = b.noop; }, bodyOffset: function (e) { var bv = e.offsetTop, bu = e.offsetLeft; b.offset.initialize(); if (b.offset.doesNotIncludeMarginInBodyOffset) { bv += parseFloat(b.css(e, "marginTop")) || 0; bu += parseFloat(b.css(e, "marginLeft")) || 0; } return { top: bv, left: bu }; }, setOffset: function (bw, bF, bz) { var bA = b.css(bw, "position"); if (bA === "static") { bw.style.position = "relative"; } var by = b(bw), bu = by.offset(), e = b.css(bw, "top"), bD = b.css(bw, "left"), bE = (bA === "absolute" || bA === "fixed") && b.inArray("auto", [e, bD]) > -1, bC = {}, bB = {}, bv, bx; if (bE) { bB = by.position(); bv = bB.top; bx = bB.left; } else { bv = parseFloat(e) || 0; bx = parseFloat(bD) || 0; } if (b.isFunction(bF)) { bF = bF.call(bw, bz, bu); } if (bF.top != null) { bC.top = (bF.top - bu.top) + bv; } if (bF.left != null) { bC.left = (bF.left - bu.left) + bx; } if ("using" in bF) { bF.using.call(bw, bC); } else { by.css(bC); } } }; b.fn.extend({ position: function () { if (!this[0]) { return null; } var bv = this[0], bu = this.offsetParent(), bw = this.offset(), e = ac.test(bu[0].nodeName) ? { top: 0, left: 0} : bu.offset(); bw.top -= parseFloat(b.css(bv, "marginTop")) || 0; bw.left -= parseFloat(b.css(bv, "marginLeft")) || 0; e.top += parseFloat(b.css(bu[0], "borderTopWidth")) || 0; e.left += parseFloat(b.css(bu[0], "borderLeftWidth")) || 0; return { top: bw.top - e.top, left: bw.left - e.left }; }, offsetParent: function () { return this.map(function () { var e = this.offsetParent || at.body; while (e && (!ac.test(e.nodeName) && b.css(e, "position") === "static")) { e = e.offsetParent; } return e; }); } }); b.each(["Left", "Top"], function (bu, e) { var bv = "scroll" + e; b.fn[bv] = function (by) { var bw, bx; if (by === N) { bw = this[0]; if (!bw) { return null; } bx = aI(bw); return bx ? ("pageXOffset" in bx) ? bx[bu ? "pageYOffset" : "pageXOffset"] : b.support.boxModel && bx.document.documentElement[bv] || bx.document.body[bv] : bw[bv]; } return this.each(function () { bx = aI(this); if (bx) { bx.scrollTo(!bu ? by : b(bx).scrollLeft(), bu ? by : b(bx).scrollTop()); } else { this[bv] = by; } }); }; }); function aI(e) { return b.isWindow(e) ? e : e.nodeType === 9 ? e.defaultView || e.parentWindow : false; } b.each(["Height", "Width"], function (bu, e) { var bv = e.toLowerCase(); b.fn["inner" + e] = function () { var bw = this[0]; return bw && bw.style ? parseFloat(b.css(bw, bv, "padding")) : null; }; b.fn["outer" + e] = function (bx) { var bw = this[0]; return bw && bw.style ? parseFloat(b.css(bw, bv, bx ? "margin" : "border")) : null; }; b.fn[bv] = function (by) { var bz = this[0]; if (!bz) { return by == null ? null : this; } if (b.isFunction(by)) { return this.each(function (bD) { var bC = b(this); bC[bv](by.call(this, bD, bC[bv]())); }); } if (b.isWindow(bz)) { var bA = bz.document.documentElement["client" + e], bw = bz.document.body; return bz.document.compatMode === "CSS1Compat" && bA || bw && bw["client" + e] || bA; } else { if (bz.nodeType === 9) { return Math.max(bz.documentElement["client" + e], bz.body["scroll" + e], bz.documentElement["scroll" + e], bz.body["offset" + e], bz.documentElement["offset" + e]); } else { if (by === N) { var bB = b.css(bz, bv), bx = parseFloat(bB); return b.isNaN(bx) ? bB : bx; } else { return this.css(bv, typeof by === "string" ? by : by + "px"); } } } }; }); ba.jQuery = ba.$ = b; //})(window); /*! * jQuery UI 1.8.6 * * Copyright 2010, AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about) * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses. * http://jquery.org/license * * http://docs.jquery.com/UI */ (function (a, c) { a.ui = a.ui || {}; if (a.ui.version) { return; } a.extend(a.ui, { version: "1.8.6", keyCode: { ALT: 18, BACKSPACE: 8, CAPS_LOCK: 20, COMMA: 188, COMMAND: 91, COMMAND_LEFT: 91, COMMAND_RIGHT: 93, CONTROL: 17, DELETE: 46, DOWN: 40, END: 35, ENTER: 13, ESCAPE: 27, HOME: 36, INSERT: 45, LEFT: 37, MENU: 93, NUMPAD_ADD: 107, NUMPAD_DECIMAL: 110, NUMPAD_DIVIDE: 111, NUMPAD_ENTER: 108, NUMPAD_MULTIPLY: 106, NUMPAD_SUBTRACT: 109, PAGE_DOWN: 34, PAGE_UP: 33, PERIOD: 190, RIGHT: 39, SHIFT: 16, SPACE: 32, TAB: 9, UP: 38, WINDOWS: 91} }); a.fn.extend({ _focus: a.fn.focus, focus: function (d, e) { return typeof d === "number" ? this.each(function () { var f = this; setTimeout(function () { a(f).focus(); if (e) { e.call(f); } }, d); }) : this._focus.apply(this, arguments); }, scrollParent: function () { var d; if ((a.browser.msie && (/(static|relative)/).test(this.css("position"))) || (/absolute/).test(this.css("position"))) { d = this.parents().filter(function () { return (/(relative|absolute|fixed)/).test(a.curCSS(this, "position", 1)) && (/(auto|scroll)/).test(a.curCSS(this, "overflow", 1) + a.curCSS(this, "overflow-y", 1) + a.curCSS(this, "overflow-x", 1)); }).eq(0); } else { d = this.parents().filter(function () { return (/(auto|scroll)/).test(a.curCSS(this, "overflow", 1) + a.curCSS(this, "overflow-y", 1) + a.curCSS(this, "overflow-x", 1)); }).eq(0); } return (/fixed/).test(this.css("position")) || !d.length ? a(document) : d; }, zIndex: function (g) { if (g !== c) { return this.css("zIndex", g); } if (this.length) { var e = a(this[0]), d, f; while (e.length && e[0] !== document) { d = e.css("position"); if (d === "absolute" || d === "relative" || d === "fixed") { f = parseInt(e.css("zIndex"), 10); if (!isNaN(f) && f !== 0) { return f; } } e = e.parent(); } } return 0; }, disableSelection: function () { return this.bind((a.support.selectstart ? "selectstart" : "mousedown") + ".ui-disableSelection", function (d) { d.preventDefault(); }); }, enableSelection: function () { return this.unbind(".ui-disableSelection"); } }); a.each(["Width", "Height"], function (f, d) { var e = d === "Width" ? ["Left", "Right"] : ["Top", "Bottom"], g = d.toLowerCase(), j = { innerWidth: a.fn.innerWidth, innerHeight: a.fn.innerHeight, outerWidth: a.fn.outerWidth, outerHeight: a.fn.outerHeight }; function h(m, l, k, n) { a.each(e, function () { l -= parseFloat(a.curCSS(m, "padding" + this, true)) || 0; if (k) { l -= parseFloat(a.curCSS(m, "border" + this + "Width", true)) || 0; } if (n) { l -= parseFloat(a.curCSS(m, "margin" + this, true)) || 0; } }); return l; } a.fn["inner" + d] = function (k) { if (k === c) { return j["inner" + d].call(this); } return this.each(function () { a(this).css(g, h(this, k) + "px"); }); }; a.fn["outer" + d] = function (k, l) { if (typeof k !== "number") { return j["outer" + d].call(this, k); } return this.each(function () { a(this).css(g, h(this, k, true, l) + "px"); }); }; }); function b(d) { return !a(d).parents().andSelf().filter(function () { return a.curCSS(this, "visibility") === "hidden" || a.expr.filters.hidden(this); }).length; } a.extend(a.expr[":"], { data: function (f, e, d) { return !!a.data(f, d[3]); }, focusable: function (f) { var j = f.nodeName.toLowerCase(), d = a.attr(f, "tabindex"); if ("area" === j) { var h = f.parentNode, g = h.name, e; if (!f.href || !g || h.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "map") { return false; } e = a("img[usemap=#" + g + "]")[0]; return !!e && b(e); } return (/input|select|textarea|button|object/.test(j) ? !f.disabled : "a" == j ? f.href || !isNaN(d) : !isNaN(d)) && b(f); }, tabbable: function (e) { var d = a.attr(e, "tabindex"); return (isNaN(d) || d >= 0) && a(e).is(":focusable"); } }); a(function () { var d = document.body, e = d.appendChild(e = document.createElement("div")); a.extend(e.style, { minHeight: "100px", height: "auto", padding: 0, borderWidth: 0 }); a.support.minHeight = e.offsetHeight === 100; a.support.selectstart = "onselectstart" in e; d.removeChild(e).style.display = "none"; }); a.extend(a.ui, { plugin: { add: function (e, f, h) { var g = a.ui[e].prototype; for (var d in h) { g.plugins[d] = g.plugins[d] || []; g.plugins[d].push([f, h[d]]); } }, call: function (d, f, e) { var h = d.plugins[f]; if (!h || !d.element[0].parentNode) { return; } for (var g = 0; g 0) { return true; } g[d] = 1; f = (g[d] > 0); g[d] = 0; return f; }, isOverAxis: function (e, d, f) { return (e > d) && (e = 9) && !c.button) { return this._mouseUp(c); } if (this._mouseStarted) { this._mouseDrag(c); return c.preventDefault(); } if (this._mouseDistanceMet(c) && this._mouseDelayMet(c)) { this._mouseStarted = (this._mouseStart(this._mouseDownEvent, c) !== false); (this._mouseStarted ? this._mouseDrag(c) : this._mouseUp(c)); } return !this._mouseStarted; }, _mouseUp: function (c) { a(document).unbind("mousemove." + this.widgetName, this._mouseMoveDelegate).unbind("mouseup." + this.widgetName, this._mouseUpDelegate); if (this._mouseStarted) { this._mouseStarted = false; this._preventClickEvent = (c.target == this._mouseDownEvent.target); this._mouseStop(c); } return false; }, _mouseDistanceMet: function (c) { return (Math.max(Math.abs(this._mouseDownEvent.pageX - c.pageX), Math.abs(this._mouseDownEvent.pageY - c.pageY)) >= this.options.distance); }, _mouseDelayMet: function (c) { return this.mouseDelayMet; }, _mouseStart: function (c) { }, _mouseDrag: function (c) { }, _mouseStop: function (c) { }, _mouseCapture: function (c) { return true; } }); })(jQuery); (function (f, g) { f.ui = f.ui || {}; var d = /left|center|right/, e = /top|center|bottom/, a = "center", b = f.fn.position, c = f.fn.offset; f.fn.position = function (j) { if (!j || !j.of) { return b.apply(this, arguments); } j = f.extend({}, j); var n = f(j.of), m = n[0], q = (j.collision || "flip").split(" "), o = j.offset ? j.offset.split(" ") : [0, 0], l, h, k; if (m.nodeType === 9) { l = n.width(); h = n.height(); k = { top: 0, left: 0 }; } else { if (m.setTimeout) { l = n.width(); h = n.height(); k = { top: n.scrollTop(), left: n.scrollLeft() }; } else { if (m.preventDefault) { j.at = "left top"; l = h = 0; k = { top: j.of.pageY, left: j.of.pageX }; } else { l = n.outerWidth(); h = n.outerHeight(); k = n.offset(); } } } f.each(["my", "at"], function () { var r = (j[this] || "").split(" "); if (r.length === 1) { r = d.test(r[0]) ? r.concat([a]) : e.test(r[0]) ? [a].concat(r) : [a, a]; } r[0] = d.test(r[0]) ? r[0] : a; r[1] = e.test(r[1]) ? r[1] : a; j[this] = r; }); if (q.length === 1) { q[1] = q[0]; } o[0] = parseInt(o[0], 10) || 0; if (o.length === 1) { o[1] = o[0]; } o[1] = parseInt(o[1], 10) || 0; if (j.at[0] === "right") { k.left += l; } else { if (j.at[0] === a) { k.left += l / 2; } } if (j.at[1] === "bottom") { k.top += h; } else { if (j.at[1] === a) { k.top += h / 2; } } k.left += o[0]; k.top += o[1]; return this.each(function () { var u = f(this), w = u.outerWidth(), t = u.outerHeight(), v = parseInt(f.curCSS(this, "marginLeft", true)) || 0, s = parseInt(f.curCSS(this, "marginTop", true)) || 0, z = w + v + parseInt(f.curCSS(this, "marginRight", true)) || 0, A = t + s + parseInt(f.curCSS(this, "marginBottom", true)) || 0, y = f.extend({}, k), r; if (j.my[0] === "right") { y.left -= w; } else { if (j.my[0] === a) { y.left -= w / 2; } } if (j.my[1] === "bottom") { y.top -= t; } else { if (j.my[1] === a) { y.top -= t / 2; } } y.left = parseInt(y.left); y.top = parseInt(y.top); r = { left: y.left - v, top: y.top - s }; f.each(["left", "top"], function (C, B) { if (f.ui.position[q[C]]) { f.ui.position[q[C]][B](y, { targetWidth: l, targetHeight: h, elemWidth: w, elemHeight: t, collisionPosition: r, collisionWidth: z, collisionHeight: A, offset: o, my: j.my, at: j.at }); } }); if (f.fn.bgiframe) { u.bgiframe(); } u.offset(f.extend(y, { using: j.using })); }); }; f.ui.position = { fit: { left: function (h, j) { var l = f(window), k = j.collisionPosition.left + j.collisionWidth - l.width() - l.scrollLeft(); h.left = k > 0 ? h.left - k : Math.max(h.left - j.collisionPosition.left, h.left); }, top: function (h, j) { var l = f(window), k = j.collisionPosition.top + j.collisionHeight - l.height() - l.scrollTop(); h.top = k > 0 ? h.top - k : Math.max(h.top - j.collisionPosition.top, h.top); } }, flip: { left: function (j, l) { if (l.at[0] === a) { return; } var n = f(window), m = l.collisionPosition.left + l.collisionWidth - n.width() - n.scrollLeft(), h = l.my[0] === "left" ? -l.elemWidth : l.my[0] === "right" ? l.elemWidth : 0, k = l.at[0] === "left" ? l.targetWidth : -l.targetWidth, o = -2 * l.offset[0]; j.left += l.collisionPosition.left 0 ? h + k + o : 0; }, top: function (j, l) { if (l.at[1] === a) { return; } var n = f(window), m = l.collisionPosition.top + l.collisionHeight - n.height() - n.scrollTop(), h = l.my[1] === "top" ? -l.elemHeight : l.my[1] === "bottom" ? l.elemHeight : 0, k = l.at[1] === "top" ? l.targetHeight : -l.targetHeight, o = -2 * l.offset[1]; j.top += l.collisionPosition.top 0 ? h + k + o : 0; } } }; if (!f.offset.setOffset) { f.offset.setOffset = function (m, j) { if (/static/.test(f.curCSS(m, "position"))) { m.style.position = "relative"; } var l = f(m), o = l.offset(), h = parseInt(f.curCSS(m, "top", true), 10) || 0, n = parseInt(f.curCSS(m, "left", true), 10) || 0, k = { top: (j.top - o.top) + h, left: (j.left - o.left) + n }; if ("using" in j) { j.using.call(m, k); } else { l.css(k); } }; f.fn.offset = function (h) { var j = this[0]; if (!j || !j.ownerDocument) { return null; } if (h) { return this.each(function () { f.offset.setOffset(this, h); }); } return c.call(this); }; } } (jQuery)); jQuery.effects || (function (h, e) { h.effects = {}; h.each(["backgroundColor", "borderBottomColor", "borderLeftColor", "borderRightColor", "borderTopColor", "borderColor", "color", "outlineColor"], function (o, n) { h.fx.step[n] = function (q) { if (!q.colorInit) { q.start = m(q.elem, n); q.end = k(q.end); q.colorInit = true; } q.elem.style[n] = "rgb(" + Math.max(Math.min(parseInt((q.pos * (q.end[0] - q.start[0])) + q.start[0], 10), 255), 0) + "," + Math.max(Math.min(parseInt((q.pos * (q.end[1] - q.start[1])) + q.start[1], 10), 255), 0) + "," + Math.max(Math.min(parseInt((q.pos * (q.end[2] - q.start[2])) + q.start[2], 10), 255), 0) + ")"; }; }); function k(o) { var n; if (o && o.constructor == Array && o.length == 3) { return o; } if (n = /rgb\(\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*\)/.exec(o)) { return [parseInt(n[1], 10), parseInt(n[2], 10), parseInt(n[3], 10)]; } if (n = /rgb\(\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*,\s*([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\%\s*\)/.exec(o)) { return [parseFloat(n[1]) * 2.55, parseFloat(n[2]) * 2.55, parseFloat(n[3]) * 2.55]; } if (n = /#([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})/.exec(o)) { return [parseInt(n[1], 16), parseInt(n[2], 16), parseInt(n[3], 16)]; } if (n = /#([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9])/.exec(o)) { return [parseInt(n[1] + n[1], 16), parseInt(n[2] + n[2], 16), parseInt(n[3] + n[3], 16)]; } if (n = /rgba\(0, 0, 0, 0\)/.exec(o)) { return a.transparent; } return a[h.trim(o).toLowerCase()]; } function m(q, n) { var o; do { o = h.curCSS(q, n); if (o != "" && o != "transparent" || h.nodeName(q, "body")) { break; } n = "backgroundColor"; } while (q = q.parentNode); return k(o); } var a = { aqua: [0, 255, 255], azure: [240, 255, 255], beige: [245, 245, 220], black: [0, 0, 0], blue: [0, 0, 255], brown: [165, 42, 42], cyan: [0, 255, 255], darkblue: [0, 0, 139], darkcyan: [0, 139, 139], darkgrey: [169, 169, 169], darkgreen: [0, 100, 0], darkkhaki: [189, 183, 107], darkmagenta: [139, 0, 139], darkolivegreen: [85, 107, 47], darkorange: [255, 140, 0], darkorchid: [153, 50, 204], darkred: [139, 0, 0], darksalmon: [233, 150, 122], darkviolet: [148, 0, 211], fuchsia: [255, 0, 255], gold: [255, 215, 0], green: [0, 128, 0], indigo: [75, 0, 130], khaki: [240, 230, 140], lightblue: [173, 216, 230], lightcyan: [224, 255, 255], lightgreen: [144, 238, 144], lightgrey: [211, 211, 211], lightpink: [255, 182, 193], lightyellow: [255, 255, 224], lime: [0, 255, 0], magenta: [255, 0, 255], maroon: [128, 0, 0], navy: [0, 0, 128], olive: [128, 128, 0], orange: [255, 165, 0], pink: [255, 192, 203], purple: [128, 0, 128], violet: [128, 0, 128], red: [255, 0, 0], silver: [192, 192, 192], white: [255, 255, 255], yellow: [255, 255, 0], transparent: [255, 255, 255] }; var f = ["add", "remove", "toggle"], c = { border: 1, borderBottom: 1, borderColor: 1, borderLeft: 1, borderRight: 1, borderTop: 1, borderWidth: 1, margin: 1, padding: 1 }; function g() { var r = document.defaultView ? document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(this, null) : this.currentStyle, s = {}, o, q; if (r && r.length && r[0] && r[r[0]]) { var n = r.length; while (n--) { o = r[n]; if (typeof r[o] == "string") { q = o.replace(/\-(\w)/g, function (t, u) { return u.toUpperCase(); }); s[q] = r[o]; } } } else { for (o in r) { if (typeof r[o] === "string") { s[o] = r[o]; } } } return s; } function b(o) { var n, q; for (n in o) { q = o[n]; if (q == null || h.isFunction(q) || n in c || (/scrollbar/).test(n) || (!(/color/i).test(n) && isNaN(parseFloat(q)))) { delete o[n]; } } return o; } function j(n, q) { var r = { _: 0 }, o; for (o in q) { if (n[o] != q[o]) { r[o] = q[o]; } } return r; } h.effects.animateClass = function (n, o, r, q) { if (h.isFunction(r)) { q = r; r = null; } return this.each(function () { var v = h(this), s = v.attr("style") || " ", w = b(g.call(this)), u, t = v.attr("className"); h.each(f, function (y, z) { if (n[z]) { v[z + "Class"](n[z]); } }); u = b(g.call(this)); v.attr("className", t); v.animate(j(w, u), o, r, function () { h.each(f, function (y, z) { if (n[z]) { v[z + "Class"](n[z]); } }); if (typeof v.attr("style") == "object") { v.attr("style").cssText = ""; v.attr("style").cssText = s; } else { v.attr("style", s); } if (q) { q.apply(this, arguments); } }); }); }; h.fn.extend({ _addClass: h.fn.addClass, addClass: function (o, n, r, q) { return n ? h.effects.animateClass.apply(this, [{ add: o }, n, r, q]) : this._addClass(o); }, _removeClass: h.fn.removeClass, removeClass: function (o, n, r, q) { return n ? h.effects.animateClass.apply(this, [{ remove: o }, n, r, q]) : this._removeClass(o); }, _toggleClass: h.fn.toggleClass, toggleClass: function (q, o, n, s, r) { if (typeof o == "boolean" || o === e) { if (!n) { return this._toggleClass(q, o); } else { return h.effects.animateClass.apply(this, [(o ? { add: q} : { remove: q }), n, s, r]); } } else { return h.effects.animateClass.apply(this, [{ toggle: q }, o, n, s]); } }, switchClass: function (n, q, o, s, r) { return h.effects.animateClass.apply(this, [{ add: q, remove: n }, o, s, r]); } }); h.extend(h.effects, { version: "1.8.6", save: function (o, q) { for (var n = 0; n 0) { q[s] = unit[0] * n + unit[1]; } }); return q; } }); function d(o, n, q, r) { if (typeof o == "object") { r = n; q = null; n = o; o = n.effect; } if (h.isFunction(n)) { r = n; q = null; n = {}; } if (typeof n == "number" || h.fx.speeds[n]) { r = q; q = n; n = {}; } if (h.isFunction(q)) { r = q; q = null; } n = n || {}; q = q || n.duration; q = h.fx.off ? 0 : typeof q == "number" ? q : h.fx.speeds[q] || h.fx.speeds._default; r = r || n.complete; return [o, n, q, r]; } function l(n) { if (!n || typeof n === "number" || h.fx.speeds[n]) { return true; } if (typeof n === "string" && !h.effects[n]) { return true; } return false; } h.fn.extend({ effect: function (r, q, t, v) { var o = d.apply(this, arguments), s = { options: o[1], duration: o[2], callback: o[3] }, u = s.options.mode, n = h.effects[r]; if (h.fx.off || !n) { if (u) { return this[u](s.duration, s.callback); } else { return this.each(function () { if (s.callback) { s.callback.call(this); } }); } } return n.call(this, s); }, _show: h.fn.show, show: function (o) { if (l(o)) { return this._show.apply(this, arguments); } else { var n = d.apply(this, arguments); n[1].mode = "show"; return this.effect.apply(this, n); } }, _hide: h.fn.hide, hide: function (o) { if (l(o)) { return this._hide.apply(this, arguments); } else { var n = d.apply(this, arguments); n[1].mode = "hide"; return this.effect.apply(this, n); } }, __toggle: h.fn.toggle, toggle: function (o) { if (l(o) || typeof o === "boolean" || h.isFunction(o)) { return this.__toggle.apply(this, arguments); } else { var n = d.apply(this, arguments); n[1].mode = "toggle"; return this.effect.apply(this, n); } }, cssUnit: function (n) { var o = this.css(n), q = []; h.each(["em", "px", "%", "pt"], function (r, s) { if (o.indexOf(s) > 0) { q = [parseFloat(o), s]; } }); return q; } }); h.easing.jswing = h.easing.swing; h.extend(h.easing, { def: "easeOutQuad", swing: function (o, q, n, s, r) { return h.easing[h.easing.def](o, q, n, s, r); }, easeInQuad: function (o, q, n, s, r) { return s * (q /= r) * q + n; }, easeOutQuad: function (o, q, n, s, r) { return -s * (q /= r) * (q - 2) + n; }, easeInOutQuad: function (o, q, n, s, r) { if ((q /= r / 2)
').appendTo(v)[0]); } } B.appendTo("body"); D.attachEvent ? D.attachEvent("onload", z) : D.addEventListener("load", z, false); v.submit(); } finally { r.attr("action", F); H ? r.attr("target", H) : r.removeAttr("target"); b(G).remove(); } }, 10); function z() { if (q++) { return; } D.detachEvent ? D.detachEvent("onload", z) : D.removeEventListener("load", z, false); var F = 0; var G = true; try { if (y) { throw "timeout"; } var H, J; J = D.contentWindow ? D.contentWindow.document : D.contentDocument ? D.contentDocument : D.document; if (J.body == null && !F && b.browser.opera) { F = 1; q--; setTimeout(z, 100); return; } E.responseText = J.body ? J.body.innerHTML : null; E.responseXML = J.XMLDocument ? J.XMLDocument : J; E.getResponseHeader = function (L) { var K = { "content-type": t.dataType }; return K[L]; }; if (t.dataType == "json" || t.dataType == "script") { var n = J.getElementsByTagName("textarea")[0]; E.responseText = n ? n.value : E.responseText; } else { if (t.dataType == "xml" && !E.responseXML && E.responseText != null) { E.responseXML = A(E.responseText); } } H = b.httpData(E, t.dataType); } catch (I) { G = false; b.handleError(t, E, "error", I); } if (G) { t.success(H, "success"); if (C) { b.event.trigger("ajaxSuccess", [E, t]); } } if (C) { b.event.trigger("ajaxComplete", [E, t]); } if (C && ! --b.active) { b.event.trigger("ajaxStop"); } if (t.complete) { t.complete(E, G ? "success" : "error"); } setTimeout(function () { B.remove(); E.responseXML = null; }, 100); } function A(n, F) { if (window.ActiveXObject) { F = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); F.async = "false"; F.loadXML(n); } else { F = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(n, "text/xml"); } return (F && F.documentElement && F.documentElement.tagName != "parsererror") ? F : null; } } }; b.fn.ajaxForm = function (c) { return this.ajaxFormUnbind().bind("submit.form-plugin", function () { b(this).ajaxSubmit(c); return false; }).each(function () { b(":submit,input:image", this).bind("click.form-plugin", function (f) { var d = this.form; d.clk = this; if (this.type == "image") { if (f.offsetX != undefined) { d.clk_x = f.offsetX; d.clk_y = f.offsetY; } else { if (typeof b.fn.offset == "function") { var g = b(this).offset(); d.clk_x = f.pageX - g.left; d.clk_y = f.pageY - g.top; } else { d.clk_x = f.pageX - this.offsetLeft; d.clk_y = f.pageY - this.offsetTop; } } } setTimeout(function () { d.clk = d.clk_x = d.clk_y = null; }, 10); }); }); }; b.fn.ajaxFormUnbind = function () { this.unbind("submit.form-plugin"); return this.each(function () { b(":submit,input:image", this).unbind("click.form-plugin"); }); }; b.fn.formToArray = function (r) { var q = []; if (this.length == 0) { return q; } var d = this[0]; var h = r ? d.getElementsByTagName("*") : d.elements; if (!h) { return q; } for (var k = 0, m = h.length; k maxSub) { jQuery("#subusub").show().html("Based on your status, your Subsidized Stafford borrowing limit is " + addCommas(maxSub) + ".
"); c = false; } else { if (d > iAmt || a > iAmt) { jQuery("#subusub").show().html("The total of your Subsidized and Unsubsidized cannot exceed your Stafford total " + addCommas(iAmt) + ".
"); c = false; } } if (c) { sub = a; usub = d; setAmounts(); } else { e.value = iSub; b.value = iUsub; } } function removeCommas(e) { e += ""; var b = ""; var a = e.split(","); for (var d = 0; d 1 ? "." + x[1] : ""; var a = /(\d+)(\d{3})/; while (a.test(x1)) { x1 = x1.replace(a, "$1,$2"); } ret = x1 + x2; return ret.split(".")[0]; } var seld = null; var stateCtl = null; var schoolCtl = null; var certifiedOnly = null; function stChange(b) { try { _stChange(b); } catch (a) { noRO(); } } function _stChange(b) { stateCtl = document.forms[b].elements.ss; schoolCtl = document.forms[b].elements.scl; var a = stateCtl.value; if (a != "") { jQuery.ajax({ url: "/ajax_school?action=state_change&state=" + a, type: "GET", dataType: "text", timeout: 20000, cache: false, error: function () { noRO(); }, success: function (c) { schoolResponse(c); } }); } else { schoolCtl.length = 0; schoolCtl.disabled = true; } } function noRO() { schoolCtl.length = 0; schoolCtl.options[0] = new Option("Other/Not Listed", "15000"); schoolCtl.disabled = false; } function schoolResponse(b) { certifiedOnly = new Array(); var d = new Array(); var c = null; schoolCtl.length = 0; other = new Option("Other/Not Listed", "15000"); if ("15000" == seld) { other.selected = true; } schoolCtl.disabled = false; schoolCtl.focus(); d = b.split("|"); for (i = 0; i = 3) { a = d.length / 3; } schoolCtl.options[a] = other; schoolCtl.disabled = false; schoolCtl.focus(); } if (!root_path) { root_path = "/"; } if (root_path == "") { root_path = "/"; } var stSrc = root_path + "school_ac"; var stSchema = ["ResultSet.Result", "Name", "HLName", "State", "hnd", "CQName"]; var stDataSource = null; var acForm = "searchForm"; var stAutoComp = null; var acList = {}; function saveAC(b) { var a = {}; a.form = acForm; a.ac = stAutoComp; acList[b] = a; } function switchAC(a) { var b = acList[a]; if (typeof (b) == "undefined" || b == null) { return; } acForm = b.form; stAutoComp = b.ac; } function initYahoo() { if (typeof (YAHOO) == "undefined") { return; } if (stDataSource != null) { return; } var a = ""; if (typeof st_site != "undefined" && st_site != "") { a = "&brnd=" + st_site; } stDataSource = new YAHOO.widget.DS_ScriptNode(stSrc + "?output=json" + a, stSchema); YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.formatResult = function (b, e) { var c = b[1]; var d = b[2]; if (c) { return c + "
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New Search", "Continue"); jQuery("#bud").fadeTo("slow", 1); } function partnerBudCallback(a, b) { if (a.results.status == "NO_SEARCH_PARAMS") { partnerBudError(a, b); } jQuery("#bud").html(a.results.bud); } function budSort(b, c, a) { log_search_mode = "sort"; partnerBud("sort=" + b + c); gaResultsSort(b); } function set_tab_to(b, a) { document.forms[b].tab.value = a; } var vnf2OK = false; jQuery(document).ready(function () { try { setupDate("gradDate"); } catch (a) { consoleLog(a); } try { setupDate("initialDisbursement"); } catch (a) { consoleLog(a); } setupFieldEvents(); }); function setupFieldEvents() { jQuery("fieldset.formFS input").each(function () { var a = jQuery(this).attr("type"); if (a == "text") { jQuery(this).keyup(function () { if (jQuery(this).val() != "") { removeErrorClass(jQuery(this).attr("name")); } }); } else { if (a == "radio") { jQuery(this).change(function () { removeErrorClass(jQuery(this).attr("name")); }); } } }); jQuery("fieldset.formFS select").each(function () { jQuery(this).change(function () { removeErrorClass(jQuery(this).attr("name")); }); }); } function removeErrorClass(a) { jQuery("fieldset#" + a + "FS").removeClass("error"); } function setupDate(d) { var b = new Date(); var e = b.getMonth(); var a = 0; mthSelect = "select[name=" + d + "].A option"; jQuery(mthSelect).each(function () { if (e == a) { jQuery(this).attr("selected", "selected"); } a++; }); var c = b.getFullYear(); yrSelect = "select[name=" + d + "].D option"; jQuery(yrSelect).each(function () { if (c == jQuery(this).val()) { jQuery(this).attr("selected", "selected"); } }); } function validate_newloan_form2(d, c) { try { var a = jQuery("#" + d.id).formSerialize() + "&flds=" + c; if (st_site != null) { a += "&brnd=" + st_site; } callJSON({ url: "lp_validation?callback=?", data: a, async: false, success: vnf2Callback, error: vnf2Error }); return vnf2OK == true; } catch (b) { stFailure("landing_validation err:" + b); return true; } } function validate_newloan_form3(d, c) { try { var a = jQuery("#" + d.id).formSerialize() + "&flds=" + c; if (st_site != null) { a += "&brnd=" + st_site; } callJSON({ url: "lp_validation_submit?callback=?", data: a, async: false, success: vnf2Callback, error: vnf2Error }); return vnf2OK == true; } catch (b) { stFailure("landing_validation err:" + b); return true; } } function vnf2Callback(a, b) { if (a.form.status == "valid") { vnf2OK = true; } else { vnf2OK = "invalid"; jQuery(".formFS").removeClass("error"); jQuery(".form-row").removeClass("error"); var c = a.form.errors; for (err in c) { jQuery("#" + c[err].field + "FS").addClass("error"); jQuery("#" + c[err].field + "-row").addClass("error"); } } } function vnf2Error() { consoleLog("ERROR"); } function showOVG(e) { var c = "Some required information is missing or not valid.
"; var b = flds.split(","); if (getError("school", e) != "") { c += "Enter your school name.
"; } for (var a = 0; a < b.length; ++a) { var d = getError(b[a], e); if (d != "") { c += d + "
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false : true; } var frmintrv; function waitSub() { if (vnf2OK == true) { clearInterval(frmintrv); document.newloan_form.submit(); } else { if (vnf2OK == "invalid") { clearInterval(frmintrv); } } } function syncVNF() { vnf2OK = false; validate_newloan_form2(document.newloan_form, flds); if (vnf2OK == false) { clearInterval(frmintrv); frmintrv = setInterval(waitSub, 500); } else { if (vnf2OK == true) { document.newloan_form.submit(); } } } var partnerConflicts = [".cappex.", ".meritaid."]; try { var host = window.location.host; for (p in partnerConflicts) { var partner = partnerConflicts[p]; if (host.indexOf(partner) > -1) { jQuery.noConflict(); break; } } } catch (err) { stFailure("ERROR INITING JQUERY NO CONFLICT FOR " + window.location.host); } function printStackTrace(b) { b = b || { guess: true }; var c = b.e || null, e = !!b.guess; var d = new printStackTrace.implementation(), a = d.run(c); return (e) ? d.guessAnonymousFunctions(a) : a; } printStackTrace.implementation = function () { }; printStackTrace.implementation.prototype = { run: function (a, b) { a = a || this.createException(); b = b || this.mode(a); if (b === "other") { return this.other(arguments.callee); } else { return this[b](a); } }, createException: function () { try { this.undef(); } catch (a) { return a; } }, mode: function (a) { if (a["arguments"] && a.stack) { return "chrome"; } else { if (typeof a.message === "string" && typeof window !== "undefined" && window.opera) { if (!a.stacktrace) { return "opera9"; } if (a.message.indexOf("\n") > -1 && a.message.split("\n").length > a.stacktrace.split("\n").length) { return "opera9"; } if (!a.stack) { return "opera10a"; } if (a.stacktrace.indexOf("called from line") < 0) { return "opera10b"; } return "opera11"; } else { if (a.stack) { return "firefox"; } } } return "other"; }, instrumentFunction: function (b, d, e) { b = b || window; var a = b[d]; b[d] = function c() { e.call(this, printStackTrace().slice(4)); return b[d]._instrumented.apply(this, arguments); }; b[d]._instrumented = a; }, deinstrumentFunction: function (a, b) { if (a[b].constructor === Function && a[b]._instrumented && a[b]._instrumented.constructor === Function) { a[b] = a[b]._instrumented; } }, chrome: function (b) { var a = (b.stack + "\n").replace(/^\S[^\(]+?[\n$]/gm, "").replace(/^\s+(at eval )?at\s+/gm, "").replace(/^([^\(]+?)([\n$])/gm, "{anonymous}()@$1$2").replace(/^Object.\s*\(([^\)]+)\)/gm, "{anonymous}()@$1").split("\n"); a.pop(); return a; }, firefox: function (a) { return a.stack.replace(/(?:\n@:0)?\s+$/m, "").replace(/^\(/gm, "{anonymous}(").split("\n"); }, opera11: function (g) { var a = "{anonymous}", h = /^.*line (\d+), column (\d+)(?: in (.+))? in (\S+):$/; var k = g.stacktrace.split("\n"), l = []; for (var c = 0, f = k.length; c < f; c += 2) { var d = h.exec(k[c]); if (d) { var j = d[4] + ":" + d[1] + ":" + d[2]; var b = d[3] || "global code"; b = b.replace(//, "$1").replace(//, a); l.push(b + "@" + j + " -- " + k[c + 1].replace(/^\s+/, "")); } } return l; }, opera10b: function (h) { var g = /^(.*)@(.+):(\d+)$/; var c = h.stacktrace.split("\n"), b = []; for (var f = 0, a = c.length; f < a; f++) { var d = g.exec(c[f]); if (d) { var j = d[1] ? (d[1] + "()") : "global code"; b.push(j + "@" + d[2] + ":" + d[3]); } } return b; }, opera10a: function (g) { var a = "{anonymous}", h = /Line (\d+).*script (?:in )?(\S+)(?:: In function (\S+))?$/i; var j = g.stacktrace.split("\n"), k = []; for (var c = 0, f = j.length; c < f; c += 2) { var d = h.exec(j[c]); if (d) { var b = d[3] || a; k.push(b + "()@" + d[2] + ":" + d[1] + " -- " + j[c + 1].replace(/^\s+/, "")); } } return k; }, opera9: function (j) { var d = "{anonymous}", h = /Line (\d+).*script (?:in )?(\S+)/i; var c = j.message.split("\n"), b = []; for (var g = 2, a = c.length; g < a; g += 2) { var f = h.exec(c[g]); if (f) { b.push(d + "()@" + f[2] + ":" + f[1] + " -- " + c[g + 1].replace(/^\s+/, "")); } } return b; }, other: function (g) { var b = "{anonymous}", f = /function\s*([\w\-$]+)?\s*\(/i, a = [], d, c, e = 10; while (g && g["arguments"] && a.length < e) { d = f.test(g.toString()) ? RegExp.$1 || b : b; c = Array.prototype.slice.call(g["arguments"] || []); a[a.length] = d + "(" + this.stringifyArguments(c) + ")"; g = g.caller; } return a; }, stringifyArguments: function (c) { var b = []; var e = Array.prototype.slice; for (var d = 0; d < c.length; ++d) { var a = c[d]; if (a === undefined) { b[d] = "undefined"; } else { if (a === null) { b[d] = "null"; } else { if (a.constructor) { if (a.constructor === Array) { if (a.length < 3) { b[d] = "[" + this.stringifyArguments(a) + "]"; } else { b[d] = "[" + this.stringifyArguments(e.call(a, 0, 1)) + "..." + this.stringifyArguments(e.call(a, -1)) + "]"; } } else { if (a.constructor === Object) { b[d] = "#object"; } else { if (a.constructor === Function) { b[d] = "#function"; } else { if (a.constructor === String) { b[d] = '"' + a + '"'; } else { if (a.constructor === Number) { b[d] = a; } } } } } } } } } return b.join(","); }, sourceCache: {}, ajax: function (a) { var b = this.createXMLHTTPObject(); if (b) { try { b.open("GET", a, false); b.send(null); return b.responseText; } catch (c) { } } return ""; }, createXMLHTTPObject: function () { var c, a = [function () { return new XMLHttpRequest(); }, function () { return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); }, function () { return new ActiveXObject("Msxml3.XMLHTTP"); }, function () { return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } ]; for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) { try { c = a[b](); this.createXMLHTTPObject = a[b]; return c; } catch (d) { } } }, isSameDomain: function (a) { return typeof location !== "undefined" && a.indexOf(location.hostname) !== -1; }, getSource: function (a) { if (!(a in this.sourceCache)) { this.sourceCache[a] = this.ajax(a).split("\n"); } return this.sourceCache[a]; }, guessAnonymousFunctions: function (k) { for (var g = 0; g < k.length; ++g) { var f = /\{anonymous\}\(.*\)@(.*)/, l = /^(.*?)(?::(\d+))(?::(\d+))?(?: -- .+)?$/, b = k[g], c = f.exec(b); if (c) { var e = l.exec(c[1]); if (e) { var d = e[1], a = e[2], j = e[3] || 0; if (d && this.isSameDomain(d) && a) { var h = this.guessAnonymousFunction(d, a, j); k[g] = b.replace("{anonymous}", h); } } } } return k; }, guessAnonymousFunction: function (c, f, a) { var b; try { b = this.findFunctionName(this.getSource(c), f); } catch (d) { b = "getSource failed with url: " + c + ", exception: " + d.toString(); } return b; }, findFunctionName: function (a, e) { var g = /function\s+([^(]*?)\s*\(([^)]*)\)/; var k = /['"]?([0-9A-Za-z_]+)['"]?\s*[:=]\s*function\b/; var h = /['"]?([0-9A-Za-z_]+)['"]?\s*[:=]\s*(?:eval|new Function)\b/; var b = "", l, j = Math.min(e, 20), d, c; for (var f = 0; f < j; ++f) { l = a[e - f - 1]; c = l.indexOf("//"); if (c >= 0) { l = l.substr(0, c); } if (l) { b = l + b; d = k.exec(b); if (d && d[1]) { return d[1]; } d = g.exec(b); if (d && d[1]) { return d[1]; } d = h.exec(b); if (d && d[1]) { return d[1]; } } } return "(?)"; } }; if (typeof YAHOO == "undefined" || !YAHOO) { var YAHOO = {}; } YAHOO.namespace = function () { var a = arguments, b = null, d, e, c; for (d = 0; d < a.length; d = d + 1) { c = a[d].split("."); b = YAHOO; for (e = (c[0] == "YAHOO") ? 1 : 0; e < c.length; e = e + 1) { b[c[e]] = b[c[e]] || {}; b = b[c[e]]; } } return b; }; YAHOO.log = function (b, a, c) { var d = YAHOO.widget.Logger; if (d && d.log) { return d.log(b, a, c); } else { return false; } }; YAHOO.register = function (d, j, a) { var e = YAHOO.env.modules; if (!e[d]) { e[d] = { versions: [], builds: [] }; } var c = e[d], f = a.version, g = a.build, h = YAHOO.env.listeners; c.name = d; c.version = f; c.build = g; c.versions.push(f); c.builds.push(g); c.mainClass = j; for (var b = 0; b < h.length; b = b + 1) { h[b](c); } if (j) { j.VERSION = f; j.BUILD = g; } else { YAHOO.log("mainClass is undefined for module " + d, "warn"); } }; YAHOO.env = YAHOO.env || { modules: [], listeners: [] }; YAHOO.env.getVersion = function (a) { return YAHOO.env.modules[a] || null; }; YAHOO.env.ua = function () { var b = { ie: 0, opera: 0, gecko: 0, webkit: 0, mobile: null, air: 0 }; var c = navigator.userAgent, a; if ((/KHTML/).test(c)) { b.webkit = 1; } a = c.match(/AppleWebKit\/([^\s]*)/); if (a && a[1]) { b.webkit = parseFloat(a[1]); if (/ Mobile\//.test(c)) { b.mobile = "Apple"; } else { a = c.match(/NokiaN[^\/]*/); if (a) { b.mobile = a[0]; } } a = c.match(/AdobeAIR\/([^\s]*)/); if (a) { b.air = a[0]; } } if (!b.webkit) { a = c.match(/Opera[\s\/]([^\s]*)/); if (a && a[1]) { b.opera = parseFloat(a[1]); a = c.match(/Opera Mini[^;]*/); if (a) { b.mobile = a[0]; } } else { a = c.match(/MSIE\s([^;]*)/); if (a && a[1]) { b.ie = parseFloat(a[1]); } else { a = c.match(/Gecko\/([^\s]*)/); if (a) { b.gecko = 1; a = c.match(/rv:([^\s\)]*)/); if (a && a[1]) { b.gecko = parseFloat(a[1]); } } } } } return b; } (); (function () { YAHOO.namespace("util", "widget", "example"); if ("undefined" !== typeof YAHOO_config) { var d = YAHOO_config.listener, a = YAHOO.env.listeners, b = true, c; if (d) { for (c = 0; c < a.length; c = c + 1) { if (a[c] == d) { b = false; break; } } if (b) { a.push(d); } } } })(); YAHOO.lang = YAHOO.lang || { isArray: function (b) { if (b) { var a = YAHOO.lang; return a.isNumber(b.length) && a.isFunction(b.splice); } return false; }, isBoolean: function (a) { return typeof a === "boolean"; }, isFunction: function (a) { return typeof a === "function"; }, isNull: function (a) { return a === null; }, isNumber: function (a) { return typeof a === "number" && isFinite(a); }, isObject: function (a) { return (a && (typeof a === "object" || YAHOO.lang.isFunction(a))) || false; }, isString: function (a) { return typeof a === "string"; }, isUndefined: function (a) { return typeof a === "undefined"; }, hasOwnProperty: function (a, b) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty) { return a.hasOwnProperty(b); } return !YAHOO.lang.isUndefined(a[b]) && a.constructor.prototype[b] !== a[b]; }, _IEEnumFix: function (e, f) { if (YAHOO.env.ua.ie) { var c = ["toString", "valueOf"], a; for (a = 0; a < c.length; a = a + 1) { var b = c[a], d = f[b]; if (YAHOO.lang.isFunction(d) && d != Object.prototype[b]) { e[b] = d; } } } }, extend: function (c, b, d) { if (!b || !c) { throw new Error("YAHOO.lang.extend failed, please check that all dependencies are included."); } var e = function () { }; e.prototype = b.prototype; c.prototype = new e(); c.prototype.constructor = c; c.superclass = b.prototype; if (b.prototype.constructor == Object.prototype.constructor) { b.prototype.constructor = b; } if (d) { for (var a in d) { c.prototype[a] = d[a]; } YAHOO.lang._IEEnumFix(c.prototype, d); } }, augmentObject: function (c, d) { if (!d || !c) { throw new Error("Absorb failed, verify dependencies."); } var a = arguments, e, b, f = a[2]; if (f && f !== true) { for (e = 2; e < a.length; e = e + 1) { c[a[e]] = d[a[e]]; } } else { for (b in d) { if (f || !c[b]) { c[b] = d[b]; } } YAHOO.lang._IEEnumFix(c, d); } }, augmentProto: function (b, c) { if (!c || !b) { throw new Error("Augment failed, verify dependencies."); } var a = [b.prototype, c.prototype]; for (var d = 2; d < arguments.length; d = d + 1) { a.push(arguments[d]); } YAHOO.lang.augmentObject.apply(this, a); }, dump: function (d, h) { var b = YAHOO.lang, a, j, f = [], e = "{...}", c = "f(){...}", g = ", ", k = " => "; if (!b.isObject(d)) { return d + ""; } else { if (d instanceof Date || ("nodeType" in d && "tagName" in d)) { return d; } else { if (b.isFunction(d)) { return c; } } } h = (b.isNumber(h)) ? h : 3; if (b.isArray(d)) { f.push("["); for (a = 0, j = d.length; a < j; a = a + 1) { if (b.isObject(d[a])) { f.push((h > 0) ? b.dump(d[a], h - 1) : e); } else { f.push(d[a]); } f.push(g); } if (f.length > 1) { f.pop(); } f.push("]"); } else { f.push("{"); for (a in d) { if (b.hasOwnProperty(d, a)) { f.push(a + k); if (b.isObject(d[a])) { f.push((h > 0) ? b.dump(d[a], h - 1) : e); } else { f.push(d[a]); } f.push(g); } } if (f.length > 1) { f.pop(); } f.push("}"); } return f.join(""); }, substitute: function (e, c, m) { var q, r, s, j, h, f, a = YAHOO.lang, k = [], b, o = "dump", l = " ", d = "{", g = "}"; for (; ; ) { q = e.lastIndexOf(d); if (q < 0) { break; } r = e.indexOf(g, q); if (q + 1 >= r) { break; } b = e.substring(q + 1, r); j = b; f = null; s = j.indexOf(l); if (s > -1) { f = j.substring(s + 1); j = j.substring(0, s); } h = c[j]; if (m) { h = m(j, h, f); } if (a.isObject(h)) { if (a.isArray(h)) { h = a.dump(h, parseInt(f, 10)); } else { f = f || ""; var n = f.indexOf(o); if (n > -1) { f = f.substring(4); } if (h.toString === Object.prototype.toString || n > -1) { h = a.dump(h, parseInt(f, 10)); } else { h = h.toString(); } } } else { if (!a.isString(h) && !a.isNumber(h)) { h = "~-" + k.length + "-~"; k[k.length] = b; } } e = e.substring(0, q) + h + e.substring(r + 1); } for (q = k.length - 1; q >= 0; q = q - 1) { e = e.replace(new RegExp("~-" + q + "-~"), "{" + k[q] + "}", "g"); } return e; }, trim: function (a) { try { return a.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); } catch (b) { return a; } }, merge: function () { var b = {}, d = arguments; for (var c = 0, a = d.length; c < a; c = c + 1) { YAHOO.lang.augmentObject(b, d[c], true); } return b; }, later: function (f, c, e, a, j) { f = f || 0; c = c || {}; var b = e, g = a, h, d; if (YAHOO.lang.isString(e)) { b = c[e]; } if (!b) { throw new TypeError("method undefined"); } if (!YAHOO.lang.isArray(g)) { g = [a]; } h = function () { b.apply(c, g); }; d = (j) ? setInterval(h, f) : setTimeout(h, f); return { interval: j, cancel: function () { if (this.interval) { clearInterval(d); } else { clearTimeout(d); } } }; }, isValue: function (b) { var a = YAHOO.lang; return (a.isObject(b) || a.isString(b) || a.isNumber(b) || a.isBoolean(b)); } }; YAHOO.util.Lang = YAHOO.lang; YAHOO.lang.augment = YAHOO.lang.augmentProto; YAHOO.augment = YAHOO.lang.augmentProto; YAHOO.extend = YAHOO.lang.extend; YAHOO.register("yahoo", YAHOO, { version: "2.5.1", build: "984" }); (function () { var c = YAHOO.util, j, l, k = {}, o = {}, g = window.document; YAHOO.env._id_counter = YAHOO.env._id_counter || 0; var b = YAHOO.env.ua.opera, h = YAHOO.env.ua.webkit, d = YAHOO.env.ua.gecko, n = YAHOO.env.ua.ie; var q = { HYPHEN: /(-[a-z])/i, ROOT_TAG: /^body|html$/i, OP_SCROLL: /^(?:inline|table-row)$/i }; var f = function (s) { if (!q.HYPHEN.test(s)) { return s; } if (k[s]) { return k[s]; } var r = s; while (q.HYPHEN.exec(r)) { r = r.replace(RegExp.$1, RegExp.$1.substr(1).toUpperCase()); } k[s] = r; return r; }; var e = function (r) { var s = o[r]; if (!s) { s = new RegExp("(?:^|\\s+)" + r + "(?:\\s+|$)"); o[r] = s; } return s; }; if (g.defaultView && g.defaultView.getComputedStyle) { j = function (u, r) { var s = null; if (r == "float") { r = "cssFloat"; } var t = u.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(u, ""); if (t) { s = t[f(r)]; } return u.style[r] || s; }; } else { if (g.documentElement.currentStyle && n) { j = function (v, t) { switch (f(t)) { case "opacity": var r = 100; try { r = v.filters["DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha"].opacity; } catch (s) { try { r = v.filters("alpha").opacity; } catch (s) { } } return r / 100; case "float": t = "styleFloat"; default: var u = v.currentStyle ? v.currentStyle[t] : null; return (v.style[t] || u); } }; } else { j = function (s, r) { return s.style[r]; }; } } if (n) { l = function (t, s, r) { switch (s) { case "opacity": if (YAHOO.lang.isString(t.style.filter)) { t.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + r * 100 + ")"; if (!t.currentStyle || !t.currentStyle.hasLayout) { t.style.zoom = 1; } } break; case "float": s = "styleFloat"; default: t.style[s] = r; } }; } else { l = function (t, s, r) { if (s == "float") { s = "cssFloat"; } t.style[s] = r; }; } var a = function (s, r) { return s && s.nodeType == 1 && (!r || r(s)); }; YAHOO.util.Dom = { get: function (s) { if (s && (s.nodeType || s.item)) { return s; } if (YAHOO.lang.isString(s) || !s) { return g.getElementById(s); } if (s.length !== undefined) { var r = []; for (var t = 0, u = s.length; t < u; ++t) { r[r.length] = c.Dom.get(s[t]); } return r; } return s; }, getStyle: function (t, r) { r = f(r); var s = function (u) { return j(u, r); }; return c.Dom.batch(t, s, c.Dom, true); }, setStyle: function (u, s, r) { s = f(s); var t = function (v) { l(v, s, r); }; c.Dom.batch(u, t, c.Dom, true); }, getXY: function (s) { var r = function (t) { if ((t.parentNode === null || t.offsetParent === null || this.getStyle(t, "display") == "none") && t != t.ownerDocument.body) { return false; } return m(t); }; return c.Dom.batch(s, r, c.Dom, true); }, getX: function (s) { var r = function (t) { return c.Dom.getXY(t)[0]; }; return c.Dom.batch(s, r, c.Dom, true); }, getY: function (s) { var r = function (t) { return c.Dom.getXY(t)[1]; }; return c.Dom.batch(s, r, c.Dom, true); }, setXY: function (u, r, s) { var t = function (w) { var y = this.getStyle(w, "position"); if (y == "static") { this.setStyle(w, "position", "relative"); y = "relative"; } var A = this.getXY(w); if (A === false) { return false; } var v = [parseInt(this.getStyle(w, "left"), 10), parseInt(this.getStyle(w, "top"), 10)]; if (isNaN(v[0])) { v[0] = (y == "relative") ? 0 : w.offsetLeft; } if (isNaN(v[1])) { v[1] = (y == "relative") ? 0 : w.offsetTop; } if (r[0] !== null) { w.style.left = r[0] - A[0] + v[0] + "px"; } if (r[1] !== null) { w.style.top = r[1] - A[1] + v[1] + "px"; } if (!s) { var z = this.getXY(w); if ((r[0] !== null && z[0] != r[0]) || (r[1] !== null && z[1] != r[1])) { this.setXY(w, r, true); } } }; c.Dom.batch(u, t, c.Dom, true); }, setX: function (r, s) { c.Dom.setXY(r, [s, null]); }, setY: function (s, r) { c.Dom.setXY(s, [null, r]); }, getRegion: function (s) { var r = function (u) { if ((u.parentNode === null || u.offsetParent === null || this.getStyle(u, "display") == "none") && u != u.ownerDocument.body) { return false; } var t = c.Region.getRegion(u); return t; }; return c.Dom.batch(s, r, c.Dom, true); }, getClientWidth: function () { return c.Dom.getViewportWidth(); }, getClientHeight: function () { return c.Dom.getViewportHeight(); }, getElementsByClassName: function (v, r, u, t) { r = r || "*"; u = (u) ? c.Dom.get(u) : null || g; if (!u) { return []; } var z = [], A = u.getElementsByTagName(r), s = e(v); for (var y = 0, w = A.length; y < w; ++y) { if (s.test(A[y].className)) { z[z.length] = A[y]; if (t) { t.call(A[y], A[y]); } } } return z; }, hasClass: function (s, t) { var u = e(t); var r = function (v) { return u.test(v.className); }; return c.Dom.batch(s, r, c.Dom, true); }, addClass: function (s, t) { var r = function (u) { if (this.hasClass(u, t)) { return false; } u.className = YAHOO.lang.trim([u.className, t].join(" ")); return true; }; return c.Dom.batch(s, r, c.Dom, true); }, removeClass: function (s, t) { var u = e(t); var r = function (w) { if (!t || !this.hasClass(w, t)) { return false; } var v = w.className; w.className = v.replace(u, " "); if (this.hasClass(w, t)) { this.removeClass(w, t); } w.className = YAHOO.lang.trim(w.className); return true; }; return c.Dom.batch(s, r, c.Dom, true); }, replaceClass: function (s, u, v) { if (!v || u === v) { return false; } var t = e(u); var r = function (w) { if (!this.hasClass(w, u)) { this.addClass(w, v); return true; } w.className = w.className.replace(t, " " + v + " "); if (this.hasClass(w, u)) { this.replaceClass(w, u, v); } w.className = YAHOO.lang.trim(w.className); return true; }; return c.Dom.batch(s, r, c.Dom, true); }, generateId: function (t, r) { r = r || "yui-gen"; var s = function (v) { if (v && v.id) { return v.id; } var u = r + YAHOO.env._id_counter++; if (v) { v.id = u; } return u; }; return c.Dom.batch(t, s, c.Dom, true) || s.apply(c.Dom, arguments); }, isAncestor: function (s, r) { s = c.Dom.get(s); r = c.Dom.get(r); if (!s || !r) { return false; } if (s.contains && r.nodeType && !h) { return s.contains(r); } else { if (s.compareDocumentPosition && r.nodeType) { return !!(s.compareDocumentPosition(r) & 16); } else { if (r.nodeType) { return !!this.getAncestorBy(r, function (t) { return t == s; }); } } } return false; }, inDocument: function (r) { return this.isAncestor(g.documentElement, r); }, getElementsBy: function (r, y, w, u) { y = y || "*"; w = (w) ? c.Dom.get(w) : null || g; if (!w) { return []; } var v = [], s = w.getElementsByTagName(y); for (var t = 0, z = s.length; t < z; ++t) { if (r(s[t])) { v[v.length] = s[t]; if (u) { u(s[t]); } } } return v; }, batch: function (u, r, s, w) { u = (u && (u.tagName || u.item)) ? u : c.Dom.get(u); if (!u || !r) { return false; } var v = (w) ? s : window; if (u.tagName || u.length === undefined) { return r.call(v, u, s); } var t = []; for (var y = 0, z = u.length; y < z; ++y) { t[t.length] = r.call(v, u[y], s); } return t; }, getDocumentHeight: function () { var r = (g.compatMode != "CSS1Compat") ? g.body.scrollHeight : g.documentElement.scrollHeight; var s = Math.max(r, c.Dom.getViewportHeight()); return s; }, getDocumentWidth: function () { var r = (g.compatMode != "CSS1Compat") ? g.body.scrollWidth : g.documentElement.scrollWidth; var s = Math.max(r, c.Dom.getViewportWidth()); return s; }, getViewportHeight: function () { var s = self.innerHeight; var r = g.compatMode; if ((r || n) && !b) { s = (r == "CSS1Compat") ? g.documentElement.clientHeight : g.body.clientHeight; } return s; }, getViewportWidth: function () { var s = self.innerWidth; var r = g.compatMode; if (r || n) { s = (r == "CSS1Compat") ? g.documentElement.clientWidth : g.body.clientWidth; } return s; }, getAncestorBy: function (s, r) { while (s = s.parentNode) { if (a(s, r)) { return s; } } return null; }, getAncestorByClassName: function (s, t) { s = c.Dom.get(s); if (!s) { return null; } var r = function (u) { return c.Dom.hasClass(u, t); }; return c.Dom.getAncestorBy(s, r); }, getAncestorByTagName: function (s, t) { s = c.Dom.get(s); if (!s) { return null; } var r = function (u) { return u.tagName && u.tagName.toUpperCase() == t.toUpperCase(); }; return c.Dom.getAncestorBy(s, r); }, getPreviousSiblingBy: function (s, r) { while (s) { s = s.previousSibling; if (a(s, r)) { return s; } } return null; }, getPreviousSibling: function (r) { r = c.Dom.get(r); if (!r) { return null; } return c.Dom.getPreviousSiblingBy(r); }, getNextSiblingBy: function (s, r) { while (s) { s = s.nextSibling; if (a(s, r)) { return s; } } return null; }, getNextSibling: function (r) { r = c.Dom.get(r); if (!r) { return null; } return c.Dom.getNextSiblingBy(r); }, getFirstChildBy: function (t, r) { var s = (a(t.firstChild, r)) ? t.firstChild : null; return s || c.Dom.getNextSiblingBy(t.firstChild, r); }, getFirstChild: function (s, r) { s = c.Dom.get(s); if (!s) { return null; } return c.Dom.getFirstChildBy(s); }, getLastChildBy: function (t, r) { if (!t) { return null; } var s = (a(t.lastChild, r)) ? t.lastChild : null; return s || c.Dom.getPreviousSiblingBy(t.lastChild, r); }, getLastChild: function (r) { r = c.Dom.get(r); return c.Dom.getLastChildBy(r); }, getChildrenBy: function (t, r) { var s = c.Dom.getFirstChildBy(t, r); var u = s ? [s] : []; c.Dom.getNextSiblingBy(s, function (v) { if (!r || r(v)) { u[u.length] = v; } return false; }); return u; }, getChildren: function (r) { r = c.Dom.get(r); if (!r) { } return c.Dom.getChildrenBy(r); }, getDocumentScrollLeft: function (r) { r = r || g; return Math.max(r.documentElement.scrollLeft, r.body.scrollLeft); }, getDocumentScrollTop: function (r) { r = r || g; return Math.max(r.documentElement.scrollTop, r.body.scrollTop); }, insertBefore: function (r, s) { r = c.Dom.get(r); s = c.Dom.get(s); if (!r || !s || !s.parentNode) { return null; } return s.parentNode.insertBefore(r, s); }, insertAfter: function (r, s) { r = c.Dom.get(r); s = c.Dom.get(s); if (!r || !s || !s.parentNode) { return null; } if (s.nextSibling) { return s.parentNode.insertBefore(r, s.nextSibling); } else { return s.parentNode.appendChild(r); } }, getClientRegion: function () { var s = c.Dom.getDocumentScrollTop(), t = c.Dom.getDocumentScrollLeft(), r = c.Dom.getViewportWidth() + t, u = c.Dom.getViewportHeight() + s; return new c.Region(s, r, u, t); } }; var m = function () { if (g.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect) { return function (s) { var r = s.getBoundingClientRect(); var t = s.ownerDocument; return [r.left + c.Dom.getDocumentScrollLeft(t), r.top + c.Dom.getDocumentScrollTop(t)]; }; } else { return function (s) { var r = [s.offsetLeft, s.offsetTop]; var t = s.offsetParent; var u = (h && c.Dom.getStyle(s, "position") == "absolute" && s.offsetParent == s.ownerDocument.body); if (t != s) { while (t) { r[0] += t.offsetLeft; r[1] += t.offsetTop; if (!u && h && c.Dom.getStyle(t, "position") == "absolute") { u = true; } t = t.offsetParent; } } if (u) { r[0] -= s.ownerDocument.body.offsetLeft; r[1] -= s.ownerDocument.body.offsetTop; } t = s.parentNode; while (t.tagName && !q.ROOT_TAG.test(t.tagName)) { if (t.scrollTop || t.scrollLeft) { if (!q.OP_SCROLL.test(c.Dom.getStyle(t, "display"))) { if (!b || c.Dom.getStyle(t, "overflow") !== "visible") { r[0] -= t.scrollLeft; r[1] -= t.scrollTop; } } } t = t.parentNode; } return r; }; } } (); })(); YAHOO.util.Region = function (c, b, a, d) { this.top = c; this[1] = c; this.right = b; this.bottom = a; this.left = d; this[0] = d; }; YAHOO.util.Region.prototype.contains = function (a) { return (a.left >= this.left && a.right <= this.right && a.top >= this.top && a.bottom <= this.bottom); }; YAHOO.util.Region.prototype.getArea = function () { return ((this.bottom - this.top) * (this.right - this.left)); }; YAHOO.util.Region.prototype.intersect = function (b) { var d = Math.max(this.top, b.top); var c = Math.min(this.right, b.right); var a = Math.min(this.bottom, b.bottom); var e = Math.max(this.left, b.left); if (a >= d && c >= e) { return new YAHOO.util.Region(d, c, a, e); } else { return null; } }; YAHOO.util.Region.prototype.union = function (b) { var d = Math.min(this.top, b.top); var c = Math.max(this.right, b.right); var a = Math.max(this.bottom, b.bottom); var e = Math.min(this.left, b.left); return new YAHOO.util.Region(d, c, a, e); }; YAHOO.util.Region.prototype.toString = function () { return ("Region {top: " + this.top + ", right: " + this.right + ", bottom: " + this.bottom + ", left: " + this.left + "}"); }; YAHOO.util.Region.getRegion = function (d) { var b = YAHOO.util.Dom.getXY(d); var e = b[1]; var c = b[0] + d.offsetWidth; var a = b[1] + d.offsetHeight; var f = b[0]; return new YAHOO.util.Region(e, c, a, f); }; YAHOO.util.Point = function (a, b) { if (YAHOO.lang.isArray(a)) { b = a[1]; a = a[0]; } this.x = this.right = this.left = this[0] = a; this.y = this.top = this.bottom = this[1] = b; }; YAHOO.util.Point.prototype = new YAHOO.util.Region(); YAHOO.register("dom", YAHOO.util.Dom, { version: "2.5.1", build: "984" }); YAHOO.util.CustomEvent = function (c, e, d, a) { this.type = c; this.scope = e || window; this.silent = d; this.signature = a || YAHOO.util.CustomEvent.LIST; this.subscribers = []; if (!this.silent) { } var b = "_YUICEOnSubscribe"; if (c !== b) { this.subscribeEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent(b, this, true); } this.lastError = null; }; YAHOO.util.CustomEvent.LIST = 0; YAHOO.util.CustomEvent.FLAT = 1; YAHOO.util.CustomEvent.prototype = { subscribe: function (c, b, a) { if (!c) { throw new Error("Invalid callback for subscriber to '" + this.type + "'"); } if (this.subscribeEvent) { this.subscribeEvent.fire(c, b, a); } this.subscribers.push(new YAHOO.util.Subscriber(c, b, a)); }, unsubscribe: function (d, b) { if (!d) { return this.unsubscribeAll(); } var c = false; for (var f = 0, a = this.subscribers.length; f < a; ++f) { var e = this.subscribers[f]; if (e && e.contains(d, b)) { this._delete(f); c = true; } } return c; }, fire: function () { var a = this.subscribers.length; if (!a && this.silent) { return true; } var h = [].slice.call(arguments, 0), k = true, b, g = false; if (!this.silent) { } var c = this.subscribers.slice(); for (b = 0; b < a; ++b) { var e = c[b]; if (!e) { g = true; } else { if (!this.silent) { } var f = e.getScope(this.scope); if (this.signature == YAHOO.util.CustomEvent.FLAT) { var d = null; if (h.length > 0) { d = h[0]; } try { k = e.fn.call(f, d, e.obj); } catch (l) { this.lastError = l; } } else { try { k = e.fn.call(f, this.type, h, e.obj); } catch (j) { this.lastError = j; } } if (false === k) { if (!this.silent) { } return false; } } } return true; }, unsubscribeAll: function () { for (var a = this.subscribers.length - 1; a > -1; a--) { this._delete(a); } this.subscribers = []; return a; }, _delete: function (a) { var b = this.subscribers[a]; if (b) { delete b.fn; delete b.obj; } this.subscribers.splice(a, 1); }, toString: function () { return "CustomEvent: '" + this.type + "', scope: " + this.scope; } }; YAHOO.util.Subscriber = function (c, b, a) { this.fn = c; this.obj = YAHOO.lang.isUndefined(b) ? null : b; this.override = a; }; YAHOO.util.Subscriber.prototype.getScope = function (a) { if (this.override) { if (this.override === true) { return this.obj; } else { return this.override; } } return a; }; YAHOO.util.Subscriber.prototype.contains = function (a, b) { if (b) { return (this.fn == a && this.obj == b); } else { return (this.fn == a); } }; YAHOO.util.Subscriber.prototype.toString = function () { return "Subscriber { obj: " + this.obj + ", override: " + (this.override || "no") + " }"; }; if (!YAHOO.util.Event) { YAHOO.util.Event = function () { var g = false; var f = []; var e = []; var h = []; var k = []; var b = 0; var j = []; var c = []; var d = 0; var a = { 63232: 38, 63233: 40, 63234: 37, 63235: 39, 63276: 33, 63277: 34, 25: 9 }; return { POLL_RETRYS: 2000, POLL_INTERVAL: 20, EL: 0, TYPE: 1, FN: 2, WFN: 3, UNLOAD_OBJ: 3, ADJ_SCOPE: 4, OBJ: 5, OVERRIDE: 6, lastError: null, isSafari: YAHOO.env.ua.webkit, webkit: YAHOO.env.ua.webkit, isIE: YAHOO.env.ua.ie, _interval: null, _dri: null, DOMReady: false, startInterval: function () { if (!this._interval) { var m = this; var l = function () { m._tryPreloadAttach(); }; this._interval = setInterval(l, this.POLL_INTERVAL); } }, onAvailable: function (o, s, n, q, r) { var m = (YAHOO.lang.isString(o)) ? [o] : o; for (var l = 0; l < m.length; l = l + 1) { j.push({ id: m[l], fn: s, obj: n, override: q, checkReady: r }); } b = this.POLL_RETRYS; this.startInterval(); }, onContentReady: function (o, m, n, l) { this.onAvailable(o, m, n, l, true); }, onDOMReady: function (m, n, l) { if (this.DOMReady) { setTimeout(function () { var o = window; if (l) { if (l === true) { o = n; } else { o = l; } } m.call(o, "DOMReady", [], n); }, 0); } else { this.DOMReadyEvent.subscribe(m, n, l); } }, addListener: function (z, B, o, u, A) { if (!o || !o.call) { return false; } if (this._isValidCollection(z)) { var n = true; for (var t = 0, r = z.length; t < r; ++t) { n = this.on(z[t], B, o, u, A) && n; } return n; } else { if (YAHOO.lang.isString(z)) { var v = this.getEl(z); if (v) { z = v; } else { this.onAvailable(z, function () { YAHOO.util.Event.on(z, B, o, u, A); }); return true; } } } if (!z) { return false; } if ("unload" == B && u !== this) { e[e.length] = [z, B, o, u, A]; return true; } var l = z; if (A) { if (A === true) { l = u; } else { l = A; } } var y = function (C) { return o.call(l, YAHOO.util.Event.getEvent(C, z), u); }; var m = [z, B, o, y, l, u, A]; var s = f.length; f[s] = m; if (this.useLegacyEvent(z, B)) { var w = this.getLegacyIndex(z, B); if (w == -1 || z != h[w][0]) { w = h.length; c[z.id + B] = w; h[w] = [z, B, z["on" + B]]; k[w] = []; z["on" + B] = function (C) { YAHOO.util.Event.fireLegacyEvent(YAHOO.util.Event.getEvent(C), w); }; } k[w].push(m); } else { try { this._simpleAdd(z, B, y, false); } catch (q) { this.lastError = q; this.removeListener(z, B, o); return false; } } return true; }, fireLegacyEvent: function (r, t) { var o = true, v, m, n, l, q; m = k[t].slice(); for (var u = 0, s = m.length; u < s; ++u) { n = m[u]; if (n && n[this.WFN]) { l = n[this.ADJ_SCOPE]; q = n[this.WFN].call(l, r); o = (o && q); } } v = h[t]; if (v && v[2]) { v[2](r); } return o; }, getLegacyIndex: function (l, n) { var m = this.generateId(l) + n; if (typeof c[m] == "undefined") { return -1; } else { return c[m]; } }, useLegacyEvent: function (l, n) { if (this.webkit && ("click" == n || "dblclick" == n)) { var m = parseInt(this.webkit, 10); if (!isNaN(m) && m < 418) { return true; } } return false; }, removeListener: function (w, y, n) { var t, q, l; if (typeof w == "string") { w = this.getEl(w); } else { if (this._isValidCollection(w)) { var m = true; for (t = w.length - 1; t > -1; t--) { m = (this.removeListener(w[t], y, n) && m); } return m; } } if (!n || !n.call) { return this.purgeElement(w, false, y); } if ("unload" == y) { for (t = e.length - 1; t > -1; t--) { l = e[t]; if (l && l[0] == w && l[1] == y && l[2] == n) { e.splice(t, 1); return true; } } return false; } var s = null; var r = arguments[3]; if ("undefined" === typeof r) { r = this._getCacheIndex(w, y, n); } if (r >= 0) { s = f[r]; } if (!w || !s) { return false; } if (this.useLegacyEvent(w, y)) { var u = this.getLegacyIndex(w, y); var v = k[u]; if (v) { for (t = 0, q = v.length; t < q; ++t) { l = v[t]; if (l && l[this.EL] == w && l[this.TYPE] == y && l[this.FN] == n) { v.splice(t, 1); break; } } } } else { try { this._simpleRemove(w, y, s[this.WFN], false); } catch (o) { this.lastError = o; return false; } } delete f[r][this.WFN]; delete f[r][this.FN]; f.splice(r, 1); return true; }, getTarget: function (n, l) { var m = n.target || n.srcElement; return this.resolveTextNode(m); }, resolveTextNode: function (l) { try { if (l && 3 == l.nodeType) { return l.parentNode; } } catch (m) { } return l; }, getPageX: function (l) { var m = l.pageX; if (!m && 0 !== m) { m = l.clientX || 0; if (this.isIE) { m += this._getScrollLeft(); } } return m; }, getPageY: function (m) { var l = m.pageY; if (!l && 0 !== l) { l = m.clientY || 0; if (this.isIE) { l += this._getScrollTop(); } } return l; }, getXY: function (l) { return [this.getPageX(l), this.getPageY(l)]; }, getRelatedTarget: function (l) { var m = l.relatedTarget; if (!m) { if (l.type == "mouseout") { m = l.toElement; } else { if (l.type == "mouseover") { m = l.fromElement; } } } return this.resolveTextNode(m); }, getTime: function (n) { if (!n.time) { var l = new Date().getTime(); try { n.time = l; } catch (m) { this.lastError = m; return l; } } return n.time; }, stopEvent: function (l) { this.stopPropagation(l); this.preventDefault(l); }, stopPropagation: function (l) { if (l.stopPropagation) { l.stopPropagation(); } else { l.cancelBubble = true; } }, preventDefault: function (l) { if (l.preventDefault) { l.preventDefault(); } else { l.returnValue = false; } }, getEvent: function (o, m) { var l = o || window.event; if (!l) { var n = this.getEvent.caller; while (n) { l = n.arguments[0]; if (l && Event == l.constructor) { break; } n = n.caller; } } return l; }, getCharCode: function (l) { var m = l.keyCode || l.charCode || 0; if (YAHOO.env.ua.webkit && (m in a)) { m = a[m]; } return m; }, _getCacheIndex: function (o, n, q) { for (var r = 0, l = f.length; r < l; r = r + 1) { var m = f[r]; if (m && m[this.FN] == q && m[this.EL] == o && m[this.TYPE] == n) { return r; } } return -1; }, generateId: function (m) { var l = m.id; if (!l) { l = "yuievtautoid-" + d; ++d; m.id = l; } return l; }, _isValidCollection: function (l) { try { return (l && typeof l !== "string" && l.length && !l.tagName && !l.alert && typeof l[0] !== "undefined"); } catch (m) { return false; } }, elCache: {}, getEl: function (l) { return (typeof l === "string") ? document.getElementById(l) : l; }, clearCache: function () { }, DOMReadyEvent: new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("DOMReady", this), _load: function (l) { if (!g) { g = true; var m = YAHOO.util.Event; m._ready(); m._tryPreloadAttach(); } }, _ready: function (l) { var m = YAHOO.util.Event; if (!m.DOMReady) { m.DOMReady = true; m.DOMReadyEvent.fire(); m._simpleRemove(document, "DOMContentLoaded", m._ready); } }, _tryPreloadAttach: function () { if (j.length === 0) { b = 0; clearInterval(this._interval); this._interval = null; return; } if (this.locked) { return; } if (this.isIE) { if (!this.DOMReady) { this.startInterval(); return; } } this.locked = true; var o = !g; if (!o) { o = (b > 0 && j.length > 0); } var q = []; var n = function (v, u) { var w = v; if (u.override) { if (u.override === true) { w = u.obj; } else { w = u.override; } } u.fn.call(w, u.obj); }; var l, m, r, s, t = []; for (l = 0, m = j.length; l < m; l = l + 1) { r = j[l]; if (r) { s = this.getEl(r.id); if (s) { if (r.checkReady) { if (g || s.nextSibling || !o) { t.push(r); j[l] = null; } } else { n(s, r); j[l] = null; } } else { q.push(r); } } } for (l = 0, m = t.length; l < m; l = l + 1) { r = t[l]; n(this.getEl(r.id), r); } b--; if (o) { for (l = j.length - 1; l > -1; l--) { r = j[l]; if (!r || !r.id) { j.splice(l, 1); } } this.startInterval(); } else { clearInterval(this._interval); this._interval = null; } this.locked = false; }, purgeElement: function (r, q, n) { var t = (YAHOO.lang.isString(r)) ? this.getEl(r) : r; var o = this.getListeners(t, n), s, m; if (o) { for (s = o.length - 1; s > -1; s--) { var l = o[s]; this.removeListener(t, l.type, l.fn); } } if (q && t && t.childNodes) { for (s = 0, m = t.childNodes.length; s < m; ++s) { this.purgeElement(t.childNodes[s], q, n); } } }, getListeners: function (t, v) { var q = [], u; if (!v) { u = [f, e]; } else { if (v === "unload") { u = [e]; } else { u = [f]; } } var n = (YAHOO.lang.isString(t)) ? this.getEl(t) : t; for (var r = 0; r < u.length; r = r + 1) { var l = u[r]; if (l) { for (var o = 0, m = l.length; o < m; ++o) { var s = l[o]; if (s && s[this.EL] === n && (!v || v === s[this.TYPE])) { q.push({ type: s[this.TYPE], fn: s[this.FN], obj: s[this.OBJ], adjust: s[this.OVERRIDE], scope: s[this.ADJ_SCOPE], index: o }); } } } } return (q.length) ? q : null; }, _unload: function (n) { var u = YAHOO.util.Event, r, s, t, o, q, m = e.slice(); for (r = 0, o = e.length; r < o; ++r) { t = m[r]; if (t) { var l = window; if (t[u.ADJ_SCOPE]) { if (t[u.ADJ_SCOPE] === true) { l = t[u.UNLOAD_OBJ]; } else { l = t[u.ADJ_SCOPE]; } } t[u.FN].call(l, u.getEvent(n, t[u.EL]), t[u.UNLOAD_OBJ]); m[r] = null; t = null; l = null; } } e = null; if (f) { for (s = f.length - 1; s > -1; s--) { t = f[s]; if (t) { u.removeListener(t[u.EL], t[u.TYPE], t[u.FN], s); } } t = null; } h = null; u._simpleRemove(window, "unload", u._unload); }, _getScrollLeft: function () { return this._getScroll()[1]; }, _getScrollTop: function () { return this._getScroll()[0]; }, _getScroll: function () { var m = document.documentElement, l = document.body; if (m && (m.scrollTop || m.scrollLeft)) { return [m.scrollTop, m.scrollLeft]; } else { if (l) { return [l.scrollTop, l.scrollLeft]; } else { return [0, 0]; } } }, regCE: function () { }, _simpleAdd: function () { if (window.addEventListener) { return function (o, n, l, m) { o.addEventListener(n, l, (m)); }; } else { if (window.attachEvent) { return function (o, n, l, m) { o.attachEvent("on" + n, l); }; } else { return function () { }; } } } (), _simpleRemove: function () { if (window.removeEventListener) { return function (o, n, l, m) { o.removeEventListener(n, l, (m)); }; } else { if (window.detachEvent) { return function (l, n, m) { l.detachEvent("on" + n, m); }; } else { return function () { }; } } } () }; } (); (function () { var a = YAHOO.util.Event; a.on = a.addListener; if (a.isIE) { YAHOO.util.Event.onDOMReady(YAHOO.util.Event._tryPreloadAttach, YAHOO.util.Event, true); var b = document.createElement("p"); a._dri = setInterval(function () { try { b.doScroll("left"); clearInterval(a._dri); a._dri = null; a._ready(); b = null; } catch (c) { } }, a.POLL_INTERVAL); } else { if (a.webkit && a.webkit < 525) { a._dri = setInterval(function () { var c = document.readyState; if ("loaded" == c || "complete" == c) { clearInterval(a._dri); a._dri = null; a._ready(); } }, a.POLL_INTERVAL); } else { a._simpleAdd(document, "DOMContentLoaded", a._ready); } } a._simpleAdd(window, "load", a._load); a._simpleAdd(window, "unload", a._unload); a._tryPreloadAttach(); })(); } YAHOO.util.EventProvider = function () { }; YAHOO.util.EventProvider.prototype = { __yui_events: null, __yui_subscribers: null, subscribe: function (a, e, b, c) { this.__yui_events = this.__yui_events || {}; var d = this.__yui_events[a]; if (d) { d.subscribe(e, b, c); } else { this.__yui_subscribers = this.__yui_subscribers || {}; var f = this.__yui_subscribers; if (!f[a]) { f[a] = []; } f[a].push({ fn: e, obj: b, override: c }); } }, unsubscribe: function (f, d, b) { this.__yui_events = this.__yui_events || {}; var a = this.__yui_events; if (f) { var c = a[f]; if (c) { return c.unsubscribe(d, b); } } else { var g = true; for (var e in a) { if (YAHOO.lang.hasOwnProperty(a, e)) { g = g && a[e].unsubscribe(d, b); } } return g; } return false; }, unsubscribeAll: function (a) { return this.unsubscribe(a); }, createEvent: function (g, a) { this.__yui_events = this.__yui_events || {}; var d = a || {}; var e = this.__yui_events; if (e[g]) { } else { var f = d.scope || this; var j = (d.silent); var c = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent(g, f, j, YAHOO.util.CustomEvent.FLAT); e[g] = c; if (d.onSubscribeCallback) { c.subscribeEvent.subscribe(d.onSubscribeCallback); } this.__yui_subscribers = this.__yui_subscribers || {}; var h = this.__yui_subscribers[g]; if (h) { for (var b = 0; b < h.length; ++b) { c.subscribe(h[b].fn, h[b].obj, h[b].override); } } } return e[g]; }, fireEvent: function (d, e, a, f) { this.__yui_events = this.__yui_events || {}; var b = this.__yui_events[d]; if (!b) { return null; } var g = []; for (var c = 1; c < arguments.length; ++c) { g.push(arguments[c]); } return b.fire.apply(b, g); }, hasEvent: function (a) { if (this.__yui_events) { if (this.__yui_events[a]) { return true; } } return false; } }; YAHOO.util.KeyListener = function (a, b, f, e) { if (!a) { } else { if (!b) { } else { if (!f) { } } } if (!e) { e = YAHOO.util.KeyListener.KEYDOWN; } var d = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("keyPressed"); this.enabledEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("enabled"); this.disabledEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("disabled"); if (typeof a == "string") { a = document.getElementById(a); } if (typeof f == "function") { d.subscribe(f); } else { d.subscribe(f.fn, f.scope, f.correctScope); } function c(g, h) { if (!b.shift) { b.shift = false; } if (!b.alt) { b.alt = false; } if (!b.ctrl) { b.ctrl = false; } if (g.shiftKey == b.shift && g.altKey == b.alt && g.ctrlKey == b.ctrl) { var k; if (b.keys instanceof Array) { for (var j = 0; j < b.keys.length; j++) { k = b.keys[j]; if (k == g.charCode) { d.fire(g.charCode, g); break; } else { if (k == g.keyCode) { d.fire(g.keyCode, g); break; } } } } else { k = b.keys; if (k == g.charCode) { d.fire(g.charCode, g); } else { if (k == g.keyCode) { d.fire(g.keyCode, g); } } } } } this.enable = function () { if (!this.enabled) { YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(a, e, c); this.enabledEvent.fire(b); } this.enabled = true; }; this.disable = function () { if (this.enabled) { YAHOO.util.Event.removeListener(a, e, c); this.disabledEvent.fire(b); } this.enabled = false; }; this.toString = function () { return "KeyListener [" + b.keys + "] " + a.tagName + (a.id ? "[" + a.id + "]" : ""); }; }; YAHOO.util.KeyListener.KEYDOWN = "keydown"; YAHOO.util.KeyListener.KEYUP = "keyup"; YAHOO.util.KeyListener.KEY = { ALT: 18, BACK_SPACE: 8, CAPS_LOCK: 20, CONTROL: 17, DELETE: 46, DOWN: 40, END: 35, ENTER: 13, ESCAPE: 27, HOME: 36, LEFT: 37, META: 224, NUM_LOCK: 144, PAGE_DOWN: 34, PAGE_UP: 33, PAUSE: 19, PRINTSCREEN: 44, RIGHT: 39, SCROLL_LOCK: 145, SHIFT: 16, SPACE: 32, TAB: 9, UP: 38 }; YAHOO.register("event", YAHOO.util.Event, { version: "2.5.1", build: "984" }); YAHOO.register("yahoo-dom-event", YAHOO, { version: "2.5.1", build: "984" }); YAHOO.util.Get = function () { var f = {}, g = 0, b = 0, o = false, e = YAHOO.env.ua, a = YAHOO.lang; var j = function (v, z, u) { var y = u || window, B = y.document, A = B.createElement(v); for (var w in z) { if (z[w] && YAHOO.lang.hasOwnProperty(z, w)) { A.setAttribute(w, z[w]); } } return A; }; var l = function (y, w, u) { var v = u || "utf-8"; return j("link", { id: "yui__dyn_" + (b++), type: "text/css", charset: v, rel: "stylesheet", href: y }, w); }; var d = function (y, w, u) { var v = u || "utf-8"; return j("script", { id: "yui__dyn_" + (b++), type: "text/javascript", charset: v, src: y }, w); }; var t = function (v, u) { return { tId: v.tId, win: v.win, data: v.data, nodes: v.nodes, msg: u, purge: function () { q(this.tId); } }; }; var s = function (y, u) { var w = f[u], v = (a.isString(y)) ? w.win.document.getElementById(y) : y; if (!v) { c(u, "target node not found: " + y); } return v; }; var c = function (u, v) { var y = f[u]; if (y.onFailure) { var w = y.scope || y.win; y.onFailure.call(w, t(y, v)); } }; var r = function (u) { var y = f[u]; y.finished = true; if (y.aborted) { var v = "transaction " + u + " was aborted"; c(u, v); return; } if (y.onSuccess) { var w = y.scope || y.win; y.onSuccess.call(w, t(y)); } }; var m = function (A, v) { var B = f[A]; if (B.aborted) { var y = "transaction " + A + " was aborted"; c(A, y); return; } if (v) { B.url.shift(); if (B.varName) { B.varName.shift(); } } else { B.url = (a.isString(B.url)) ? [B.url] : B.url; if (B.varName) { B.varName = (a.isString(B.varName)) ? [B.varName] : B.varName; } } var E = B.win, F = E.document, u = F.getElementsByTagName("head")[0], z; if (B.url.length === 0) { if (B.type === "script" && e.webkit && e.webkit < 420 && !B.finalpass && !B.varName) { var w = d(null, B.win, B.charset); w.innerHTML = 'YAHOO.util.Get._finalize("' + A + '");'; B.nodes.push(w); u.appendChild(w); } else { r(A); } return; } var C = B.url[0]; if (B.type === "script") { z = d(C, E, B.charset); } else { z = l(C, E, B.charset); } n(B.type, z, A, C, E, B.url.length); B.nodes.push(z); if (B.insertBefore) { var D = s(B.insertBefore, A); if (D) { D.parentNode.insertBefore(z, D); } } else { u.appendChild(z); } if ((e.webkit || e.gecko) && B.type === "css") { m(A, C); } }; var h = function () { if (o) { return; } o = true; for (var v in f) { var u = f[v]; if (u.autopurge && u.finished) { q(u.tId); delete f[v]; } } o = false; }; var q = function (A) { var u = f[A]; if (u) { var B = u.nodes, z = B.length, C = u.win.document, v = C.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; if (u.insertBefore) { var w = s(u.insertBefore, A); if (w) { v = w.parentNode; } } for (var y = 0; y < z; y = y + 1) { v.removeChild(B[y]); } } u.nodes = []; }; var k = function (y, z, w) { var u = "q" + (g++); w = w || {}; if (g % YAHOO.util.Get.PURGE_THRESH === 0) { h(); } f[u] = a.merge(w, { tId: u, type: y, url: z, finished: false, nodes: [] }); var v = f[u]; v.win = v.win || window; v.scope = v.scope || v.win; v.autopurge = ("autopurge" in v) ? v.autopurge : (y === "script") ? true : false; a.later(0, v, m, u); return { tId: u }; }; var n = function (D, y, z, B, w, v, E) { var u = E || m; if (e.ie) { y.onreadystatechange = function () { var F = this.readyState; if ("loaded" === F || "complete" === F) { u(z, B); } }; } else { if (e.webkit) { if (D === "script") { if (e.webkit >= 420) { y.addEventListener("load", function () { u(z, B); }); } else { var C = f[z]; if (C.varName) { var A = YAHOO.util.Get.POLL_FREQ; C.maxattempts = YAHOO.util.Get.TIMEOUT / A; C.attempts = 0; C._cache = C.varName[0].split("."); C.timer = a.later(A, C, function (F) { var I = this._cache, J = I.length, K = this.win, H; for (H = 0; H < J; H = H + 1) { K = K[I[H]]; if (!K) { this.attempts++; if (this.attempts++ > this.maxattempts) { var G = "Over retry limit, giving up"; C.timer.cancel(); c(z, G); } else { } return; } } C.timer.cancel(); u(z, B); }, null, true); } else { a.later(YAHOO.util.Get.POLL_FREQ, null, u, [z, B]); } } } } else { y.onload = function () { u(z, B); }; } } }; return { POLL_FREQ: 10, PURGE_THRESH: 20, TIMEOUT: 2000, _finalize: function (u) { a.later(0, null, r, u); }, abort: function (v) { var u = (a.isString(v)) ? v : v.tId; var w = f[u]; if (w) { w.aborted = true; } }, script: function (v, u) { return k("script", v, u); }, css: function (v, u) { return k("css", v, u); } }; } (); YAHOO.register("get", YAHOO.util.Get, { version: "2.5.1", build: "984" }); YAHOO.util.Connect = { _msxml_progid: ["Microsoft.XMLHTTP", "MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0", "MSXML2.XMLHTTP"], _http_headers: {}, _has_http_headers: false, _use_default_post_header: true, _default_post_header: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8", _default_form_header: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", _use_default_xhr_header: true, _default_xhr_header: "XMLHttpRequest", _has_default_headers: true, _default_headers: {}, _isFormSubmit: false, _isFileUpload: false, _formNode: null, _sFormData: null, _poll: {}, _timeOut: {}, _polling_interval: 50, _transaction_id: 0, _submitElementValue: null, _hasSubmitListener: (function () { if (YAHOO.util.Event) { YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(document, "click", function (b) { var a = YAHOO.util.Event.getTarget(b); if (a.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "input" && (a.type && a.type.toLowerCase() == "submit")) { YAHOO.util.Connect._submitElementValue = encodeURIComponent(a.name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(a.value); } }); return true; } return false; })(), startEvent: new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("start"), completeEvent: new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("complete"), successEvent: new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("success"), failureEvent: new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("failure"), uploadEvent: new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("upload"), abortEvent: new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("abort"), _customEvents: { onStart: ["startEvent", "start"], onComplete: ["completeEvent", "complete"], onSuccess: ["successEvent", "success"], onFailure: ["failureEvent", "failure"], onUpload: ["uploadEvent", "upload"], onAbort: ["abortEvent", "abort"] }, setProgId: function (a) { this._msxml_progid.unshift(a); }, setDefaultPostHeader: function (a) { if (typeof a == "string") { this._default_post_header = a; } else { if (typeof a == "boolean") { this._use_default_post_header = a; } } }, setDefaultXhrHeader: function (a) { if (typeof a == "string") { this._default_xhr_header = a; } else { this._use_default_xhr_header = a; } }, setPollingInterval: function (a) { if (typeof a == "number" && isFinite(a)) { this._polling_interval = a; } }, createXhrObject: function (b) { var c, a; try { a = new XMLHttpRequest(); c = { conn: a, tId: b }; } catch (d) { for (var e = 0; e < this._msxml_progid.length; ++e) { try { a = new ActiveXObject(this._msxml_progid[e]); c = { conn: a, tId: b }; break; } catch (d) { } } } finally { return c; } }, getConnectionObject: function (a) { var c; var b = this._transaction_id; try { if (!a) { c = this.createXhrObject(b); } else { c = {}; c.tId = b; c.isUpload = true; } if (c) { this._transaction_id++; } } catch (d) { } finally { return c; } }, asyncRequest: function (b, e, c, a) { var d = (this._isFileUpload) ? this.getConnectionObject(true) : this.getConnectionObject(); var f = (c && c.argument) ? c.argument : null; if (!d) { return null; } else { if (c && c.customevents) { this.initCustomEvents(d, c); } if (this._isFormSubmit) { if (this._isFileUpload) { this.uploadFile(d, c, e, a); return d; } if (b.toUpperCase() == "GET") { if (this._sFormData.length !== 0) { e += ((e.indexOf("?") == -1) ? "?" : "&") + this._sFormData; } } else { if (b.toUpperCase() == "POST") { a = a ? this._sFormData + "&" + a : this._sFormData; } } } if (b.toUpperCase() == "GET" && (c && c.cache === false)) { e += ((e.indexOf("?") == -1) ? "?" : "&") + "rnd=" + new Date().valueOf().toString(); } d.conn.open(b, e, true); if (this._use_default_xhr_header) { if (!this._default_headers["X-Requested-With"]) { this.initHeader("X-Requested-With", this._default_xhr_header, true); } } if ((b.toUpperCase() == "POST" && this._use_default_post_header) && this._isFormSubmit === false) { this.initHeader("Content-Type", this._default_post_header); } if (this._has_default_headers || this._has_http_headers) { this.setHeader(d); } this.handleReadyState(d, c); d.conn.send(a || ""); if (this._isFormSubmit === true) { this.resetFormState(); } this.startEvent.fire(d, f); if (d.startEvent) { d.startEvent.fire(d, f); } return d; } }, initCustomEvents: function (a, b) { for (var c in b.customevents) { if (this._customEvents[c][0]) { a[this._customEvents[c][0]] = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent(this._customEvents[c][1], (b.scope) ? b.scope : null); a[this._customEvents[c][0]].subscribe(b.customevents[c]); } } }, handleReadyState: function (c, b) { var d = this; var a = (b && b.argument) ? b.argument : null; if (b && b.timeout) { this._timeOut[c.tId] = window.setTimeout(function () { d.abort(c, b, true); }, b.timeout); } this._poll[c.tId] = window.setInterval(function () { if (c.conn && c.conn.readyState === 4) { window.clearInterval(d._poll[c.tId]); delete d._poll[c.tId]; if (b && b.timeout) { window.clearTimeout(d._timeOut[c.tId]); delete d._timeOut[c.tId]; } d.completeEvent.fire(c, a); if (c.completeEvent) { c.completeEvent.fire(c, a); } d.handleTransactionResponse(c, b); } }, this._polling_interval); }, handleTransactionResponse: function (c, b, a) { var e, f; var g = (b && b.argument) ? b.argument : null; try { if (c.conn.status !== undefined && c.conn.status !== 0) { e = c.conn.status; } else { e = 13030; } } catch (d) { e = 13030; } if (e >= 200 && e < 300 || e === 1223) { f = this.createResponseObject(c, g); if (b && b.success) { if (!b.scope) { b.success(f); } else { b.success.apply(b.scope, [f]); } } this.successEvent.fire(f); if (c.successEvent) { c.successEvent.fire(f); } } else { switch (e) { case 12002: case 12029: case 12030: case 12031: case 12152: case 13030: f = this.createExceptionObject(c.tId, g, (a ? a : false)); if (b && b.failure) { if (!b.scope) { b.failure(f); } else { b.failure.apply(b.scope, [f]); } } break; default: f = this.createResponseObject(c, g); if (b && b.failure) { if (!b.scope) { b.failure(f); } else { b.failure.apply(b.scope, [f]); } } } this.failureEvent.fire(f); if (c.failureEvent) { c.failureEvent.fire(f); } } this.releaseObject(c); f = null; }, createResponseObject: function (d, g) { var a = {}; var e = {}; try { var b = d.conn.getAllResponseHeaders(); var h = b.split("\n"); for (var j = 0; j < h.length; j++) { var c = h[j].indexOf(":"); if (c != -1) { e[h[j].substring(0, c)] = h[j].substring(c + 2); } } } catch (f) { } a.tId = d.tId; a.status = (d.conn.status == 1223) ? 204 : d.conn.status; a.statusText = (d.conn.status == 1223) ? "No Content" : d.conn.statusText; a.getResponseHeader = e; a.getAllResponseHeaders = b; a.responseText = d.conn.responseText; a.responseXML = d.conn.responseXML; if (g) { a.argument = g; } return a; }, createExceptionObject: function (b, f, a) { var d = 0; var c = "communication failure"; var g = -1; var h = "transaction aborted"; var e = {}; e.tId = b; if (a) { e.status = g; e.statusText = h; } else { e.status = d; e.statusText = c; } if (f) { e.argument = f; } return e; }, initHeader: function (a, b, c) { var d = (c) ? this._default_headers : this._http_headers; d[a] = b; if (c) { this._has_default_headers = true; } else { this._has_http_headers = true; } }, setHeader: function (a) { if (this._has_default_headers) { for (var b in this._default_headers) { if (YAHOO.lang.hasOwnProperty(this._default_headers, b)) { a.conn.setRequestHeader(b, this._default_headers[b]); } } } if (this._has_http_headers) { for (var b in this._http_headers) { if (YAHOO.lang.hasOwnProperty(this._http_headers, b)) { a.conn.setRequestHeader(b, this._http_headers[b]); } } delete this._http_headers; this._http_headers = {}; this._has_http_headers = false; } }, resetDefaultHeaders: function () { delete this._default_headers; this._default_headers = {}; this._has_default_headers = false; }, setForm: function (f, m, c) { this.resetFormState(); var g; if (typeof f == "string") { g = (document.getElementById(f) || document.forms[f]); } else { if (typeof f == "object") { g = f; } else { return; } } if (m) { var l = this.createFrame((window.location.href.toLowerCase().indexOf("https") === 0 || c) ? true : false); this._isFormSubmit = true; this._isFileUpload = true; this._formNode = g; return; } var d, h, k, e; var j = false; for (var a = 0; a < g.elements.length; a++) { d = g.elements[a]; e = d.disabled; h = d.name; k = d.value; if (!e && h) { switch (d.type) { case "select-one": case "select-multiple": for (var b = 0; b < d.options.length; b++) { if (d.options[b].selected) { if (window.ActiveXObject) { this._sFormData += encodeURIComponent(h) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(d.options[b].attributes.value.specified ? d.options[b].value : d.options[b].text) + "&"; } else { this._sFormData += encodeURIComponent(h) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(d.options[b].hasAttribute("value") ? d.options[b].value : d.options[b].text) + "&"; } } } break; case "radio": case "checkbox": if (d.checked) { this._sFormData += encodeURIComponent(h) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(k) + "&"; } break; case "file": case undefined: case "reset": case "button": break; case "submit": if (j === false) { if (this._hasSubmitListener && this._submitElementValue) { this._sFormData += this._submitElementValue + "&"; } else { this._sFormData += encodeURIComponent(h) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(k) + "&"; } j = true; } break; default: this._sFormData += encodeURIComponent(h) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(k) + "&"; } } } this._isFormSubmit = true; this._sFormData = this._sFormData.substr(0, this._sFormData.length - 1); this.initHeader("Content-Type", this._default_form_header); return this._sFormData; }, resetFormState: function () { this._isFormSubmit = false; this._isFileUpload = false; this._formNode = null; this._sFormData = ""; }, createFrame: function (a) { var c = "yuiIO" + this._transaction_id; var b; if (window.ActiveXObject) { b = document.createElement(''); if (typeof a == "boolean") { b.src = "javascript:false"; } } else { b = document.createElement("iframe"); b.id = c; b.name = c; } b.style.position = "absolute"; b.style.top = "-1000px"; b.style.left = "-1000px"; document.body.appendChild(b); }, appendPostData: function (a) { var c = []; var e = a.split("&"); for (var d = 0; d < e.length; d++) { var b = e[d].indexOf("="); if (b != -1) { c[d] = document.createElement("input"); c[d].type = "hidden"; c[d].name = e[d].substring(0, b); c[d].value = e[d].substring(b + 1); this._formNode.appendChild(c[d]); } } return c; }, uploadFile: function (a, f, o, b) { var e = this; var l = "yuiIO" + a.tId; var k = "multipart/form-data"; var h = document.getElementById(l); var j = (f && f.argument) ? f.argument : null; var c = { action: this._formNode.getAttribute("action"), method: this._formNode.getAttribute("method"), target: this._formNode.getAttribute("target") }; this._formNode.setAttribute("action", o); this._formNode.setAttribute("method", "POST"); this._formNode.setAttribute("target", l); if (this._formNode.encoding) { this._formNode.setAttribute("encoding", k); } else { this._formNode.setAttribute("enctype", k); } if (b) { var g = this.appendPostData(b); } this._formNode.submit(); this.startEvent.fire(a, j); if (a.startEvent) { a.startEvent.fire(a, j); } if (f && f.timeout) { this._timeOut[a.tId] = window.setTimeout(function () { e.abort(a, f, true); }, f.timeout); } if (g && g.length > 0) { for (var m = 0; m < g.length; m++) { this._formNode.removeChild(g[m]); } } for (var d in c) { if (YAHOO.lang.hasOwnProperty(c, d)) { if (c[d]) { this._formNode.setAttribute(d, c[d]); } else { this._formNode.removeAttribute(d); } } } this.resetFormState(); var n = function () { if (f && f.timeout) { window.clearTimeout(e._timeOut[a.tId]); delete e._timeOut[a.tId]; } e.completeEvent.fire(a, j); if (a.completeEvent) { a.completeEvent.fire(a, j); } var q = {}; q.tId = a.tId; q.argument = f.argument; try { q.responseText = h.contentWindow.document.body ? h.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML : h.contentWindow.document.documentElement.textContent; q.responseXML = h.contentWindow.document.XMLDocument ? h.contentWindow.document.XMLDocument : h.contentWindow.document; } catch (r) { } if (f && f.upload) { if (!f.scope) { f.upload(q); } else { f.upload.apply(f.scope, [q]); } } e.uploadEvent.fire(q); if (a.uploadEvent) { a.uploadEvent.fire(q); } YAHOO.util.Event.removeListener(h, "load", n); setTimeout(function () { document.body.removeChild(h); e.releaseObject(a); }, 100); }; YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(h, "load", n); }, abort: function (d, b, a) { var e; var g = (b && b.argument) ? b.argument : null; if (d && d.conn) { if (this.isCallInProgress(d)) { d.conn.abort(); window.clearInterval(this._poll[d.tId]); delete this._poll[d.tId]; if (a) { window.clearTimeout(this._timeOut[d.tId]); delete this._timeOut[d.tId]; } e = true; } } else { if (d && d.isUpload === true) { var f = "yuiIO" + d.tId; var c = document.getElementById(f); if (c) { YAHOO.util.Event.removeListener(c, "load"); document.body.removeChild(c); if (a) { window.clearTimeout(this._timeOut[d.tId]); delete this._timeOut[d.tId]; } e = true; } } else { e = false; } } if (e === true) { this.abortEvent.fire(d, g); if (d.abortEvent) { d.abortEvent.fire(d, g); } this.handleTransactionResponse(d, b, true); } return e; }, isCallInProgress: function (b) { if (b && b.conn) { return b.conn.readyState !== 4 && b.conn.readyState !== 0; } else { if (b && b.isUpload === true) { var a = "yuiIO" + b.tId; return document.getElementById(a) ? true : false; } else { return false; } } }, releaseObject: function (a) { if (a && a.conn) { a.conn = null; a = null; } } }; YAHOO.register("connection", YAHOO.util.Connect, { version: "2.5.1", build: "984" }); (function () { var b = YAHOO.util; var a = function (e, f, d, c) { if (!e) { } this.init(e, f, d, c); }; a.NAME = "Anim"; a.prototype = { toString: function () { var d = this.getEl() || {}; var c = d.id || d.tagName; return (this.constructor.NAME + ": " + c); }, patterns: { noNegatives: /width|height|opacity|padding/i, offsetAttribute: /^((width|height)|(top|left))$/, defaultUnit: /width|height|top$|bottom$|left$|right$/i, offsetUnit: /\d+(em|%|en|ex|pt|in|cm|mm|pc)$/i }, doMethod: function (e, c, d) { return this.method(this.currentFrame, c, d - c, this.totalFrames); }, setAttribute: function (e, c, d) { if (this.patterns.noNegatives.test(e)) { c = (c > 0) ? c : 0; } b.Dom.setStyle(this.getEl(), e, c + d); }, getAttribute: function (h) { var f = this.getEl(); var d = b.Dom.getStyle(f, h); if (d !== "auto" && !this.patterns.offsetUnit.test(d)) { return parseFloat(d); } var g = this.patterns.offsetAttribute.exec(h) || []; var c = !!(g[3]); var e = !!(g[2]); if (e || (b.Dom.getStyle(f, "position") == "absolute" && c)) { d = f["offset" + g[0].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + g[0].substr(1)]; } else { d = 0; } return d; }, getDefaultUnit: function (c) { if (this.patterns.defaultUnit.test(c)) { return "px"; } return ""; }, setRuntimeAttribute: function (h) { var c; var g; var f = this.attributes; this.runtimeAttributes[h] = {}; var d = function (k) { return (typeof k !== "undefined"); }; if (!d(f[h]["to"]) && !d(f[h]["by"])) { return false; } c = (d(f[h]["from"])) ? f[h]["from"] : this.getAttribute(h); if (d(f[h]["to"])) { g = f[h]["to"]; } else { if (d(f[h]["by"])) { if (c.constructor == Array) { g = []; for (var e = 0, j = c.length; e < j; ++e) { g[e] = c[e] + f[h]["by"][e] * 1; } } else { g = c + f[h]["by"] * 1; } } } this.runtimeAttributes[h].start = c; this.runtimeAttributes[h].end = g; this.runtimeAttributes[h].unit = (d(f[h].unit)) ? f[h]["unit"] : this.getDefaultUnit(h); return true; }, init: function (m, g, h, d) { var c = false; var l = null; var j = 0; m = b.Dom.get(m); this.attributes = g || {}; this.duration = !YAHOO.lang.isUndefined(h) ? h : 1; this.method = d || b.Easing.easeNone; this.useSeconds = true; this.currentFrame = 0; this.totalFrames = b.AnimMgr.fps; this.setEl = function (n) { m = b.Dom.get(n); }; this.getEl = function () { return m; }; this.isAnimated = function () { return c; }; this.getStartTime = function () { return l; }; this.runtimeAttributes = {}; this.animate = function () { if (this.isAnimated()) { return false; } this.currentFrame = 0; this.totalFrames = (this.useSeconds) ? Math.ceil(b.AnimMgr.fps * this.duration) : this.duration; if (this.duration === 0 && this.useSeconds) { this.totalFrames = 1; } b.AnimMgr.registerElement(this); return true; }; this.stop = function (n) { if (!this.isAnimated()) { return false; } if (n) { this.currentFrame = this.totalFrames; this._onTween.fire(); } b.AnimMgr.stop(this); }; var e = function () { this.onStart.fire(); this.runtimeAttributes = {}; for (var n in this.attributes) { this.setRuntimeAttribute(n); } c = true; j = 0; l = new Date(); }; var f = function () { var n = { duration: new Date() - this.getStartTime(), currentFrame: this.currentFrame }; n.toString = function () { return ("duration: " + n.duration + ", currentFrame: " + n.currentFrame); }; this.onTween.fire(n); var o = this.runtimeAttributes; for (var q in o) { this.setAttribute(q, this.doMethod(q, o[q].start, o[q].end), o[q].unit); } j += 1; }; var k = function () { var o = (new Date() - l) / 1000; var n = { duration: o, frames: j, fps: j / o }; n.toString = function () { return ("duration: " + n.duration + ", frames: " + n.frames + ", fps: " + n.fps); }; c = false; j = 0; this.onComplete.fire(n); }; this._onStart = new b.CustomEvent("_start", this, true); this.onStart = new b.CustomEvent("start", this); this.onTween = new b.CustomEvent("tween", this); this._onTween = new b.CustomEvent("_tween", this, true); this.onComplete = new b.CustomEvent("complete", this); this._onComplete = new b.CustomEvent("_complete", this, true); this._onStart.subscribe(e); this._onTween.subscribe(f); this._onComplete.subscribe(k); } }; b.Anim = a; })(); YAHOO.util.AnimMgr = new function () { var d = null; var e = []; var a = 0; this.fps = 1000; this.delay = 1; this.registerElement = function (f) { e[e.length] = f; a += 1; f._onStart.fire(); this.start(); }; this.unRegister = function (f, g) { g = g || b(f); if (!f.isAnimated() || g == -1) { return false; } f._onComplete.fire(); e.splice(g, 1); a -= 1; if (a <= 0) { this.stop(); } return true; }; this.start = function () { if (d === null) { d = setInterval(this.run, this.delay); } }; this.stop = function (f) { if (!f) { clearInterval(d); for (var g = 0, h = e.length; g < h; ++g) { this.unRegister(e[0], 0); } e = []; d = null; a = 0; } else { this.unRegister(f); } }; this.run = function () { for (var f = 0, h = e.length; f < h; ++f) { var g = e[f]; if (!g || !g.isAnimated()) { continue; } if (g.currentFrame < g.totalFrames || g.totalFrames === null) { g.currentFrame += 1; if (g.useSeconds) { c(g); } g._onTween.fire(); } else { YAHOO.util.AnimMgr.stop(g, f); } } }; var b = function (f) { for (var g = 0, h = e.length; g < h; ++g) { if (e[g] == f) { return g; } } return -1; }; var c = function (k) { var g = k.totalFrames; var h = k.currentFrame; var j = (k.currentFrame * k.duration * 1000 / k.totalFrames); var l = (new Date() - k.getStartTime()); var f = 0; if (l < k.duration * 1000) { f = Math.round((l / j - 1) * k.currentFrame); } else { f = g - (h + 1); } if (f > 0 && isFinite(f)) { if (k.currentFrame + f >= g) { f = g - (h + 1); } k.currentFrame += f; } }; }; YAHOO.util.Bezier = new function () { this.getPosition = function (c, d) { var b = c.length; var e = []; for (var f = 0; f < b; ++f) { e[f] = [c[f][0], c[f][1]]; } for (var a = 1; a < b; ++a) { for (f = 0; f < b - a; ++f) { e[f][0] = (1 - d) * e[f][0] + d * e[parseInt(f + 1, 10)][0]; e[f][1] = (1 - d) * e[f][1] + d * e[parseInt(f + 1, 10)][1]; } } return [e[0][0], e[0][1]]; }; }; (function () { var a = function (g, h, f, e) { a.superclass.constructor.call(this, g, h, f, e); }; a.NAME = "ColorAnim"; var c = YAHOO.util; YAHOO.extend(a, c.Anim); var b = a.superclass; var d = a.prototype; d.patterns.color = /color$/i; d.patterns.rgb = /^rgb\(([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\)$/i; d.patterns.hex = /^#?([0-9A-F]{2})([0-9A-F]{2})([0-9A-F]{2})$/i; d.patterns.hex3 = /^#?([0-9A-F]{1})([0-9A-F]{1})([0-9A-F]{1})$/i; d.patterns.transparent = /^transparent|rgba\(0, 0, 0, 0\)$/; d.parseColor = function (f) { if (f.length == 3) { return f; } var e = this.patterns.hex.exec(f); if (e && e.length == 4) { return [parseInt(e[1], 16), parseInt(e[2], 16), parseInt(e[3], 16)]; } e = this.patterns.rgb.exec(f); if (e && e.length == 4) { return [parseInt(e[1], 10), parseInt(e[2], 10), parseInt(e[3], 10)]; } e = this.patterns.hex3.exec(f); if (e && e.length == 4) { return [parseInt(e[1] + e[1], 16), parseInt(e[2] + e[2], 16), parseInt(e[3] + e[3], 16)]; } return null; }; d.getAttribute = function (h) { var f = this.getEl(); if (this.patterns.color.test(h)) { var e = YAHOO.util.Dom.getStyle(f, h); if (this.patterns.transparent.test(e)) { var g = f.parentNode; e = c.Dom.getStyle(g, h); while (g && this.patterns.transparent.test(e)) { g = g.parentNode; e = c.Dom.getStyle(g, h); if (g.tagName.toUpperCase() == "HTML") { e = "#fff"; } } } } else { e = b.getAttribute.call(this, h); } return e; }; d.doMethod = function (j, e, h) { var f; if (this.patterns.color.test(j)) { f = []; for (var g = 0, k = e.length; g < k; ++g) { f[g] = b.doMethod.call(this, j, e[g], h[g]); } f = "rgb(" + Math.floor(f[0]) + "," + Math.floor(f[1]) + "," + Math.floor(f[2]) + ")"; } else { f = b.doMethod.call(this, j, e, h); } return f; }; d.setRuntimeAttribute = function (j) { b.setRuntimeAttribute.call(this, j); if (this.patterns.color.test(j)) { var g = this.attributes; var e = this.parseColor(this.runtimeAttributes[j].start); var h = this.parseColor(this.runtimeAttributes[j].end); if (typeof g[j]["to"] === "undefined" && typeof g[j]["by"] !== "undefined") { h = this.parseColor(g[j].by); for (var f = 0, k = e.length; f < k; ++f) { h[f] = e[f] + h[f]; } } this.runtimeAttributes[j].start = e; this.runtimeAttributes[j].end = h; } }; c.ColorAnim = a; })(); YAHOO.util.Easing = { easeNone: function (d, a, b, c) { return b * d / c + a; }, easeIn: function (d, a, b, c) { return b * (d /= c) * d + a; }, easeOut: function (d, a, b, c) { return -b * (d /= c) * (d - 2) + a; }, easeBoth: function (d, a, b, c) { if ((d /= c / 2) < 1) { return b / 2 * d * d + a; } return -b / 2 * ((--d) * (d - 2) - 1) + a; }, easeInStrong: function (d, a, b, c) { return b * (d /= c) * d * d * d + a; }, easeOutStrong: function (d, a, b, c) { return -b * ((d = d / c - 1) * d * d * d - 1) + a; }, easeBothStrong: function (d, a, b, c) { if ((d /= c / 2) < 1) { return b / 2 * d * d * d * d + a; } return -b / 2 * ((d -= 2) * d * d * d - 2) + a; }, elasticIn: function (f, a, b, c, g, d) { if (f == 0) { return a; } if ((f /= c) == 1) { return a + b; } if (!d) { d = c * 0.3; } if (!g || g < Math.abs(b)) { g = b; var e = d / 4; } else { var e = d / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(b / g); } return -(g * Math.pow(2, 10 * (f -= 1)) * Math.sin((f * c - e) * (2 * Math.PI) / d)) + a; }, elasticOut: function (f, a, b, c, g, d) { if (f == 0) { return a; } if ((f /= c) == 1) { return a + b; } if (!d) { d = c * 0.3; } if (!g || g < Math.abs(b)) { g = b; var e = d / 4; } else { var e = d / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(b / g); } return g * Math.pow(2, -10 * f) * Math.sin((f * c - e) * (2 * Math.PI) / d) + b + a; }, elasticBoth: function (f, a, b, c, g, d) { if (f == 0) { return a; } if ((f /= c / 2) == 2) { return a + b; } if (!d) { d = c * (0.3 * 1.5); } if (!g || g < Math.abs(b)) { g = b; var e = d / 4; } else { var e = d / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(b / g); } if (f < 1) { return -0.5 * (g * Math.pow(2, 10 * (f -= 1)) * Math.sin((f * c - e) * (2 * Math.PI) / d)) + a; } return g * Math.pow(2, -10 * (f -= 1)) * Math.sin((f * c - e) * (2 * Math.PI) / d) * 0.5 + b + a; }, backIn: function (e, a, b, c, d) { if (typeof d == "undefined") { d = 1.70158; } return b * (e /= c) * e * ((d + 1) * e - d) + a; }, backOut: function (e, a, b, c, d) { if (typeof d == "undefined") { d = 1.70158; } return b * ((e = e / c - 1) * e * ((d + 1) * e + d) + 1) + a; }, backBoth: function (e, a, b, c, d) { if (typeof d == "undefined") { d = 1.70158; } if ((e /= c / 2) < 1) { return b / 2 * (e * e * (((d *= (1.525)) + 1) * e - d)) + a; } return b / 2 * ((e -= 2) * e * (((d *= (1.525)) + 1) * e + d) + 2) + a; }, bounceIn: function (d, a, b, c) { return b - YAHOO.util.Easing.bounceOut(c - d, 0, b, c) + a; }, bounceOut: function (d, a, b, c) { if ((d /= c) < (1 / 2.75)) { return b * (7.5625 * d * d) + a; } else { if (d < (2 / 2.75)) { return b * (7.5625 * (d -= (1.5 / 2.75)) * d + 0.75) + a; } else { if (d < (2.5 / 2.75)) { return b * (7.5625 * (d -= (2.25 / 2.75)) * d + 0.9375) + a; } } } return b * (7.5625 * (d -= (2.625 / 2.75)) * d + 0.984375) + a; }, bounceBoth: function (d, a, b, c) { if (d < c / 2) { return YAHOO.util.Easing.bounceIn(d * 2, 0, b, c) * 0.5 + a; } return YAHOO.util.Easing.bounceOut(d * 2 - c, 0, b, c) * 0.5 + b * 0.5 + a; } }; (function () { var a = function (j, k, h, g) { if (j) { a.superclass.constructor.call(this, j, k, h, g); } }; a.NAME = "Motion"; var c = YAHOO.util; YAHOO.extend(a, c.ColorAnim); var b = a.superclass; var e = a.prototype; e.patterns.points = /^points$/i; e.setAttribute = function (j, g, h) { if (this.patterns.points.test(j)) { h = h || "px"; b.setAttribute.call(this, "left", g[0], h); b.setAttribute.call(this, "top", g[1], h); } else { b.setAttribute.call(this, j, g, h); } }; e.getAttribute = function (h) { if (this.patterns.points.test(h)) { var g = [b.getAttribute.call(this, "left"), b.getAttribute.call(this, "top")]; } else { g = b.getAttribute.call(this, h); } return g; }; e.doMethod = function (l, g, k) { var h = null; if (this.patterns.points.test(l)) { var j = this.method(this.currentFrame, 0, 100, this.totalFrames) / 100; h = c.Bezier.getPosition(this.runtimeAttributes[l], j); } else { h = b.doMethod.call(this, l, g, k); } return h; }; e.setRuntimeAttribute = function (g) { if (this.patterns.points.test(g)) { var q = this.getEl(); var n = this.attributes; var r; var l = n.points["control"] || []; var o; var k, h; if (l.length > 0 && !(l[0] instanceof Array)) { l = [l]; } else { var m = []; for (k = 0, h = l.length; k < h; ++k) { m[k] = l[k]; } l = m; } if (c.Dom.getStyle(q, "position") == "static") { c.Dom.setStyle(q, "position", "relative"); } if (d(n.points["from"])) { c.Dom.setXY(q, n.points["from"]); } else { c.Dom.setXY(q, c.Dom.getXY(q)); } r = this.getAttribute("points"); if (d(n.points["to"])) { o = f.call(this, n.points["to"], r); var j = c.Dom.getXY(this.getEl()); for (k = 0, h = l.length; k < h; ++k) { l[k] = f.call(this, l[k], r); } } else { if (d(n.points["by"])) { o = [r[0] + n.points["by"][0], r[1] + n.points["by"][1]]; for (k = 0, h = l.length; k < h; ++k) { l[k] = [r[0] + l[k][0], r[1] + l[k][1]]; } } } this.runtimeAttributes[g] = [r]; if (l.length > 0) { this.runtimeAttributes[g] = this.runtimeAttributes[g].concat(l); } this.runtimeAttributes[g][this.runtimeAttributes[g].length] = o; } else { b.setRuntimeAttribute.call(this, g); } }; var f = function (j, g) { var h = c.Dom.getXY(this.getEl()); j = [j[0] - h[0] + g[0], j[1] - h[1] + g[1]]; return j; }; var d = function (g) { return (typeof g !== "undefined"); }; c.Motion = a; })(); (function () { var b = function (g, h, f, e) { if (g) { b.superclass.constructor.call(this, g, h, f, e); } }; b.NAME = "Scroll"; var d = YAHOO.util; YAHOO.extend(b, d.ColorAnim); var c = b.superclass; var a = b.prototype; a.doMethod = function (h, e, g) { var f = null; if (h == "scroll") { f = [this.method(this.currentFrame, e[0], g[0] - e[0], this.totalFrames), this.method(this.currentFrame, e[1], g[1] - e[1], this.totalFrames)]; } else { f = c.doMethod.call(this, h, e, g); } return f; }; a.getAttribute = function (g) { var e = null; var f = this.getEl(); if (g == "scroll") { e = [f.scrollLeft, f.scrollTop]; } else { e = c.getAttribute.call(this, g); } return e; }; a.setAttribute = function (h, e, f) { var g = this.getEl(); if (h == "scroll") { g.scrollLeft = e[0]; g.scrollTop = e[1]; } else { c.setAttribute.call(this, h, e, f); } }; d.Scroll = b; })(); YAHOO.register("animation", YAHOO.util.Anim, { version: "2.5.1", build: "984" }); YAHOO.namespace("lang"); YAHOO.lang.JSON = { _ESCAPES: /\\["\\\/bfnrtu]/g, _VALUES: /"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g, _BRACKETS: /(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, _INVALID: /^[\],:{}\s]*$/, _SPECIAL_CHARS: /["\\\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f]/g, _PARSE_DATE: /^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})T(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})Z$/, _CHARS: { "\b": "\\b", "\t": "\\t", "\n": "\\n", "\f": "\\f", "\r": "\\r", '"': '\\"', "\\": "\\\\" }, _applyFilter: function (b, c) { var a = function (f, g) { var e, d; if (g && typeof g === "object") { for (e in g) { if (YAHOO.lang.hasOwnProperty(g, e)) { d = a(e, g[e]); if (d === undefined) { delete g[e]; } else { g[e] = d; } } } } return c(f, g); }; if (YAHOO.lang.isFunction(c)) { a("", b); } return b; }, isValid: function (a) { if (!YAHOO.lang.isString(a)) { return false; } return this._INVALID.test(a.replace(this._ESCAPES, "@").replace(this._VALUES, "]").replace(this._BRACKETS, "")); }, dateToString: function (b) { function a(c) { return c < 10 ? "0" + c : c; } return '"' + b.getUTCFullYear() + "-" + a(b.getUTCMonth() + 1) + "-" + a(b.getUTCDate()) + "T" + a(b.getUTCHours()) + ":" + a(b.getUTCMinutes()) + ":" + a(b.getUTCSeconds()) + 'Z"'; }, stringToDate: function (b) { if (this._PARSE_DATE.test(b)) { var a = new Date(); a.setUTCFullYear(RegExp.$1, (RegExp.$2 | 0) - 1, RegExp.$3); a.setUTCHours(RegExp.$4, RegExp.$5, RegExp.$6); return a; } }, parse: function (s, filter) { if (this.isValid(s)) { return this._applyFilter(eval("(" + s + ")"), filter); } throw new SyntaxError("parseJSON"); }, stringify: function (b, g, l) { var m = YAHOO.lang, j = m.JSON, a = j._CHARS, d = this._SPECIAL_CHARS, c = []; var h = function (o) { if (!a[o]) { var n = o.charCodeAt(); a[o] = "\\u00" + Math.floor(n / 16).toString(16) + (n % 16).toString(16); } return a[o]; }; var e = function (n) { return '"' + n.replace(d, h) + '"'; }; var f = j.dateToString; var k = function (z, r, t) { var n = typeof z, v, u, w, y, q, o, s; if (n === "string") { return e(z); } if (n === "boolean" || z instanceof Boolean) { return String(z); } if (n === "number" || z instanceof Number) { return isFinite(z) ? String(z) : "null"; } if (z instanceof Date) { return f(z); } if (m.isArray(z)) { for (v = c.length - 1; v >= 0; --v) { if (c[v] === z) { return "null"; } } c[c.length] = z; s = []; if (t > 0) { for (v = z.length - 1; v >= 0; --v) { s[v] = k(z[v], r, t - 1) || "null"; } } c.pop(); return "[" + s.join(",") + "]"; } if (n === "object") { if (!z) { return "null"; } for (v = c.length - 1; v >= 0; --v) { if (c[v] === z) { return "null"; } } c[c.length] = z; s = []; if (t > 0) { if (r) { for (v = 0, w = 0, u = r.length; v < u; ++v) { if (typeof r[v] === "string") { q = k(z[r[v]], r, t - 1); if (q) { s[w++] = e(r[v]) + ":" + q; } } } } else { w = 0; for (y in z) { if (typeof y === "string" && m.hasOwnProperty(z, y)) { q = k(z[y], r, t - 1); if (q) { s[w++] = e(y) + ":" + q; } } } } } c.pop(); return "{" + s.join(",") + "}"; } return undefined; }; l = l >= 0 ? l : 1 / 0; return k(b, g, l); } }; YAHOO.register("json", YAHOO.lang.JSON, { version: "2.5.1", build: "984" }); YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete = function (h, c, e, b) { if (h && c && e) { if (e instanceof YAHOO.widget.DataSource) { this.dataSource = e; } else { return; } if (YAHOO.util.Dom.inDocument(h)) { if (YAHOO.lang.isString(h)) { this._sName = "instance" + YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete._nIndex + " " + h; this._elTextbox = document.getElementById(h); } else { this._sName = (h.id) ? "instance" + YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete._nIndex + " " + h.id : "instance" + YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete._nIndex; this._elTextbox = h; } YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(this._elTextbox, "yui-ac-input"); } else { return; } if (YAHOO.util.Dom.inDocument(c)) { if (YAHOO.lang.isString(c)) { this._elContainer = document.getElementById(c); } else { this._elContainer = c; } if (this._elContainer.style.display == "none") { } var a = this._elContainer.parentNode; var d = a.tagName.toLowerCase(); if (d == "div") { YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(a, "yui-ac"); } else { } } else { return; } if (b && (b.constructor == Object)) { for (var f in b) { if (f) { this[f] = b[f]; } } } this._initContainer(); this._initProps(); this._initList(); this._initContainerHelpers(); var g = this; var j = this._elTextbox; var k = this._elContent; YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(j, "keyup", g._onTextboxKeyUp, g); YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(j, "keydown", g._onTextboxKeyDown, g); YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(j, "focus", g._onTextboxFocus, g); YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(j, "blur", g._onTextboxBlur, g); YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(k, "mouseover", g._onContainerMouseover, g); YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(k, "mouseout", g._onContainerMouseout, g); YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(k, "scroll", g._onContainerScroll, g); YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(k, "resize", g._onContainerResize, g); YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(j, "keypress", g._onTextboxKeyPress, g); YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(window, "unload", g._onWindowUnload, g); this.textboxFocusEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("textboxFocus", this); this.textboxKeyEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("textboxKey", this); this.dataRequestEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("dataRequest", this); this.dataReturnEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("dataReturn", this); this.dataErrorEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("dataError", this); this.containerExpandEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("containerExpand", this); this.typeAheadEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("typeAhead", this); this.itemMouseOverEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("itemMouseOver", this); this.itemMouseOutEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("itemMouseOut", this); this.itemArrowToEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("itemArrowTo", this); this.itemArrowFromEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("itemArrowFrom", this); this.itemSelectEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("itemSelect", this); this.unmatchedItemSelectEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("unmatchedItemSelect", this); this.selectionEnforceEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("selectionEnforce", this); this.containerCollapseEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("containerCollapse", this); this.textboxBlurEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("textboxBlur", this); j.setAttribute("autocomplete", "off"); YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete._nIndex++; } else { } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.dataSource = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.minQueryLength = 1; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.maxResultsDisplayed = 10; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.queryDelay = 0.2; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.highlightClassName = "yui-ac-highlight"; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.prehighlightClassName = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.delimChar = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.autoHighlight = true; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.typeAhead = false; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.animHoriz = false; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.animVert = true; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.animSpeed = 0.3; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.forceSelection = false; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.allowBrowserAutocomplete = true; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.alwaysShowContainer = false; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.useIFrame = false; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.useShadow = false; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.toString = function () { return "AutoComplete " + this._sName; }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.isContainerOpen = function () { return this._bContainerOpen; }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.getListItems = function () { return this._aListItems; }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.getListItemData = function (a) { if (a._oResultData) { return a._oResultData; } else { return false; } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.setHeader = function (b) { if (this._elHeader) { var a = this._elHeader; if (b) { a.innerHTML = b; a.style.display = "block"; } else { a.innerHTML = ""; a.style.display = "none"; } } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.setFooter = function (b) { if (this._elFooter) { var a = this._elFooter; if (b) { a.innerHTML = b; a.style.display = "block"; } else { a.innerHTML = ""; a.style.display = "none"; } } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.setBody = function (a) { if (this._elBody) { var b = this._elBody; if (a) { b.innerHTML = a; b.style.display = "block"; b.style.display = "block"; } else { b.innerHTML = ""; b.style.display = "none"; } this._maxResultsDisplayed = 0; } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.formatResult = function (c, b) { var a = c[0]; if (a) { return a; } else { return ""; } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.doBeforeExpandContainer = function (b, a, c, d) { return true; }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.sendQuery = function (a) { this._sendQuery(a); }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.doBeforeSendQuery = function (a) { return a; }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.destroy = function () { var d = this.toString(); var a = this._elTextbox; var b = this._elContainer; this.textboxFocusEvent.unsubscribeAll(); this.textboxKeyEvent.unsubscribeAll(); this.dataRequestEvent.unsubscribeAll(); this.dataReturnEvent.unsubscribeAll(); this.dataErrorEvent.unsubscribeAll(); this.containerExpandEvent.unsubscribeAll(); this.typeAheadEvent.unsubscribeAll(); this.itemMouseOverEvent.unsubscribeAll(); this.itemMouseOutEvent.unsubscribeAll(); this.itemArrowToEvent.unsubscribeAll(); this.itemArrowFromEvent.unsubscribeAll(); this.itemSelectEvent.unsubscribeAll(); this.unmatchedItemSelectEvent.unsubscribeAll(); this.selectionEnforceEvent.unsubscribeAll(); this.containerCollapseEvent.unsubscribeAll(); this.textboxBlurEvent.unsubscribeAll(); YAHOO.util.Event.purgeElement(a, true); YAHOO.util.Event.purgeElement(b, true); b.innerHTML = ""; for (var c in this) { if (YAHOO.lang.hasOwnProperty(this, c)) { this[c] = null; } } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.textboxFocusEvent = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.textboxKeyEvent = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.dataRequestEvent = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.dataReturnEvent = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.dataErrorEvent = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.containerExpandEvent = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.typeAheadEvent = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.itemMouseOverEvent = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.itemMouseOutEvent = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.itemArrowToEvent = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.itemArrowFromEvent = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.itemSelectEvent = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.unmatchedItemSelectEvent = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.selectionEnforceEvent = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.containerCollapseEvent = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.textboxBlurEvent = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete._nIndex = 0; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._sName = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._elTextbox = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._elContainer = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._elContent = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._elHeader = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._elBody = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._elFooter = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._elShadow = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._elIFrame = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._bFocused = true; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._oAnim = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._bContainerOpen = false; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._bOverContainer = false; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._aListItems = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._nDisplayedItems = 0; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._maxResultsDisplayed = 0; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._sCurQuery = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._sSavedQuery = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._oCurItem = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._bItemSelected = false; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._nKeyCode = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._nDelayID = -1; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._iFrameSrc = "javascript:false;"; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._queryInterval = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._sLastTextboxValue = null; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._initProps = function () { var e = this.minQueryLength; if (!YAHOO.lang.isNumber(e)) { this.minQueryLength = 1; } var c = this.maxResultsDisplayed; if (!YAHOO.lang.isNumber(c) || (c < 1)) { this.maxResultsDisplayed = 10; } var b = this.queryDelay; if (!YAHOO.lang.isNumber(b) || (b < 0)) { this.queryDelay = 0.2; } var a = this.delimChar; if (YAHOO.lang.isString(a) && (a.length > 0)) { this.delimChar = [a]; } else { if (!YAHOO.lang.isArray(a)) { this.delimChar = null; } } var d = this.animSpeed; if ((this.animHoriz || this.animVert) && YAHOO.util.Anim) { if (!YAHOO.lang.isNumber(d) || (d < 0)) { this.animSpeed = 0.3; } if (!this._oAnim) { this._oAnim = new YAHOO.util.Anim(this._elContent, {}, this.animSpeed); } else { this._oAnim.duration = this.animSpeed; } } if (this.forceSelection && a) { } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._initContainerHelpers = function () { if (this.useShadow && !this._elShadow) { var a = document.createElement("div"); a.className = "yui-ac-shadow"; this._elShadow = this._elContainer.appendChild(a); } if (this.useIFrame && !this._elIFrame) { var b = document.createElement("iframe"); b.src = this._iFrameSrc; b.frameBorder = 0; b.scrolling = "no"; b.style.position = "absolute"; b.style.width = "100%"; b.style.height = "100%"; b.tabIndex = -1; this._elIFrame = this._elContainer.appendChild(b); } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._initContainer = function () { YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(this._elContainer, "yui-ac-container"); if (!this._elContent) { var c = document.createElement("div"); c.className = "yui-ac-content"; c.style.display = "none"; this._elContent = this._elContainer.appendChild(c); var d = document.createElement("div"); d.className = "yui-ac-hd"; d.style.display = "none"; this._elHeader = this._elContent.appendChild(d); var b = document.createElement("div"); b.className = "yui-ac-bd"; this._elBody = this._elContent.appendChild(b); var a = document.createElement("div"); a.className = "yui-ac-ft"; a.style.display = "none"; this._elFooter = this._elContent.appendChild(a); } else { } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._initList = function () { this._aListItems = []; while (this._elBody.hasChildNodes()) { var e = this.getListItems(); if (e) { for (var a = e.length - 1; a >= 0; a--) { e[a] = null; } } this._elBody.innerHTML = ""; } var b = document.createElement("ul"); b = this._elBody.appendChild(b); for (var d = 0; d < this.maxResultsDisplayed; d++) { var c = document.createElement("li"); c = b.appendChild(c); this._aListItems[d] = c; this._initListItem(c, d); } this._maxResultsDisplayed = this.maxResultsDisplayed; }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._initListItem = function (b, c) { var a = this; b.style.display = "none"; b._nItemIndex = c; b.mouseover = b.mouseout = b.onclick = null; YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(b, "mouseover", a._onItemMouseover, a); YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(b, "mouseout", a._onItemMouseout, a); YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(b, "click", a._onItemMouseclick, a); }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._onIMEDetected = function (a) { a._enableIntervalDetection(); }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._enableIntervalDetection = function () { var a = this._elTextbox.value; var b = this._sLastTextboxValue; if (a != b) { this._sLastTextboxValue = a; this._sendQuery(a); } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._cancelIntervalDetection = function (a) { if (a._queryInterval) { clearInterval(a._queryInterval); } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._isIgnoreKey = function (a) { if ((a == 9) || (a == 13) || (a == 16) || (a == 17) || (a >= 18 && a <= 20) || (a == 27) || (a >= 33 && a <= 35) || (a >= 36 && a <= 40) || (a >= 44 && a <= 45)) { return true; } return false; }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._sendQuery = function (b) { if (this.minQueryLength == -1) { this._toggleContainer(false); return; } var f = (this.delimChar) ? this.delimChar : null; if (f) { var d = -1; for (var g = f.length - 1; g >= 0; g--) { var c = b.lastIndexOf(f[g]); if (c > d) { d = c; } } if (f[g] == " ") { for (var a = f.length - 1; a >= 0; a--) { if (b[d - 1] == f[a]) { d--; break; } } } if (d > -1) { var e = d + 1; while (b.charAt(e) == " ") { e += 1; } this._sSavedQuery = b.substring(0, e); b = b.substr(e); } else { if (b.indexOf(this._sSavedQuery) < 0) { this._sSavedQuery = null; } } } if ((b && (b.length < this.minQueryLength)) || (!b && this.minQueryLength > 0)) { if (this._nDelayID != -1) { clearTimeout(this._nDelayID); } this._toggleContainer(false); return; } b = encodeURIComponent(b); this._nDelayID = -1; b = this.doBeforeSendQuery(b); this.dataRequestEvent.fire(this, b); this.dataSource.getResults(this._populateList, b, this); }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._populateList = function (j, h, l) { if (h === null) { l.dataErrorEvent.fire(l, j); } if (!l._bFocused || !h) { return; } var d = (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("opera") != -1); var e = l._elContent.style; e.width = (!d) ? null : ""; e.height = (!d) ? null : ""; var m = decodeURIComponent(j); l._sCurQuery = m; l._bItemSelected = false; if (l._maxResultsDisplayed != l.maxResultsDisplayed) { l._initList(); } var b = Math.min(h.length, l.maxResultsDisplayed); l._nDisplayedItems = b; if (b > 0) { l._initContainerHelpers(); var a = l._aListItems; for (var n = b - 1; n >= 0; n--) { var f = a[n]; var c = h[n]; f.innerHTML = l.formatResult(c, m); f.style.display = "list-item"; f._sResultKey = c[0]; f._oResultData = c; } for (var o = a.length - 1; o >= b; o--) { var g = a[o]; g.innerHTML = null; g.style.display = "none"; g._sResultKey = null; g._oResultData = null; } var k = l.doBeforeExpandContainer(l._elTextbox, l._elContainer, j, h); l._toggleContainer(k); if (l.autoHighlight) { var q = a[0]; l._toggleHighlight(q, "to"); l.itemArrowToEvent.fire(l, q); l._typeAhead(q, j); } else { l._oCurItem = null; } } else { l._toggleContainer(false); } l.dataReturnEvent.fire(l, j, h); }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._clearSelection = function () { var b = this._elTextbox.value; var c = (this.delimChar) ? this.delimChar[0] : null; var a = (c) ? b.lastIndexOf(c, b.length - 2) : -1; if (a > -1) { this._elTextbox.value = b.substring(0, a); } else { this._elTextbox.value = ""; } this._sSavedQuery = this._elTextbox.value; this.selectionEnforceEvent.fire(this); }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._textMatchesOption = function () { var b = null; for (var a = this._nDisplayedItems - 1; a >= 0; a--) { var c = this._aListItems[a]; var d = c._sResultKey.toLowerCase(); if (d == this._sCurQuery.toLowerCase()) { b = c; break; } } return (b); }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._typeAhead = function (e, b) { if (!this.typeAhead || (this._nKeyCode == 8)) { return; } var c = this._elTextbox; var d = this._elTextbox.value; if (!c.setSelectionRange && !c.createTextRange) { return; } var g = d.length; this._updateValue(e); var f = c.value.length; this._selectText(c, g, f); var a = c.value.substr(g, f); this.typeAheadEvent.fire(this, b, a); }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._selectText = function (b, a, d) { if (b.setSelectionRange) { b.setSelectionRange(a, d); } else { if (b.createTextRange) { var c = b.createTextRange(); c.moveStart("character", a); c.moveEnd("character", d - b.value.length); c.select(); } else { b.select(); } } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._toggleContainerHelpers = function (d) { var b = false; var c = this._elContent.offsetWidth + "px"; var a = this._elContent.offsetHeight + "px"; if (this.useIFrame && this._elIFrame) { b = true; if (d) { this._elIFrame.style.width = c; this._elIFrame.style.height = a; } else { this._elIFrame.style.width = 0; this._elIFrame.style.height = 0; } } if (this.useShadow && this._elShadow) { b = true; if (d) { this._elShadow.style.width = c; this._elShadow.style.height = a; } else { this._elShadow.style.width = 0; this._elShadow.style.height = 0; } } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._toggleContainer = function (f) { var m = this._elContainer; if (this.alwaysShowContainer && this._bContainerOpen) { return; } if (!f) { this._elContent.scrollTop = 0; var b = this._aListItems; if (b && (b.length > 0)) { for (var j = b.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { b[j].style.display = "none"; } } if (this._oCurItem) { this._toggleHighlight(this._oCurItem, "from"); } this._oCurItem = null; this._nDisplayedItems = 0; this._sCurQuery = null; } if (!f && !this._bContainerOpen) { this._elContent.style.display = "none"; return; } var c = this._oAnim; if (c && c.getEl() && (this.animHoriz || this.animVert)) { if (!f) { this._toggleContainerHelpers(f); } if (c.isAnimated()) { c.stop(); } var h = this._elContent.cloneNode(true); m.appendChild(h); h.style.top = "-9000px"; h.style.display = "block"; var k = h.offsetWidth; var a = h.offsetHeight; var d = (this.animHoriz) ? 0 : k; var l = (this.animVert) ? 0 : a; c.attributes = (f) ? { width: { to: k }, height: { to: a}} : { width: { to: d }, height: { to: l} }; if (f && !this._bContainerOpen) { this._elContent.style.width = d + "px"; this._elContent.style.height = l + "px"; } else { this._elContent.style.width = k + "px"; this._elContent.style.height = a + "px"; } m.removeChild(h); h = null; var g = this; var e = function () { c.onComplete.unsubscribeAll(); if (f) { g.containerExpandEvent.fire(g); } else { g._elContent.style.display = "none"; g.containerCollapseEvent.fire(g); } g._toggleContainerHelpers(f); }; this._elContent.style.display = "block"; c.onComplete.subscribe(e); c.animate(); this._bContainerOpen = f; } else { if (f) { this._elContent.style.display = "block"; this.containerExpandEvent.fire(this); } else { this._elContent.style.display = "none"; this.containerCollapseEvent.fire(this); } this._toggleContainerHelpers(f); this._bContainerOpen = f; } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._toggleHighlight = function (a, b) { var c = this.highlightClassName; if (this._oCurItem) { YAHOO.util.Dom.removeClass(this._oCurItem, c); } if ((b == "to") && c) { YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(a, c); this._oCurItem = a; } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._togglePrehighlight = function (a, b) { if (a == this._oCurItem) { return; } var c = this.prehighlightClassName; if ((b == "mouseover") && c) { YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(a, c); } else { YAHOO.util.Dom.removeClass(a, c); } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._updateValue = function (c) { var b = this._elTextbox; var d = (this.delimChar) ? (this.delimChar[0] || this.delimChar) : null; var f = this._sSavedQuery; var e = c._sResultKey; b.focus(); b.value = ""; if (d) { if (f) { b.value = f; } b.value += e + d; if (d != " ") { b.value += " "; } } else { b.value = e; } if (b.type == "textarea") { b.scrollTop = b.scrollHeight; } var a = b.value.length; this._selectText(b, a, a); this._oCurItem = c; }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._selectItem = function (a) { this._bItemSelected = true; this._updateValue(a); this._cancelIntervalDetection(this); this.itemSelectEvent.fire(this, a, a._oResultData); this._toggleContainer(false); }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._jumpSelection = function () { if (this._oCurItem) { this._selectItem(this._oCurItem); } else { this._toggleContainer(false); } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._moveSelection = function (b) { if (this._bContainerOpen) { var d = this._oCurItem; var c = -1; if (d) { c = d._nItemIndex; } var e = (b == 40) ? (c + 1) : (c - 1); if (e < -2 || e >= this._nDisplayedItems) { return; } if (d) { this._toggleHighlight(d, "from"); this.itemArrowFromEvent.fire(this, d); } if (e == -1) { if (this.delimChar && this._sSavedQuery) { if (!this._textMatchesOption()) { this._elTextbox.value = this._sSavedQuery; } else { this._elTextbox.value = this._sSavedQuery + this._sCurQuery; } } else { this._elTextbox.value = this._sCurQuery; } this._oCurItem = null; return; } if (e == -2) { this._toggleContainer(false); return; } var f = this._aListItems[e]; var a = this._elContent; var g = ((YAHOO.util.Dom.getStyle(a, "overflow") == "auto") || (YAHOO.util.Dom.getStyle(a, "overflowY") == "auto")); if (g && (e > -1) && (e < this._nDisplayedItems)) { if (b == 40) { if ((f.offsetTop + f.offsetHeight) > (a.scrollTop + a.offsetHeight)) { a.scrollTop = (f.offsetTop + f.offsetHeight) - a.offsetHeight; } else { if ((f.offsetTop + f.offsetHeight) < a.scrollTop) { a.scrollTop = f.offsetTop; } } } else { if (f.offsetTop < a.scrollTop) { this._elContent.scrollTop = f.offsetTop; } else { if (f.offsetTop > (a.scrollTop + a.offsetHeight)) { this._elContent.scrollTop = (f.offsetTop + f.offsetHeight) - a.offsetHeight; } } } } this._toggleHighlight(f, "to"); this.itemArrowToEvent.fire(this, f); if (this.typeAhead) { this._updateValue(f); } } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._onItemMouseover = function (a, b) { if (b.prehighlightClassName) { b._togglePrehighlight(this, "mouseover"); } else { b._toggleHighlight(this, "to"); } b.itemMouseOverEvent.fire(b, this); }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._onItemMouseout = function (a, b) { if (b.prehighlightClassName) { b._togglePrehighlight(this, "mouseout"); } else { b._toggleHighlight(this, "from"); } b.itemMouseOutEvent.fire(b, this); }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._onItemMouseclick = function (a, b) { b._toggleHighlight(this, "to"); b._selectItem(this); }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._onContainerMouseover = function (a, b) { b._bOverContainer = true; }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._onContainerMouseout = function (a, b) { b._bOverContainer = false; if (b._oCurItem) { b._toggleHighlight(b._oCurItem, "to"); } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._onContainerScroll = function (a, b) { b._elTextbox.focus(); }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._onContainerResize = function (a, b) { b._toggleContainerHelpers(b._bContainerOpen); }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._onTextboxKeyDown = function (a, c) { var b = a.keyCode; switch (b) { case 9: if (c._oCurItem) { if (c.delimChar && (c._nKeyCode != b)) { if (c._bContainerOpen) { YAHOO.util.Event.stopEvent(a); } } c._selectItem(c._oCurItem); } else { c._toggleContainer(false); } break; case 13: if (!YAHOO.env.ua.webkit) { if (c._oCurItem) { if (c._nKeyCode != b) { if (c._bContainerOpen) { YAHOO.util.Event.stopEvent(a); } } c._selectItem(c._oCurItem); } else { c._toggleContainer(false); } } break; case 27: c._toggleContainer(false); return; case 39: c._jumpSelection(); break; case 38: YAHOO.util.Event.stopEvent(a); c._moveSelection(b); break; case 40: YAHOO.util.Event.stopEvent(a); c._moveSelection(b); break; default: break; } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._onTextboxKeyPress = function (a, c) { var b = a.keyCode; if (YAHOO.env.ua.webkit) { switch (b) { case 9: if (c._oCurItem) { if (c.delimChar && (c._nKeyCode != b)) { YAHOO.util.Event.stopEvent(a); } } break; case 13: if (c._oCurItem) { if (c._nKeyCode != b) { if (c._bContainerOpen) { YAHOO.util.Event.stopEvent(a); } } c._selectItem(c._oCurItem); } else { c._toggleContainer(false); } break; default: break; } } else { if (b == 229) { c._queryInterval = setInterval(function () { c._onIMEDetected(c); }, 500); } } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._onTextboxKeyUp = function (e, c) { c._initProps(); var b = e.keyCode; c._nKeyCode = b; var d = this.value; if (c._isIgnoreKey(b) || (d.toLowerCase() == c._sCurQuery)) { return; } else { c._bItemSelected = false; YAHOO.util.Dom.removeClass(c._oCurItem, c.highlightClassName); c._oCurItem = null; c.textboxKeyEvent.fire(c, b); } if (c.queryDelay > 0) { var a = setTimeout(function () { c._sendQuery(d); }, (c.queryDelay * 1000)); if (c._nDelayID != -1) { clearTimeout(c._nDelayID); } c._nDelayID = a; } else { c._sendQuery(d); } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._onTextboxFocus = function (a, b) { b._elTextbox.setAttribute("autocomplete", "off"); b._bFocused = true; if (!b._bItemSelected) { b.textboxFocusEvent.fire(b); } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._onTextboxBlur = function (a, c) { if (!c._bOverContainer || (c._nKeyCode == 9)) { if (!c._bItemSelected) { var b = c._textMatchesOption(); if (!c._bContainerOpen || (c._bContainerOpen && (b === null))) { if (c.forceSelection) { c._clearSelection(); } else { c.unmatchedItemSelectEvent.fire(c); } } else { if (c.forceSelection) { c._selectItem(b); } } } if (c._bContainerOpen) { c._toggleContainer(false); } c._cancelIntervalDetection(c); c._bFocused = false; c.textboxBlurEvent.fire(c); } }; YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._onWindowUnload = function (a, b) { if (b && b._elTextbox && b.allowBrowserAutocomplete) { b._elTextbox.setAttribute("autocomplete", "on"); } }; YAHOO.widget.DataSource = function () { }; YAHOO.widget.DataSource.ERROR_DATANULL = "Response data was null"; YAHOO.widget.DataSource.ERROR_DATAPARSE = "Response data could not be parsed"; YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype.maxCacheEntries = 15; YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype.queryMatchContains = false; YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype.queryMatchSubset = false; YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype.queryMatchCase = false; YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype.toString = function () { return "DataSource " + this._sName; }; YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype.getResults = function (a, b, d) { var c = this._doQueryCache(a, b, d); if (c.length === 0) { this.queryEvent.fire(this, d, b); this.doQuery(a, b, d); } }; YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype.doQuery = function (a, b, c) { }; YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype.flushCache = function () { if (this._aCache) { this._aCache = []; } if (this._aCacheHelper) { this._aCacheHelper = []; } this.cacheFlushEvent.fire(this); }; YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype.queryEvent = null; YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype.cacheQueryEvent = null; YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype.getResultsEvent = null; YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype.getCachedResultsEvent = null; YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype.dataErrorEvent = null; YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype.cacheFlushEvent = null; YAHOO.widget.DataSource._nIndex = 0; YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype._sName = null; YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype._aCache = null; YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype._init = function () { var a = this.maxCacheEntries; if (!YAHOO.lang.isNumber(a) || (a < 0)) { a = 0; } if (a > 0 && !this._aCache) { this._aCache = []; } this._sName = "instance" + YAHOO.widget.DataSource._nIndex; YAHOO.widget.DataSource._nIndex++; this.queryEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("query", this); this.cacheQueryEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("cacheQuery", this); this.getResultsEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("getResults", this); this.getCachedResultsEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("getCachedResults", this); this.dataErrorEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("dataError", this); this.cacheFlushEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("cacheFlush", this); }; YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype._addCacheElem = function (b) { var a = this._aCache; if (!a || !b || !b.query || !b.results) { return; } if (a.length >= this.maxCacheEntries) { a.shift(); } a.push(b); }; YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype._doQueryCache = function (t, k, e) { var l = []; var m = false; var j = this._aCache; var n = (j) ? j.length : 0; var h = this.queryMatchContains; var q; if ((this.maxCacheEntries > 0) && j && (n > 0)) { this.cacheQueryEvent.fire(this, e, k); if (!this.queryMatchCase) { q = k; k = k.toLowerCase(); } for (var c = n - 1; c >= 0; c--) { var o = j[c]; var s = o.results; var r = (!this.queryMatchCase) ? encodeURIComponent(o.query).toLowerCase() : encodeURIComponent(o.query); if (r == k) { m = true; l = s; if (c != n - 1) { j.splice(c, 1); this._addCacheElem(o); } break; } else { if (this.queryMatchSubset) { for (var d = k.length - 1; d >= 0; d--) { var a = k.substr(0, d); if (r == a) { m = true; for (var f = s.length - 1; f >= 0; f--) { var b = s[f]; var g = (this.queryMatchCase) ? encodeURIComponent(b[0]).indexOf(k) : encodeURIComponent(b[0]).toLowerCase().indexOf(k); if ((!h && (g === 0)) || (h && (g > -1))) { l.unshift(b); } } o = {}; o.query = k; o.results = l; this._addCacheElem(o); break; } } if (m) { break; } } } } if (m) { this.getCachedResultsEvent.fire(this, e, q, l); t(q, l, e); } } return l; }; YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR = function (c, a, b) { if (b && (b.constructor == Object)) { for (var d in b) { this[d] = b[d]; } } if (!YAHOO.lang.isArray(a) || !YAHOO.lang.isString(c)) { return; } this.schema = a; this.scriptURI = c; this._init(); }; YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.prototype = new YAHOO.widget.DataSource(); YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.TYPE_JSON = 0; YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.TYPE_XML = 1; YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.TYPE_FLAT = 2; YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.ERROR_DATAXHR = "XHR response failed"; YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.prototype.connMgr = YAHOO.util.Connect; YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.prototype.connTimeout = 0; YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.prototype.scriptURI = null; YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.prototype.scriptQueryParam = "query"; YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.prototype.scriptQueryAppend = ""; YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.prototype.responseType = YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.TYPE_JSON; YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.prototype.responseStripAfter = "\n 0) { a += "&" + this.scriptQueryAppend; } var b = null; var j = this; var f = function (m) { if (!j._oConn || (m.tId != j._oConn.tId)) { j.dataErrorEvent.fire(j, c, h, YAHOO.widget.DataSource.ERROR_DATANULL); return; } for (var n in m) { } if (!e) { m = m.responseText; } else { m = m.responseXML; } if (m === null) { j.dataErrorEvent.fire(j, c, h, YAHOO.widget.DataSource.ERROR_DATANULL); return; } var o = j.parseResponse(h, m, c); var l = {}; l.query = decodeURIComponent(h); l.results = o; if (o === null) { j.dataErrorEvent.fire(j, c, h, YAHOO.widget.DataSource.ERROR_DATAPARSE); o = []; } else { j.getResultsEvent.fire(j, c, h, o); j._addCacheElem(l); } k(h, o, c); }; var d = function (l) { j.dataErrorEvent.fire(j, c, h, YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.ERROR_DATAXHR); return; }; var g = { success: f, failure: d }; if (YAHOO.lang.isNumber(this.connTimeout) && (this.connTimeout > 0)) { g.timeout = this.connTimeout; } if (this._oConn) { this.connMgr.abort(this._oConn); } j._oConn = this.connMgr.asyncRequest("GET", a, g, null); }; YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.prototype.parseResponse = function (sQuery, oResponse, oParent) { var aSchema = this.schema; var aResults = []; var bError = false; var nEnd = ((this.responseStripAfter !== "") && (oResponse.indexOf)) ? oResponse.indexOf(this.responseStripAfter) : -1; if (nEnd != -1) { oResponse = oResponse.substring(0, nEnd); } switch (this.responseType) { case YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.TYPE_JSON: var jsonList, jsonObjParsed; if (YAHOO.lang.JSON) { jsonObjParsed = YAHOO.lang.JSON.parse(oResponse); if (!jsonObjParsed) { bError = true; break; } else { try { jsonList = eval("jsonObjParsed." + aSchema[0]); } catch (e) { bError = true; break; } } } else { if (oResponse.parseJSON) { jsonObjParsed = oResponse.parseJSON(); if (!jsonObjParsed) { bError = true; } else { try { jsonList = eval("jsonObjParsed." + aSchema[0]); } catch (e) { bError = true; break; } } } else { if (window.JSON) { jsonObjParsed = JSON.parse(oResponse); if (!jsonObjParsed) { bError = true; break; } else { try { jsonList = eval("jsonObjParsed." + aSchema[0]); } catch (e) { bError = true; break; } } } else { try { while (oResponse.substring(0, 1) == " ") { oResponse = oResponse.substring(1, oResponse.length); } if (oResponse.indexOf("{") < 0) { bError = true; break; } if (oResponse.indexOf("{}") === 0) { break; } var jsonObjRaw = eval("(" + oResponse + ")"); if (!jsonObjRaw) { bError = true; break; } jsonList = eval("(jsonObjRaw." + aSchema[0] + ")"); } catch (e) { bError = true; break; } } } } if (!jsonList) { bError = true; break; } if (!YAHOO.lang.isArray(jsonList)) { jsonList = [jsonList]; } for (var i = jsonList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var aResultItem = []; var jsonResult = jsonList[i]; for (var j = aSchema.length - 1; j >= 1; j--) { var dataFieldValue = jsonResult[aSchema[j]]; if (!dataFieldValue) { dataFieldValue = ""; } aResultItem.unshift(dataFieldValue); } if (aResultItem.length == 1) { aResultItem.push(jsonResult); } aResults.unshift(aResultItem); } break; case YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.TYPE_XML: var xmlList = oResponse.getElementsByTagName(aSchema[0]); if (!xmlList) { bError = true; break; } for (var k = xmlList.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) { var result = xmlList.item(k); var aFieldSet = []; for (var m = aSchema.length - 1; m >= 1; m--) { var sValue = null; var xmlAttr = result.attributes.getNamedItem(aSchema[m]); if (xmlAttr) { sValue = xmlAttr.value; } else { var xmlNode = result.getElementsByTagName(aSchema[m]); if (xmlNode && xmlNode.item(0) && xmlNode.item(0).firstChild) { sValue = xmlNode.item(0).firstChild.nodeValue; } else { sValue = ""; } } aFieldSet.unshift(sValue); } aResults.unshift(aFieldSet); } break; case YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.TYPE_FLAT: if (oResponse.length > 0) { var newLength = oResponse.length - aSchema[0].length; if (oResponse.substr(newLength) == aSchema[0]) { oResponse = oResponse.substr(0, newLength); } var aRecords = oResponse.split(aSchema[0]); for (var n = aRecords.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) { aResults[n] = aRecords[n].split(aSchema[1]); } } break; default: break; } sQuery = null; oResponse = null; oParent = null; if (bError) { return null; } else { return aResults; } }; YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.prototype._oConn = null; YAHOO.widget.DS_ScriptNode = function (b, a, c) { if (c && (c.constructor == Object)) { for (var d in c) { this[d] = c[d]; } } if (!YAHOO.lang.isArray(a) || !YAHOO.lang.isString(b)) { return; } this.schema = a; this.scriptURI = b; this._init(); }; YAHOO.widget.DS_ScriptNode.prototype = new YAHOO.widget.DataSource(); YAHOO.widget.DS_ScriptNode.prototype.getUtility = YAHOO.util.Get; YAHOO.widget.DS_ScriptNode.prototype.scriptURI = null; YAHOO.widget.DS_ScriptNode.prototype.scriptQueryParam = "query"; YAHOO.widget.DS_ScriptNode.prototype.asyncMode = "allowAll"; YAHOO.widget.DS_ScriptNode.prototype.scriptCallbackParam = "callback"; YAHOO.widget.DS_ScriptNode.callbacks = []; YAHOO.widget.DS_ScriptNode._nId = 0; YAHOO.widget.DS_ScriptNode._nPending = 0; YAHOO.widget.DS_ScriptNode.prototype.doQuery = function (a, b, e) { var f = this; if (YAHOO.widget.DS_ScriptNode._nPending === 0) { YAHOO.widget.DS_ScriptNode.callbacks = []; YAHOO.widget.DS_ScriptNode._nId = 0; } var c = YAHOO.widget.DS_ScriptNode._nId; YAHOO.widget.DS_ScriptNode._nId++; YAHOO.widget.DS_ScriptNode.callbacks[c] = function (g) { if ((f.asyncMode !== "ignoreStaleResponses") || (c === YAHOO.widget.DS_ScriptNode.callbacks.length - 1)) { f.handleResponse(g, a, b, e); } else { } delete YAHOO.widget.DS_ScriptNode.callbacks[c]; }; YAHOO.widget.DS_ScriptNode._nPending++; var d = this.scriptURI + "&" + this.scriptQueryParam + "=" + b + "&" + this.scriptCallbackParam + "=YAHOO.widget.DS_ScriptNode.callbacks[" + c + "]"; this.getUtility.script(d, { autopurge: true, onsuccess: YAHOO.widget.DS_ScriptNode._bumpPendingDown, onfail: YAHOO.widget.DS_ScriptNode._bumpPendingDown }); }; YAHOO.widget.DS_ScriptNode.prototype.handleResponse = function (oResponse, oCallbackFn, sQuery, oParent) { var aSchema = this.schema; var aResults = []; var bError = false; var jsonList, jsonObjParsed; try { jsonList = eval("(oResponse." + aSchema[0] + ")"); } catch (e) { bError = true; } if (!jsonList) { bError = true; jsonList = []; } else { if (!YAHOO.lang.isArray(jsonList)) { jsonList = [jsonList]; } } for (var i = jsonList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var aResultItem = []; var jsonResult = jsonList[i]; for (var j = aSchema.length - 1; j >= 1; j--) { var dataFieldValue = jsonResult[aSchema[j]]; if (!dataFieldValue) { dataFieldValue = ""; } aResultItem.unshift(dataFieldValue); } if (aResultItem.length == 1) { aResultItem.push(jsonResult); } aResults.unshift(aResultItem); } if (bError) { aResults = null; } if (aResults === null) { this.dataErrorEvent.fire(this, oParent, sQuery, YAHOO.widget.DataSource.ERROR_DATAPARSE); aResults = []; } else { var resultObj = {}; resultObj.query = decodeURIComponent(sQuery); resultObj.results = aResults; this._addCacheElem(resultObj); this.getResultsEvent.fire(this, oParent, sQuery, aResults); } oCallbackFn(sQuery, aResults, oParent); }; YAHOO.widget.DS_ScriptNode._bumpPendingDown = function () { YAHOO.widget.DS_ScriptNode._nPending--; }; YAHOO.widget.DS_JSFunction = function (a, b) { if (b && (b.constructor == Object)) { for (var c in b) { this[c] = b[c]; } } if (!YAHOO.lang.isFunction(a)) { return; } else { this.dataFunction = a; this._init(); } }; YAHOO.widget.DS_JSFunction.prototype = new YAHOO.widget.DataSource(); YAHOO.widget.DS_JSFunction.prototype.dataFunction = null; YAHOO.widget.DS_JSFunction.prototype.doQuery = function (e, b, d) { var f = this.dataFunction; var c = []; c = f(b); if (c === null) { this.dataErrorEvent.fire(this, d, b, YAHOO.widget.DataSource.ERROR_DATANULL); return; } var a = {}; a.query = decodeURIComponent(b); a.results = c; this._addCacheElem(a); this.getResultsEvent.fire(this, d, b, c); e(b, c, d); return; }; YAHOO.widget.DS_JSArray = function (a, b) { if (b && (b.constructor == Object)) { for (var c in b) { this[c] = b[c]; } } if (!YAHOO.lang.isArray(a)) { return; } else { this.data = a; this._init(); } }; YAHOO.widget.DS_JSArray.prototype = new YAHOO.widget.DataSource(); YAHOO.widget.DS_JSArray.prototype.data = null; YAHOO.widget.DS_JSArray.prototype.doQuery = function (k, f, d) { var j; var b = this.data; var e = []; var a = false; var c = this.queryMatchContains; if (f) { if (!this.queryMatchCase) { f = f.toLowerCase(); } for (j = b.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { var g = []; if (YAHOO.lang.isString(b[j])) { g[0] = b[j]; } else { if (YAHOO.lang.isArray(b[j])) { g = b[j]; } } if (YAHOO.lang.isString(g[0])) { var h = (this.queryMatchCase) ? encodeURIComponent(g[0]).indexOf(f) : encodeURIComponent(g[0]).toLowerCase().indexOf(f); if ((!c && (h === 0)) || (c && (h > -1))) { e.unshift(g); } } } } else { for (j = b.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (YAHOO.lang.isString(b[j])) { e.unshift([b[j]]); } else { if (YAHOO.lang.isArray(b[j])) { e.unshift(b[j]); } } } } this.getResultsEvent.fire(this, d, f, e); k(f, e, d); }; YAHOO.register("autocomplete", YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete, { version: "2.5.1", build: "984" }); function fixToolTips() { } function init() { var a = function () { var b = jQuery(this); if (b.val() == "") { b.val(b.attr("fieldhint")); } }; jQuery("[fieldhint]").bind("focus", function () { var b = jQuery(this); if (b.val() == b.attr("fieldhint")) { b.val(""); } }).bind("blur", a).each(a); } jQuery(document).ready(init);
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